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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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Good morning dear Hippie and all! Yes, hump day, two more to go before a 4 days weekend, wooot! 8th of May is a holiday in France celebrating the end of WWII.

Lots of love from Ajja and me. Such a little time together each evening but how precious these moments are! :smileyhappy:


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valerie Inshan wrote:

Good morning dear Hippie and all! Yes, hump day, two more to go before a 4 days weekend, wooot! 8th of May is a holiday in France celebrating the end of WWII.

Lots of love from Ajja and me. Such a little time together each evening but how precious these moments are! :smileyhappy:


Oh good morning Val!  Such a nice picture and nice couple!  Hugs and love to both of you!



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Lia Abbot wrote:

Hiya sweetie! The presidential election? Cool.

We don't have them in England for some reason. We just wake up every mporning and ask 'Who's the Boss?" and the answer comes 'The Queen.'


LOL Lia!  That picture made me smile!  Thank you!



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From what I understand reading about the debate yesterday (was it yesterday?) the two of them might have finished each other off by sunday... They don't sound as if they get along very well. :D Perhaps there won't be an election? Then you might have to have that thing in Lia's picture as a queen. ;P

Give my best to Ajja! 

ETA: Sorry, Lia, for mis-spelling your name... I quickly corrected it. :)

- Luc -

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Uh-oh! What did I start... :o

I didn't mean that Lia should be queen. I meant the can in the picture she posted. Unless she *wants* to be queen... (I don't think that's the case, though).

And now I'm going to stop posting about this so I don't make an even bigger mess... :)

- Luc -

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