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I just don't get this merchant (Bad customer service story)

Zanzawolf Cosmos

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Well not sure why I didn't post about this until now. I guess it was coming across someone who had a similar situation happen to them and also seeing another get treat just fine for the same type of actions.

EDIT: TLDR Version: Merchant providing poor customer service and retiliating in a childish manner due to minor criticism.


Pretty much this is the story about one of the bigger merchants amongst the kids' community. Had two experiences with them, one that was a bit my fault for being away from the game so long but the more recent one is more on their side.

So anyways, my first experience with this merchant's poor customer service skills was from an item that I accidentally declined on its arrival. The item came just a split second after I decline one of those annoying "join our group" notices. So quickly decided to IM the merchant and see if they could resend the item. I was told to find the ID number for its delivery and post it back to them. Now at the time I didn't know about all about the product ID number and where to actually find it. I had been away from this game for a few years. Quite a bit of stuff had changed since I played back in the early 2000s, XStreet to Marketplace, etc. So asked them for direction on where to go to get this info which I was met with being called a noob and various other insults related to how long I've been in the game and didn't know anything. So had to find the info myself which eventually got me the item but still a rather bad taste was left from their actions. Just chalked it up to them  maybe having a bad day.

The second situation was with a product of theirs I bought off the marketplace. So having not had too many issues with the person or their products up until a few months ago I had no complaints. So the matter was that an unrigged mesh clothing item that they had made that didn't exactly fit my toddleedoo. The item was no mod and only had a resizer that was rather on the simplistic side, only providing 5%/10%/15% sizing at the time. These settings were nowhere near exact enough for my taste (kind of OCD so I have to have an accessary equipped as spot on as possible otherwise it drives me crazy). So knowing the history of this merchant and them being completely anti-mod on their products, even clothing, kind of made the thought of asking for a moddable version kind of moot. Everything other than the resizer was decent enough being it was a beta item but it did have one little scripting issue for it's texture changing function. Pretty much wanting to give everyone this little tidbit about the product, I posted a review that gave the item a bit of positive light but also a bit of criticism related to the issues I said before and leaving it with 4 stars. I was able to leave that many stars because beyond the little quirks being it was a beta product, it was very well built mesh.

So I log onto SL the next day to find that I got an IM from the merchant. I was wondering if it could have been related to them either thanking me for bringing up the quirks but found it was far from it. What I found was the merchant insulting me about how I was lying about their product, how their friends said it was absolute great and that there was nothing wrong with the scripts, they were perfect because of the previous reason. I was told I would be banned and blacklisted if I said anymore "lies" again for her product reviews. Ok so this kind of pissed me off so I responded with a bit of defense toward my views of the product and how I was trying to help. I also brought up how she was being immature towards my criticism both in her actions and in her manner of typing. It was like I was arguing with a kid even though you know it's an adult behind the avatar... I was also insulted on how I wasn't supposedly using the avatar that the item was made for which I was and that I wasn't using "her" shape which she claimed was on the MP page but was non-existant. Along with this I was called an idiot, a retard, and just overally bashed as supposedly being stupid. 

So eventually I was banned and blacklisted by her for responding not in a kiss-up type manner that she's probably used to. After this I did some rather questionable things that I know are bannable offenses but I wanted to bring out all the people she had screwed over amongst the kids' community. I posted my chat logs with her to show her rather awful customer service skills in a few kids groups. This got a few folks to come out that had some negative experiences with her, some that went straight to defending her and others just not wanting any of this drama brought to the groups. So after feeling regrets after this originally good feeling action, I was sent some IMs from one of this merchant's csr members. At first it seemed like this person was on my side in however it soon became yet another pointless argument with someone who acted just like their child avatar. The constant uses of retard, mentally challenged and just over insults to demean my intellect kept on. This was followed by them saying that they were having their whole store group report me for defamation and for the chat note posting. I told the person that they were only throwing more fuel on the first for my defense but that didn't seem to matter to them.

Following this argument, the next day I found that the product that this whole matter was about had been removed from their MP page and was later reposted with several of her more loyal customers give the usual positive 5 star reviews that really don't say too much about the product most of the time. I've seen said customers review other products of theirs hence considering them loyal to her.

It just annoys me how a business can get away with disrespecting some of their customers and not have anyone bat an eye.  I've also seen her have reviews flagged into oblivion many times over because they aren't declaring her products' perfection. Just wish folks would actually care about said matters rather than act like it doesn't happen because they have yet to meet with the not so nice side that this merchant has. I run into many that will consider you a liar if you say she has done anything wrong. Guess all that folks care about is nice looking stuff at a cheap price.




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Zanzawolf Cosmos wrote:

Well not sure why I didn't post about this until now. I guess it was coming across someone who had a similar situation happen to them and also seeing another get treat just fine for the same type of actions.

EDIT: TLDR Version: Merchant providing poor customer service and retiliating in a childish manner due to minor criticism.


Pretty much this is the story about one of the bigger merchants amongst the kids' community. Had two experiences with them, one that was a bit my fault for being away from the game so long but the more recent one is more on their side.

So anyways, my first experience with this merchant's poor customer service skills was from an item that I accidentally declined on its arrival. The item came just a split second after I decline one of those annoying "join our group" notices. So quickly decided to IM the merchant and see if they could resend the item. I was told to find the ID number for its delivery and post it back to them. Now at the time I didn't know about all about the product ID number and where to actually find it. I had been away from this game for a few years. Quite a bit of stuff had changed since I played back in the early 2000s, XStreet to Marketplace, etc. So asked them for direction on where to go to get this info which I was met with being called a noob and various other insults related to how long I've been in the game and didn't know anything. So had to find the info myself which eventually got me the item but still a rather bad taste was left from their actions. Just chalked it up to them  maybe having a bad day.

The second situation was with a product of theirs I bought off the marketplace. So having not had too many issues with the person or their products up until a few months ago I had no complaints. So the matter was that an unrigged mesh clothing item that they had made that didn't exactly fit my toddleedoo. The item was no mod and only had a resizer that was rather on the simplistic side, only providing 5%/10%/15% sizing at the time. These settings were nowhere near exact enough for my taste (kind of OCD so I have to have an accessary equipped as spot on as possible otherwise it drives me crazy). So knowing the history of this merchant and them being completely anti-mod on their products, even clothing, kind of made the thought of asking for a moddable version kind of moot. Everything other than the resizer was decent enough being it was a beta item but it did have one little scripting issue for it's texture changing function. Pretty much wanting to give everyone this little tidbit about the product, I posted a review that gave the item a bit of positive light but also a bit of criticism related to the issues I said before and leaving it with 4 stars. I was able to leave that many stars because beyond the little quirks being it was a beta product, it was very well built mesh.

So I log onto SL the next day to find that I got an IM from the merchant. I was wondering if it could have been related to them either thanking me for bringing up the quirks but found it was far from it. What I found was the merchant insulting me about how I was lying about their product, how their friends said it was absolute great and that there was nothing wrong with the scripts, they were perfect because of the previous reason. I was told I would be banned and blacklisted if I said anymore "lies" again for her product reviews. Ok so this kind of pissed me off so I responded with a bit of defense toward my views of the product and how I was trying to help. I also brought up how she was being immature towards my criticism both in her actions and in her manner of typing. It was like I was arguing with a kid even though you know it's an adult behind the avatar... I was also insulted on how I wasn't supposedly using the avatar that the item was made for which I was and that I wasn't using "her" shape which she claimed was on the MP page but was non-existant. Along with this I was called an idiot, a retard, and just overally bashed as supposedly being stupid. 

So eventually I was banned and blacklisted by her for responding not in a kiss-up type manner that she's probably used to. After this I did some rather questionable things that I know are bannable offenses but I wanted to bring out all the people she had screwed over amongst the kids' community. I posted my chat logs with her to show her rather awful customer service skills in a few kids groups. This got a few folks to come out that had some negative experiences with her, some that went straight to defending her and others just not wanting any of this drama brought to the groups. So after feeling regrets after this originally good feeling action, I was sent some IMs from one of this merchant's csr members. At first it seemed like this person was on my side in however it soon became yet another pointless argument with someone who acted just like their child avatar. The constant uses of retard, mentally challenged and just over insults to demean my intellect kept on. This was followed by them saying that they were having their whole store group report me for defamation and for the chat note posting. I told the person that they were only throwing more fuel on the first for my defense but that didn't seem to matter to them.

Following this argument, the next day I found that the product that this whole matter was about had been removed from their MP page and was later reposted with several of her more loyal customers give the usual positive 5 star reviews that really don't say too much about the product most of the time. I've seen said customers review other products of theirs hence considering them loyal to her.

It just annoys me how a business can get away with disrespecting some of their customers and not have anyone bat an eye.  I've also seen her have reviews flagged into oblivion many times over because they aren't declaring her products' perfection. Just wish folks would actually care about said matters rather than act like it doesn't happen because they have yet to meet with the not so nice side that this merchant has. I run into many that will consider you a liar if you say she has done anything wrong. Guess all that folks care about is nice looking stuff at a cheap price.




You're never really gonna win getting into spitting matches with people in SL. 

And it's sad that people will accept inferior work for a lower price sometimes.

I went through similar with a Merchant I purcased a "sale item" from.  The defect wasn't obvious till after I wore the item.  I sent a clear snapshot of the items defect.  She claimed I was the only complaint she recieved and polled her group and every one responded ho wmuch they loved the item.  I guess they were willing to live with the defect.  At that point I realised I could do no more other than to tell my friends to be careful buying from the Merchant.  And I showed them the defect and they all agreed with me it was fixable and looked like poo.  I guess my friends have higher standards then her customers.

Sometimes i think it sucks the TOS forbids sharing chat logs and if you got reported you are lucky you didn't get a suspension.  You might have gotten lucky and the report went to someone who exercised good sense in the matter.

On the other hand if they relisted the item to get rid of your bad review that is a violation of MP policies and it is a reportable offense.   But you know, being vindictive is bad mojo in my book.

At this point I'd say just move on and don't let one bad apple ruin your SL.  It just aint worth it.  At least that's my feelings on the matter.

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Yeah I guess that is for the best. I'm just going to stress myself out more than I should trying resolve this matter. Probably did get lucky with whatever admins that may have check into the situation because this matter is just rather messed up. Going to try and put this out of my mind and go on with my own ventures and junk in game.

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There are quite a few jerks in SL, whether you are buying from or selling to them.


Be thankful that as a buyer you can simply choose not to do any further business with those you come across.  I wish I had that choice as a merchant.  I cant prevent ppl from buying on the MP from me. 

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Zanzawolf Cosmos wrote:

Yeah I guess that is for the best. I'm just going to stress myself out more than I should trying resolve this matter. Probably did get lucky with whatever admins that may have check into the situation because this matter is just rather messed up. Going to try and put this out of my mind and go on with my own ventures and junk in game.

We've all suffered product disappointment in SL.  And there isn't much we can do.  Some Merchants respond favorably to complaints but also may do not. Of course we can post reviews.  We do have that recourse.  And normally if I found a Merchant relisted something to get rid of my comments I'd report it.  But in your circumstance I'm suggesting just moving on as the best thing to do.  Others may still disagree with my opinion here.  But that's what I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Try to look at it this way. That merchant is creating negative karma. That negative karma was absorbed by you, to the point you will never deal with them again. As you said, other have had issue with them. That karma gets passed around. You can choose to take that karma and use it to your own advantage, or learn a good lesson, if not just about that particular merchant. You could also choose to hold onto that negative karma, and have it affect you over and over again. I would take comfort in the thought that, in the end, this person is really only hurting themself.

Or, if you know how to create, and this person seems to be doing well, despite being an a$$, then that must mean there is a big need for what they are selling. The best business people generally aren't geniuses, just able to see a whole in the market they can fill. Pretty much all of my kid related things sell very well.

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