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Remembering Hippiestock!

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As Quinn has suggested with her posting of Strengthening the SL Community (revisited), reminding ourselves of pleasant times can help to draw us back together in this new incarnation.  While the SL forum was offline, a wonderful, complimentary article was published in The Alphaville Herald.  In a couple of long threads after the event, one featuring  tireless efforts at getting more (and MORE) avatars into a giant photo, there was such good feeling and will coming from that event.  It was great to see it reflected in this article.

Prokofy may not have liked it, but so many others who attended enjoyed themselves.

/me gives a shoutout to Hippiestock!! 

(imagine multiple dancing emoticons here)

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This was a post made by Sigmund Leominster taken from the SLO forum. I want to thank him for taking the time to stop by there and he explained a few things about the article he wrote about HippieStock in the Alphaville Herald.
Sorry to be late to the party but I wasn't aware of this discussion until a few minutes ago. Real life has been a little busy so I haven't been monitoring SL.

Well, what a palaver! I never imagined that a few words in the "Herald" could stir up such a proverbial hornet's nest. Nor did I suspect that an individual would want to attack me personally with so much venom that it actually proves the point I was trying to make in the piece; namely that we are all prone to behave as individuals "who can one week be spitting venom and bringing down curses on fellow human beings but the next enjoying a pixilated love-in."

Although I quoted some folks - and I thank them for it - I also failed to quote others. To a certain extent, I was wary of quoting anyone because one of the things Hippie had told me early on was that this was a "community event" and as such, I wanted to avoid singling people out. Clearly it sounds as if Suspiria played a vital role in the event along with other people who I may not have mentioned.

So as to any claim that I in some way censored mention of Suspiria, I have to say that nothing could be further from the truth. My not mentioning her was no more significant than my not mentioning any other folks who were part of the community and who helped make the event what it was.

I am relatively new to the "Forum" community and quite frankly don't know who is who. To me, Suspiria is just another person who posts comments and if she is someone special who I am supposed to "know" about, sadly I don't! The article was not supposed to be about personalities but it was a vehicle for talking about the dual personalities we all can be in relation to our RL and virtual personas. It doesn't take an analyst to recognize that the moods and attitudes of some people in the virtual sphere (and I include forums and blogs in this, not just virtual words) can be very much at odds with their "real" selves. For those who are interested, a new book by Elias Aboujaode called "Virtually You" talks a lot more about this duality - something that clearly I didn't get across to some folks in my short piece.

I don't want to prolong the discussion but thought I should at least offer some truth in regard to my motivation and perspective - and I am ultimately the only one who can do that! There was no plot to ignore Suspiria and I am sorry she feels so bad about that. All I can say is that others were similarly unmentioned and they, too, were not the victim of some conspiracy. And the comment that "...the two insults that he referenced from the forum were not just coincedentally insults that were hurled at Suspiria" is also wrong - it was, indeed, coincidence! I actually picked those because they seemed to be hyperbolic enough to represent a verbal extreme. NOT because they were aimed at someone in particular.

Given a topic, a time limit, and a word limit, anyone who is writing anything is faced with the challenge of not only deciding what to say, but also what NOT to say. Sometimes - and this is a good example - the "what not to say" gets heard by some as if it were a "hidden message." However, there has been a lot of reading-between-the-lines of my article that has resulted in some speculative suppositions about my intentions. And assuming that I am in some way attacking Suspiria because I didn't mention here is bordering on paranoia. I didn't mention Prok but somehow she also appeared to "know" what I was thinking!

You are, of course, free to assume I am simply lying and that there is some conspiracy going on; that I wilfully omitted Suspiria for some wicked reason - but as I said, in truth, I honestly don't know her enough to even imagine why I might do that! You're also free to dislike my writing style, my thesis, heck, even my avatar - and I can't do much about that. However, all I do ask is that you at least consider that I might be telling the truth and that I have nothing against anyone who was not mentioned in my article, and that the purpose of the piece was to show how it IS possible for people to actually care about their fellow humans and engage in a community activity, regardless of all the other times when they have been less than charitable. Like many of us, I am tragically cynical and given to thinking the worst of people. But Hippiestock was a brief flicker of happiness in a jaded world

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
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Raul Rehnquist wrote:

This was a post made by
 taken from the
. I want to thank him for taking the time to stop by there and he explained a few things about the article he wrote about HippieStock in the Alphaville Herald.
To me, Suspiria is just another person who posts comments and if she is someone special who I am supposed to "know" about, sadly I don't! ..... All I can say is that others were similarly unmentioned and they, too, were not the victim of some conspiracy. And the comment that "...the two insults that he referenced from the forum were not just coincedentally insults that were hurled at Suspiria" is also wrong - it was, indeed, coincidence! I actually picked those because they seemed to be hyperbolic enough to represent a verbal extreme. NOT because they were aimed at someone in particular.

<snips>....there has been a lot of reading-between-the-lines of my article that has resulted in some speculative suppositions about my intentions. And assuming that I am in some way attacking Suspiria because I didn't mention here is bordering on paranoia. I didn't mention Prok but somehow she also appeared to "know" what I was thinking!

<snips>  However, all I do ask is that you at least consider that I might be telling the truth and that I have nothing against anyone who was not mentioned in my article, and that the purpose of the piece was to show how it IS possible for people to actually care about their fellow humans and engage in a community activity, regardless of all the other times when they have been less than charitable. Like many of us, I am tragically cynical and given to thinking the worst of people. But Hippiestock was a brief flicker of happiness in a jaded world

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.


+200 kudos to Sigmund

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