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The Whisper Wall - A Place For Your Secrets To Be Heard?


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For the last couple of weeks I have been interested in the idea of digital confessions. Confessions allow people to remove guilt from themselves and gain closure in their lives. For me personally, I feel that I am much better off when I share the hardships of my life with others, especially if I did not know them already. Somehow it is easier to talk to people when you do not know them, gain their opinions, learn from them. What do you think? Would you feel comfortable posting in a virtual space? Some friends and I have created a really cool space where you can do this.  I have posted the link below, let me know your thoughts.


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Yes I believe that is the definition of a secret. But the secret still remains secret to you because you are posting anonymously. By sharing your secret I believe that you open yourself and release anything you may have bottled up. You also can share issues with others that may need to be brought to the foreground, let them know that they are not alone and that many people experience similar things. 


The Whisper Wall is meant to be a sort of community where we all confide each other and help each other. It's a sacred space for you to be exactly who you want to be and share exactly you want to share. 


Would you guys take comfort in this sort of thing? 

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Janelle Darkstone wrote:


( Didja also know that if you see
spelled enough times it starts to look
weird? )

Every time I see the word secret, it reminds me of Sucrets...the lozenge...and then I remember a lot of really strange, yet fond memories I can't post on forums without being ric'd to death. But, yeah, good times.

I never read the word as secret anymore, it's always sucret..and then I have to read it a couple more times to truly understand wth I just read, because you can't really work sucret into just any conversation, smoothly.

I suppose that's off-topic. I'll blame turkey brain :D

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I really have no secrets so no, this "guy" (gal) would not find comfort in a mock sacred place in a virtual reality world. In fact I could do with finding a sim that would plaster my gob shut with masking tape.


Oh hold on a moment, I just found that sim.
"The Whisper Wall is meant to be a sort of community where we all confide each other and help each other. It's a sacred space for you to be exactly who you want to be and share exactly you want to share."
General Discussions section of these forums kind of provides a place to share exactly what we want to share anyways - or am I missing something? (2am here, its likely).
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aidenvino wrote:

Yes I believe that is the definition of a secret. But the secret still remains secret to you because you are posting anonymously. By sharing your secret I believe that you open yourself and release anything you may have bottled up. You also can share issues with others that may need to be brought to the foreground, let them know that they are not alone and that many people experience similar things. 


The Whisper Wall is meant to be a sort of community where we all confide each other and help each other. It's a sacred space for you to be exactly who you want to be and share exactly you want to share. 


Would you guys take comfort in this sort of thing? 

Things like that have a bad track record going WAAYYY back:


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I guess you have a point but there is no potion to be truly anonymous really on a forum (either your real life identity or second life identity). People have the ability to share very private things that they would never share, and the space is safe. 


I guess you're lucky though that you have no secrets! I wish that I could say the same for myself. Closure, anonymous journaling, seeking advice from other anonymously has really helped me cope with hardships in my life. The blog is meant to provide an outlet for others, we are removing the weight from their shoulders and letting them know that they are not alone. 

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aidenvino wrote:

I guess you have a point but there is no potion to be truly anonymous really on a forum (either your real life identity or second life identity). People have the ability to share very private things that they would never share, and the space is safe. 


I guess you're lucky though that you have no secrets! I wish that I could say the same for myself. Closure, anonymous journaling, seeking advice from other anonymously has really helped me cope with hardships in my life. The blog is meant to provide an outlet for others, we are removing the weight from their shoulders and letting them know that they are not alone. 

Ohhh but we are all alone. Really. Offloading only provides a temporary place to put problems, and ok if this gives some people comfort (I hope it does).

But we're born alone (unless we're twins, and even then we don't remember that experience being shared) and we die alone - even if we're holding hands with our nearest and dearest as we take our final breath.

It all boils down to how much of a conscience we have and how much it weighs us down.  The guilt of offloading to others can weigh just as heavy as keeping the secret sometimes, from what I've seen of others. Hence the reason for me not having secrets.


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Greetings from the Bandwagon,

I like the concept.

The flood of invented true confessions might provide the necessary camouflage, for a person to be comfortable with posting an actual confession.

I can see how it might help people, but I don't see how it will generate revenue in order to be self sustaining.

I usually profess things, I rarely confess. I'm hiding my privacy. Most of my secrets are not mine.


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Secrets don't exist; there's information you think that only you have, which is therefore unvalidated and unreliable, and is likely to be untrue, and then there's information you have shared, which by definition is no longer a secret.

Your initiative will appeal to putative attention whores, rewriting actual history; in that context you are publicising it in an appropriate arena.

© The Judge

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No offense Juj, but that's not true. There are secrets. How secret are they depends but there are secrets in which only one person can know the information. Also said information's can be true.  One doesn't need to be an attention whore or want to attempt to rewrite history to say how they feel or if they are holding something inside. They are the opposite of an attention whore. They don't blurt out everything. What el toro caca.

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

No offense Juj, but that's not true. There are secrets. How secret are they depends but there are secrets in which only one person can know the information. Also said information's can be true.  One doesn't need to be an attention whore or want to attempt to rewrite history to say how they feel or if they are holding something inside. They are the opposite of an attention whore. They don't blurt out everything. What el toro caca.

You're not much of an epistemologist, are you? What one person "knows" is the most unreliable knowledge possible.

And like religion, as soon as that individually internalised "knowledge" is communicated (by whatever medium, and language can be a very bad mechanism for expressing feelings - alexithymia is not just a personality trait)  the form of that "knowledge" is changed, sometimes so that it is unrecognisable by the originator. So what does that say about the "truth" of the "knowledge"? Does it still exist? Did it ever exist?

And also by definition, anyone who commits what they consider to be "personal" knowledge to a public medium - which is the cyber equivalent of blurting out everything - is an attention whore.

© The Judge

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aidenvino wrote:

Why do you believe everyone lies?

Because, studies and psychologists tells us.  People start telling lies as early as preschool age.  It's a normal bit of human development, as all humans, attempt to manipulate the environment around them (the other people).   Children start pretty early with this, but just aren't very good at it


aidenvino wrote:

 If that's the case regardless you can seek an outlet through a virtual confessional and remain completely anonymous. What are your thoughts on this?

Since lying is a normal human process, there's no shame in it, and nothing to confess.



My thoughts are that your "virtual confessional", will become a drama site.


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aidenvino wrote:

The Whisper Wall is meant to be a sort of community where we all confide each other and help each other. It's a sacred space for you to be exactly who you want to be and share exactly you want to share.

Err....what?  "Sacred" space?   I think you're misunderstanding the meaning of that word.

As for being exactly who I want to be, and share exactly what I want to share (your wording is off, but that seems to be what you're trying to say).  I don't need to be anonymous to do that.  Good grief, being anonymous is the opposite of being exactly me! 

Having an "anonymous" voice say what I want to say?  That's why some people use alts.  (I saw that recently on this forum haha) 

aidenvino wrote:


Would you guys take comfort in this sort of thing? 

Nope.  I would take no comfort in hiding and posting anonymous stuff.  I would find it disturbing, as it would mean I don't have the courage and conviction to say my thoughts out in the open, where people can see who said it.



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