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Switching between 2.1 and 1.23

Starchild Magic

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I'm trying really hard to like Viewer 2, so I've been pushing myself to use it. I've pretty well gotten the hang of it, but there are a couple of things that I still only know how to do in v1.23.

Trouble is, when I switch from v2.1 to v1.23, I have to redo all of my preferences in v1.23, like it's a new install. Is there any way to keep this from happening (aside from not switching back and forth)? Or am I just stuck?

Also, when I logged out of v2.1 today, my av was wearing a sweater, jeans, and shoes. But when I logged her back in with v1.23, she was totally naked! (Thank goodness I had logged out in my skybox instead of in the middle of a mall or club, lol) Is there any way to keep THAT from happening again?

Thanks so much.

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Yes, it's long been known that switching between Viewer 2 and 1.23 will cause outfit issues. Viewer 2 and 1.23 do not share the same cache. The Viewer 2 cache is located in AppData Local while 1.23 is in AppData Roaming. It also works in a different way too as does Inventory. The Viewer 2 Inventory is more advanced in that you can create linked outfits with outfit parts in various different folders. It's no longer necessary to create outfits by having all the parts in one folder. I never used outfit folders before but the new linked system is brilliant.

So if you change an outfit in 1.23, log off and log back in with Viewer 2 you will not be wearing that outfit but the one you had on the last time you used Viewer 2 and vice versa. Occasionally the viewers can get a bit confused too if switching.

I'm not quite sure why 1.23 reloads the settings every time you switch but it used to do that for me too.


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Starchild Magic wrote:


I'm trying really hard to like Viewer 2, so I've been pushing myself to use it. I've pretty well gotten the hang of it, but there are a couple of things that I still only know how to do in v1.23.

Trouble is, when I switch from v2.1 to v1.23, I have to redo all of my preferences in v1.23, like it's a new install. Is there any way to keep this from happening (aside from not switching back and forth)? Or am I just stuck?

Also, when I logged out of v2.1 today, my av was wearing a sweater, jeans, and shoes. But when I logged her back in with v1.23, she was totally naked! (Thank goodness I had logged out in my skybox instead of in the middle of a mall or club, lol) Is there any way to keep THAT from happening again?

Thanks so much.


Hi the issue is cache. The best solution for this and I've used it since day one with no problems is, either use different destination folders or as I do different drives. I have 3 viewer 2 versions and 1.23.5 with no clothing issues or preference changes. Everything saves perfectly.

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Suspiria Finucane is right. The cache is the likely problem. Mixing SLV2 and SLV1 style viewers, whether LL or TPV written will create problems.

If you use just SLV2 (SL Viewer ) and SLV1.23 I suggest you change the SLV1 cache location. In 1.23 that is done in top menu: Edit->Preferences->Network

I currently use 13 different viewers because I review them for my blog (see nalates.wordpress.com). I use a separate cache for each and seldom have inventory problems or an avatar that refuses to rez. When I install a new viewer I change the cache location before I ever login.

A corrupted cache can cause other problems too as the viewer settings can corrupt too. New installs can flush previous viewer settings

We currently have SL 1.23.x viewers based on the oldest code. We could call those SLV1.2 code based. We have Snowglobe versions 1.4 and 1.5 and TPV's based on each. In general those are called the SLV1 viewers. Now LL is changing how they develop software and Snowstorm is moving quickly producing the new SLV2 series of viewers. (I like LL's Monday version of the Development Viewer) TPV's will follow soon. The thing is they handle inventory in different ways and it is hard to know which version is using which style of inventory and how well they handle the new SLV2 inventory features. Mixing their caches seems to scramble the cache.

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Thank you so much--Nalate AND Suspira!  Suspira has replied to this issue before.  Now I understand a little bit more about what to do When and Where to separate the caches.  If either of you have more tips, please share.  I uninstalled SLV2 a few weeks ago and have only been using SLV1.2--until I had a better understanding and--perhaps--unconsciously--waiting until LL releases the new (non-beta) SLV2 with mesh...  Thanks so much ladies.

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