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You have a choice of EITHER a Linden Home (no stores there - just residential) OR using your "free land" for TIER on mainland property. You can BUY a 512 lot and then have free rent. On that land you can have a store. There is a lot of land out there for $1 per square meter ($512) or LESS. Just look around. You can always put your store in the sky if the neighborhood is less than desirable.

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You sound new-ish to Second Life, but I'd advise not to be even premium, its really not needed.  Become familiar with the world, explore and look how things are. There are plenty of places to rent a store at first, see what sells, get established, and build on that. I've known a lot of people start like that. Although I don't know how SL Marketplace runs. Someone else will be able to say if you need to be a premium member for that, but I don't think so. You just need payment information on file.

But the Linden Homes lands can only be for homes. no businesses and no skyboxes are allowed.  Read all in the knowledge base that is appropriate to your needs (see the knowledge base tab at the top of this screen and go look through the sub-categories).

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Yes be careful on going premium too early in. I see a lot of people come to SL and way too quickly ramp up some idea before they know the scene and how to survive in it. I went premium about 1 month into coming to SL as a regular member (I'd tried it for all of 2 days some years earlier). Whether you wait 1 month or 3... make sure you've been around SL a bit, gotten into a community or two of interest, and made some friends, before you jump further. And as noted... the "free home" (that is not free but part of your premium benefit)... is really just a 512m plot of land with a house already plopped down on it. It has all of one plus: the 'prim cost' of that house is zero - the house is actually built outside your land, but has its visible piece 'overlapping' your land... so it doesn't eat into your allowance. Now... that said... with Mesh these days, I can get a vastly better house, as a skybox in the sky - with much better privacy... that only uses up 10 of your 117 prims... So that plus is not that big anymore. Especially as that free home... looks like the free toy in a Happy Meal... - Though people can and do decorate them very nicely. And the rules on the free home are excessive. - No selling anything there. - No building anything not rooted to the ground or the building. And not going up high above the building. (you are not even allowed to build a blank platform in the sky to just stand on.) - No listing it in search. - No shared / group ownership. - No removing the building and putting down your own. So if you want to do any of those things... you want to instead use your 512m of land-tier somewhere on 'mainland' - which is any of the big continents in SL. And one benefit of waiting till you've been around SL a bit longer is learning how to tell which places have bad neighbors and which don't - or what price for land is fair (some places are silly over-priced, and what long term mainlanders know is nobody but newbies who don't know better ever buys those places... The price of what land is advertised for, and the price of what land is selling, are very different in SL)... So hang around, read these forums a while, and get involved inworld a lot... before you go premium. I've been premium since mid 2009, and very glad I did it. But also glad I waited long enough to avoid making mistakes that I saw cause other people to get upset and leave SL.

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