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'Grimmerfell, Land of the Yggdrasil', banned without explanation.


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I visited 'Grimmerfell, Land of the Yggdrasil', and I donated money, and I was there alone for about an hour taking in the sights. But when I returned later with a friend, both of us were banned without explanation. I'm innocent, Why? This actually kind of hurts seeing as they took my money without any issue. 

I'm new to SL, but I thought you had to do something bad to get banned. Or, can owners just ban you if they don't like what your wearing? I am dressed as a Faerie, and maybe that is why i was able to stay so long the first time without being banned. But my friend is dressed in casual jeans and tshirt and doesn't quite fit the Viking Realm. 

Well, Grimmerfell... I would like my donation back, but I doubt that will happen.


I checked Grimmerfell, and yes I am still banned. I did read the note when I first arrived, and I knew it was a role playing area. When I was there the first time, there was only two people there, and I think they were bots. I mean, I went there in the first place because it was in the SL Editor's Picks. I was blown away by this world, it was amazing. The whole time I was sailing the boat, all I kept thinking was how much I couldn't wait for my friend to see this. That's what hurts, he didn't do anything wrong. 

Most role-playing areas I'd prefer to join with my friend. I figured that if we decided to join, then at some point we'd have to get some Viking gear, but not BEFORE seeing the place, lol. So, when i brought my friend to Grimmerfell, there we lots of people there, it looked very active. And the trouble is, before I could even show my friend this place we we're banned. We hadn't even left the transporter area, it was that fast! And i do still feel as though it was because he dared to come in wearing jeans and a tshirt. 

I mean, both him and I have Celtic roots and I think he would have really enjoyed it. I just thought the banning was too immediate, and hardly justifiable. So, yes I guess i'll sadly just write the place off. I will for sure look into a visitors pass, just incase i come accross another role-playing area and decide to have a look around.

P.S. So far, Grimmerfell is the first world i donated money to, and oddly the first world I got banned from. lol. Thank you all much for your help.

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A landowner has absolute power to eject or ban anyone at any time for any reason.  No explanation necessary. You might have broken some rule without knowing, or tripped over someone's overly-sensitive security system, or the landowner just might not like redheaded people who visit on Saturdays. I know it hurts to be rejected, especially when you were enjoying yourself and apparently doing no harm.  You could ask politely, and maybe the landowner would tell you.  I doesn't hurt to try.

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Welcome to Second Life Answers, missvanessa

As Rolig says, anyone can ban anyone if they own the sim, but are you sure you have been banned and not just temporarily restricted from revisiting.  If the sim is being reset, or temporarily closed for, say, redecoration reasons, or because of special events taking place there, then it is possible you haven't been banned.

Please let us know what message comes up on your screen when you try to teleport.

(To add more information to this thread, in lieu of a reply button, you need to click on "options" at the top right hand corner of your original post and "edit".)


Edited to add:

I have just visited the location, and the rules notecard came to me.  This is what it says:

-= Read Me =-

We want you to be able to join in and start role-playing immediately.  Consequently this notecard should give you the very basics that you need to know to play here.  There is a lot more information on the website that we use instead of notecards which get outdated quickly.  So please read the website as soon as you have time.


-= How to Get Started =-

    1. FICTION: Earth based Norse/Viking culture with mythological and folk lore appropriate fantasy, i.e. "Living Mythology". (One person described it as 'Adult-Viking-Narnia' which was a good descriptions as well.)         2. DRESS: You must be wearing human medieval clothing, preferably Norse/Viking.  You may only be human until approved otherwise.         3. WHY YOU ARE HERE: You may "arrive" here either by dreaming or sailing.  Once you arrive memories of your old life begin to fade.  When you leave here you will begin to forget about this place.  (More explanation below)        4. READ THE RULES: The most important rules are in this note cared listed below, the full set of rules can be found on the website.  You will need to read those rules sooner or later.  Other players will direct you to those rules when and if you ask questions that are addressed in the rules.

-= Sim Premise =-

To create a sim primarily based on historical foundations, while allowing for the freedom of “living mythology”. To us, this means neither a completely history based foundation, nor does it mean an open-ended fantasy foundation.  We would like to create a world who’s primary focus is on the cultures, beliefs and superstition of the Norse people, but may include those non-human peoples to whom the Norse believed were an ever present reality of their lives.

Because a role-play sim requires a certain level of conflict to keep role-play entertaining, we are introducing four races that will have a racial home on our sim.  These races are the Humans, Dwarves, the Jotunnson and the Nature Race (Huldra & Spirit Animals). Humans and Jotunnson are traditionally in conflict with each other, more so because of nature, than because of racial hatred.

Jotunnsons are, in essence, the mortal children of Frost Giants and tend to be simple minded and focused on personal pleasure and glory.  The Humans, in this case, follow the traditions of Oath and Law and consider other Norse people who make war upon them to be outcasts of society.  The Dwarves practice their craft of brewing and smithing along side the humans. The fourth group, the Nature Race,represent the neutral land guardians of the sim, and include sentient talking 'non-anthro' animals.  They tend to be an independent lot who may be swayed by offerings and respect.  This should give us four balanced groups that have the opportunity to roll between conflict, compromise and treaty, naturally.

Sims we will interact with:

•    Historically based sims willing to view our mythological creatures within the scope of natural superstition. •    Other fantasy based sims regardless of their world fiction, see below. •    Gorean players from Torvaldsland sims who want to travel or dream into here.  (Rule restrictions detailed below)

-= Sim Fiction =-

Like Never-Never Land and Narnia, arrival and departure from this island creates its own forgetfulness.  Magically warded by the priests and priestesses of this island who believe that the great central tree is Yggdrasil itself, they cast memory-altering spells on any who enter or depart.  You may also enter and leave this land via dreaming, but you won't know your dreaming.

•    This allows you to keep the story line of one character across multiple sims. •    This allows you to enter our sim and leave behind your characters cultural dispositions that will interfere with our role-play. •    It allows other sims whose fiction doesn’t quite match ours to play along and to let us adjust to other sims fiction. •    Please note this also allows the priests and priestesses to engage in fictional solutions that keep our people from being screwed by the fiction.

-= Most Important Rules =- (Full set on website)

    * There is an OOC tag, which you can acquire by joining the free group. Look for the group joiner picture on the wall here.         *At this time you may only play a human, all non-human races may require an application to submitted after some weeks have passed. At this time, approved non-human characters are set in the group with race tags. Exceptions may be made, don’t nag.         *We’re not looking for combat and may not even be wearing meters consistently.  Please role-play combat using dice or some other agreed up on solution for now.         *Absolutely everyone on this sim has the right to terminate role-play with you at any time. (This includes refusing to be captured, removed from sim, raped, abused, insulted or even just spit on.)         *Please say thank you OOC to everyone that gives you role-play, especially if your character is a hard ass.         *Ass napkins (IC or OOC) will be shown the door. No questions asked, no reasons given.         *You will find a wide range of role-play skills; snobs may go elsewhere. Better: please lead by example, rather than **bleep** behind someones back         *We like role-play conflict, but conflict that makes you feel like superman and someone else feel like **bleep**, isn’t RP conflict, its just drama         * This is not Gor, your egos, attitudes, hostility and other behavior will not be accepted. Use your best manners OOC at all times, or you will simply be muted and ejected without explanation.          * No we will not be offering housing, unless we have a ton of prims left over and can drop in a skybox.


I also looked at the banned list, and you are on it, along with many other people :matte-motes-sour:

My advice would be to write this place off - there are plenty more enjoyable places to visit in Second Life. I am sorry you lost your donation money, but please don't let this sour your entire Second Life (and maybe next time be generous only on the third visit to a place, where you have been made welcome).

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From Marigold's detailed research, it appears you and your friend violated the rules of the roleplay area all over the place, so I'm not surprised you got banned.  I AM surprised you were banned so fast, and without even a warning or an offer of an OOC tag.  This sort of behavior makes places unpopular and they sit around asking themselves, "where IS everybody?"  Then they go out of business.

This is why I don't often visit roleplay areas.  I'm a tourist, dammit, and I don't want to have to dress up and memorize a big book of rules just to look around a place.

If you DO visit RP areas, be sure to wear a visitor badge (an Out of Character, or OOC badge).  As snooty and stuck up as they are, roleplayers will cut the wearer of a visitor badge some slack.

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