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Record of log in

Steve Oval

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I stronly suspect an ex-partner has used my log in details to log into my account and sabotage my inventory. Is there a record of my log in times kept by SL and if so how do I access them. This happened over night so if "I" logged in when I was asleep that would pretty much explain what has happened. 

While I realise there is probably nothing I can do about it, it would be nice to know that that is what has actually happened and would spare me from trying to find answers and solutions elsewhere.

If it is at all importand my password was given to her so she could work on my avi. 

The warning everyone should take from this is Change your Password when you end a relationship if you have given your partner your password and remember that you have.

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The better advice is to NEVER share your password EVER with someone else that you don't trust 200%. Since 200% in terms of Trust is an imaginary number that equates to NEVER period.

You do not have any ability to request or retrieve the login log to your account from another PC. If you look at your Transaction History you might get an idea of the use of your account to give away or receive inventory items and or purchases.

I wouldn't mention to Linden Lab support that you shared an account. It's kind of against strongly advised against in the TOS. While they know this happens, admitting to it can illicit an unsympathetic response from LL if you happen upon an aggressive support employee.

EDITED: Proper TOS reference correction [Thank You Perrie]


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To be clear the relevant section of the TOS does not forbid the sharing of your password or allowing someone else to access your account.  What it does is strongly caution against it and states you are responsible for any activity that happens with your account.

So contacting support will do you no good.  All you can do is change your password and learn from this.

4.2 You agree to use an Account Name for the Service that is not misleading, offensive or infringing. You are responsible for activities related to your Account Name, and for keeping your password for your Account(s) secure.

You are solely responsible for all activities conducted through your Account whether or not you authorize the activity (except to the extent that activities occur because someone gains access to our system without using your identifiers and password). In the event that fraud, illegality or other conduct that violates this Agreement is discovered or reported (whether by you or someone else) that is connected with your Account, we may terminate your Account (or Accounts) as described in Section 5.

You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and for restricting access to your Internet Device. You are solely responsible for any harm resulting from your disclosure, or authorization of the disclosure, of your password or from any person's use of your password to gain access to your Account or Account Name. You will immediately notify us of any unauthorized use of your Account, password or username, or any other breach of security related to the Service. At no time should you respond to an online request for a password other than in connection with the log-on process to the Service. Your disclosure of your password to any other person is at your own risk. (my emphasis)


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Yes all of the above is obvious. All I wanted to know was if I could gain access to the log in details of my account and in a menu driven context rather than a request from LL help dept.

On a more philosophical not those who do not love do not get hurt and those who do not trust do not get burned. I elect to do both in full knowledge of the risks involved and it's my own stupid fault for forgetting that I had given her my password and not realising that anyone could be such a vindictive low life scum.

Think I'll just forget about SL for a very long time. Cheers all

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Steve Oval wrote:

On a more philosophical note, those who do not love do not get hurt and those who do not trust do not get burned. I elect to do both in full knowledge of the risks involved and it's my own stupid fault for forgetting that I had given her my password and not realising that anyone could be such a vindictive low life scum.

Think I'll just forget about SL for a very long time. Cheers all

Steve you learned a valuable lesson is all that has happened. You don't have to leave SL because of it.

Do understand that all those in-person cues we take for granted are not available here in SecondLife. Eye contact, facial expressions, body language, vocal inflections are all missing which makes it harder to verify our decision to extend a level of  trust to someone. With the absence of these tell-tales it is too easy to substitute our expectations for the missing cues without thinking.

Choose to love. Choose to Trust. But remember while there is another person on the other side of these avatars, you really don't get to know them as quickly as we can real life. Trust and Verify is a reality in our digital world.

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I would say never give your password to anyone.  Still, there may be a time you want your partners help with something and give them your password, you should immediately change it once they are finished, even if you trust them 500%.  A partner that is mature and really cares about you won't demand to have your password to access your account anytime.  If they do, that would raise a huge red flag with me and I'd RUN the other direction. 

You should also change your password frequently and use one that is eight letters long and  a combo of numbers, letters, symbols and upper and lower case.  Never repeat a password once you have used it.

As you have experienced  relationships can go south and the ex is immature enough to want to 'get back' at you.  I've seen this happen numerous times.  Including times when one partner thought everything was ok and there was no danger.  Their partner cleaned them out unexpectedly then left an message they were dumping them.

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On a practical note, your chat log (if you have one) might help you work out if and when someone else logged on. I'm not sure if all viewers save one by default, but if yours does, it'll be called chat.txt and stored somewhere like:


C:\users\<PC account name>\AppData\Roaming\<viewer name>\<username>

(For a Windows system, at least; I've no idea for any other OS)


Even if the perpetrator logged in somewhere empty and didn't say anything, it might have logged 'friends online' announcements, start-up chat from attachments, or declined group announcements. All the usual spam you see at log-in.



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Steve Oval wrote:

Thanks Kelli May.

That's exactly the type of help I was looking for. 

Really, I am not looking for relationship advice. I would just like to know exactly what happened.

You may never be 100% sure of what happened. It could also be (depending on the issues you are having) that there is just a technical issue and nobody has touched your account at all. But changing your passwort can't be wrong in any case.

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Kelli May wrote:

On a practical note, your chat log (if you have one) might help you work out if and when someone else logged on. I'm not sure if all viewers save one by default, but if yours does, it'll be called chat.txt and stored somewhere like:

C:\users\<PC account name>\AppData\Roaming\<viewer name>\<username>

(For a Windows system, at least; I've no idea for any other OS)

Even if the perpetrator logged in somewhere empty and didn't say anything, it might have logged 'friends online' announcements, start-up chat from attachments, or declined group announcements. All the usual spam you see at log-in.

The chat logs on your own PC will only have activity in it from your own SL sessions.  There won't be any chat log data from your ex-partner's sessions on thier PC using your account. There is no "Last Login" message posted using the SL Viewer to find. All you wil see is your activity.

When someone logs in as your account on another PC, what happens is they will receive any queued messages waiting for you on thier local PC and they will be logged in thier Chat Log. If they allow non-MarketPlace inventory deliveries to be received then your Inventory as stored on the LL Asset Servers will reflect these items [e.g. Objects, NC's, Textures, etc.]


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