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The Continents: Together at last???

Drewski Northman

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Coby Foden wrote:

Karin Sixpence wrote:

Thanks to strings of Mystic Rental hearts, I can't even see the map any more.

Yeah, those hearts start to be all over the map. It is very sad that Linden Lab allows such misuse of the map. :smileyfrustrated:

Maybe they should make a second layer for the map for all those advertizers who want to show on the map that "WE ARE HERE". And naturally put a monthly fee for the advertizers.  $$$

There are too many. Something should be done.

I thought it was some kind of official SL fund raiser supporting some non-profit cause. I was hoping that they would eventually go away. 

Part of the title of this thread is together at last. It is quite funny, when taken to heart.

The map should be a visual representation of the lands and the objects on the surface. Policy should continue to be decided on a case by case basis to allow for freedom of artistic expression. imho.

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Drewski Northman wrote:

So...several times in the last few weeks, this has come up in conversations with some of my friends: wouldn't it be awesome to have Sansara and the Atoll connected with the Blake, Satori, Corsica, and Gaeta? Shoot...while we are at it, why not connect the entire mainland continents? Forum denizens, what would that entail? Would there be any inconvenience on the citizen side? Or would it be more back-end work, just telling the system what sims connect to what? What would the pros and cons be for sailors, drivers, and pilots?



Linden owned waterways would have to be able to rezz objects on so you can sail on them.. Don't we have enough of a squatter issue on Linden land? I can just picture people rezzing al sorts of things on the water ways. Houseboats, large ships, undersea cities.. all sorts of crap.


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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Don't we have enough of a squatter issue on Linden land?

Where? Certainly not on recently-abandoned land, which now automatically gets sensible parcel settings.  It's been a really long time since I noticed other Linden-owned land with overly permissive settings, although I'm sure some must still be around somewhere, pending the first support case asking for a fix.

(Well... at least as regards "squatters" which are easily defeated by basic auto-return. There is some debate about whether Linden protected passageways should allow object entry. On "real" Mainland continents, they do; on Zindra, they (mostly) don't. That history goes back to certain autonomous (driverless) vehicles, no longer in use.)

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Linden owned waterways would have to be able to rezz objects on so you can sail on them.. Don't we have enough of a squatter issue on Linden land? I can just picture people rezzing al sorts of things on the water ways. Houseboats, large ships, undersea cities.. all sorts of crap.


No. Look at Blake Sea for example, all the BS sims have a rezzable NE-corner, still you don't see any squatting in the Blake. Autoreturn takes care of everything when there is no avie sittting on it. So medium or long term squattting there is impossible. And most LL owned waterways don't allow rezzing at all, or only on very few marked rez spots, near docks and piers. Same goes for LL routes on mainland: rez areas are far and between and you don't see any squatter building their house inthe middle of the road neither.

Another thing about the Heart sims: you guys remember Domus rentals? Domus was a group of guys, rumoured to be LL employees who wanted to make some money on the side. But contrary to the Heart(less) guy they were at least nice enough to turn their huge skysigns to semitransparency after enough of petitioning. And they did grow so fast, we all thought sooner or later they will own the whole fuxxing grid. But then p00f, they were gone. :smileyhappy: I hope we'll see the hearts going p00f as well. Property business is a bish. :smileyvery-happy:


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  • 1 month later...

One of the most frustrating loss of passage is in corners of mainland and or protected water or land. If private land meets diagonally and protectect land the other two... what's the point in protecting it? No passage without cooperative ownerrs. Isn't that a relatively simple fix with policy or with LL or Public Works keeping a small corner parcel in strategic locations? (hope that's clear. Easier with pictures.) And I sure hope those hearts do go poof. But LL could easily protect the function of mapping from blacking out. /me thinking about how nice an anti-ugly cannon would be against sim wide keep out signs too.

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  • 3 months later...

The problem isn't as much with the heart people themselves, I refuse to bother to look up or use their spamming name for more spam, but that there's people who enable this spam by renting from them.  Is there such a sudden shortage of mainland land that folks have to pay a surcharge and build under such an object?

With shadows enabled, all of these sky advertisements cast shadows over multiple sims blotting out the sun which is no good in any life.

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