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Everyone Offline Bug??

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Hi, recently, well first off I'd like to say that a lot of people have told me that they been having problems with not being able to TP to other places, but mostly, not being able to see other people online when really they are online. My friends list ALWAYS has at least ONE person online and I can't see anybody online... I don't know if LL is going to fix this or if they are even aware of this. Do they know about this problem? I'd like them to fix this and fix this fast, If I can't TP anywhere or even talk to people.. I can't do my job at all on SL. And I apologize if I am posting in the wrong section. I don't post too much on the forum. Anyway can someone please tell me if they know about this issue? Thank you.

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I have been having a lot of TP problems lately and I am on fiber. My son paid for the connection and when showed the options his only question was, do you have anything faster, they did and he paid extra for it. We have 4 gamers in the house and we can all run top speed all at the same time, yet I have problems with TP when I am the only one with a computer turned on.

I have found that a lot of the time its not your connection but something else.

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(I'm replying to me because this is for both of you, not either one).

First of all I should say this is general advice.  If either of you is a premium member you can get support by phoning live chat.  Otherwise you're out of luck and in any case it's unlikely that LL will help much.

Speed is not the essential measure generally, but quality.  Given that you can connect to SL check your ping and packet-loss figures.  Ping (time for a message to go from your computer to SL and back again) over 100ms or so can cause time-out problems.  Unfortunately there isn't much you can do about that but it does start to narrow-down the problem.  Packet loss above 0% means that messages are well, getting lost, so they have to be re-requested and sent or something is skipped.  Either from time-out or skipping things stuff doesn't get updated and/or you don't TP.

Having a fast connection to your house is lovely - IF your computer is also, physically, plugged-in.  If you're using a wifi laptop connection, for instance, then you have a railway station on your doorstep and a horse-drawn wagon the rest of the way.  When you are wired that also narrows things down.  Browsing the internet or using email usually involves your computer sending a small request, getting a bigger reply and then stopping for ages while you type/read things.  Some ISPs configure their systems - and your connections - for this scenario, even going so far as to drop your connection then quickly re-connect next time you 'do something'.  That works fine for looking at web pages but not for a dynamic virtual world like SL.  The best indicator that your ISP's configuration is conflicting with is that you'll see your ping time increasing like mad when, for instance, you TP.  In that case your computer needs to make a connection to a different SL server (the sim you're going to) and if your ISP isn't set-up to create new connections quickly ... it times-out.

Now none of this stuff may be true in your particular case, but bad connection really is the most common problem people experience.

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Shelby Silverspar wrote:

Lots of things can affect your ability to TP easily, internet connection is top on the list. Along with scripts. Check how many scripts you're wearing, often those are the culprits when you're having tp issues.

A couple of years ago when it was said that scripts should be limited like prims I had no idea how many scripts I was running, so I made a bangle and put this in it, [below]. Now I just touch the bangle, have lots of them now, and it tells you how many scripts your running and how much memory they are using. It was interesting that just copy and paste [with minor changes] from the LSL portal (or what ever its called) can get you some easy information.




{llSetText("", <.0,.0,1.0>, 1);} // you can set text by putting it between the "" after SetText

touch_start(integer total_number){

list details = llGetObjectDetails(llDetectedKey(0), ([OBJECT_SCRIPT_MEMORY]));

list scrptot = llGetObjectDetails(llDetectedKey(0), ([OBJECT_TOTAL_SCRIPT_COUNT]));

integer memory_used = llList2Integer(details,0) /1024;

integer script_used = llList2Integer(scrptot,0);

llSay(0, llDetectedName(0)+ " is using " + (string)memory_used + " KB of script memory and " + (string)script_used + " scripts running");



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Perrie Juran wrote:

Teagan Tobias wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

Teagan Tobias wrote:

.... so I made a bangle

but, but what's a


Really? A bracelet.

There's almost nothing as embarassing as getting your braces locked together.

I have perfect teeth, always did.  But in my youth I tried to romance all the pretty girls with braces... I knew one day they were coming off!  So I was a lock. 





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Teagan Tobias wrote:

Storm Clarence wrote:

Oh!  Ok, and yes really!  Do I look or read like a female role-player to you? 

PS So, the script you posted above only works if men want to wear female bling?




No not at all, not the bling, everything.
If you forget even your panties the script will not work.

Then I am glad I can leave her home and still have my scripts working.

What a wonderful environment Philip left to us.    



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                           MOM TOLD ME NEVER TO CROSS ONE OF THOSE... SO I'M NOT!
                                        If me being off line is an issue, take it up with my Mom!

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