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pc to no SSE2 secondlife /// Fin para usuarios sin SSE2

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brujamai Jun wrote:

My plea is not just for me, it is for millions of users operating in secondlife with viewers V.1 perfectly, and now continue working just fine but seeing all the gray avatars.


Not just that, let us live to which viewers can only use V.1 is not true that we are few.


Okay, fact check time. The Phoenix developers themseves said that there were only 28,000 users still using Phoenix just before the SSA roll out. Of those, many were probably using the latest, mesh-supporting, SSE2-requiring Phoenix version - most of the objections to Firestorm were simply about the user interface. Of the remaining fraction, many were using the pre-mesh Phoenix because it ran better on their old hardware, but they weren't saying their old hardware was so old that they couldn't run newer viewers at all.

Your problem is only for people with PC's that are over about 10 years old, and they weren't running SL "perfectly." Czari's  computer, one of the last available non-SSE2 computers, was giving slow framerates at minimum settings despite having what was once a fairly high-end video card.

I fully sympathise with people who can't afford things they need.

However, I have NO sympathy for people who distort or ignore the facts to try and get what they WANT.

 I've officially stopped sympathising with.... YOU.


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I do not agree with you to have a pc with 10 years does not mean going slow, my features of CPu
enough to go without lang, I have a
AMD Athlon (tm) XP 2400 + ... 2.00GHz 2.00GB of RAM ....
only have a problem does not have SSE2, and I can not use the new viewers, and not just me repeat that has this problem.
As viewers there are many other developers V.1 viewers not only the Phoenix, each user uses the one you like the design or works best for your PC,
I use Phoenix Viewer Snowglobe .... .... .... Rainbow Dolphin Viewer Second Life Viewer ......

All work great and does not slow, work much better than the last viewers that are becoming heavier and require more power.

Respect you are not agree with me, and you make me look bad voice of many and many that have my same problem, and do not say because they have the gift of flavourful that I have.
I wish I could espresarlo to secondlife managers directly and make them understand that it is a source of joy soliralidad and your second life has many users who will die by refusing to see the other avatars with viewers V.1.
and I repeat you many different developers V.1 viewers who used the open source release of secondlife when.


No estoy deacuerdo contigo el tener un pc con 10 años no implica ir lento, mis caracteristicas del CPu
son suficientes para ir sin lang, tengo un
AMD Athlon XP 2400+...2.00Ghz....2.00GB de RAM
solo tiene un problema no tiene SSE2, y no puedo usar los visores nuevos, y no soy yo sola repito la que tiene este problema.
En  cuanto a los visores hay muchos visores de otros desarrolladores V.1 no solo el Phoenix , cada usuario utiliza el que mas le gusta su diseño o le viene mejor a su PC,
Yo uso Snowglobe....Phoenix Viewer....Dolphin Viewer....Rainbow Viewer......Second Life

Todos funcionan de maravilla y no lentos, funcionan mucho mejor que los ultimos visores que cada vez son mas pesados y requieren mas potencia.

Respeto que no estes deacuerdo conmigo, y que te parezca mal que me haga voz de muchos y muchas que tienen mi mismo problema, y no lo dicen porque no tienen el don de espresion que yo tengo.
Ojala pudiera espresarlo a los directivos de secondlife, directamente y hacerles comprender que la soliralidad es fuente de alegria y que su segunda vida tiene muchos usuarios que van a morir al negarnos ver a los demas avatares con los visores V.1.
y te vuelvo a repetir hay muchos visores V.1 de distintos desarrolladores que utilizaron el codigo abierto de secondlife cuando lo libero.

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brujamai Jun wrote:

I wish I could
and make them understand
it is a source
of joy
second life
has many users
who will die
by refusing
to see the


Do you think that they do not know that the changes would cause problems for some users?

They gather the statistics on what systems people are using to log in.

It reaches the point that they would have to run two separate Second Lifes. 

A separate one for people who have old or very slow computers and one for people with better computers.

It becomes impractical. 

And expensive.

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No serious again, now it works well, there are two second, the new one with the new requirements, and the old V.1
Long ago the two coexist in harmony, those with new pc using new viewers because their processors have SSE2,
Those that our processor has no such application V.1 use different viewers based developers of open source secondlife.

Please no mistake, the speed at which you move in secondlife not only by the processor, also influences the connection speed you have contracted, the amount of RAM on pc, and also the status of the hard disk is full if the pc is slower than if the hard drive is optimized and enough room to run secondlife.

The speed at which the program works is based on these characteristics, I'm going too fast with my processor 10 years, having fine tuned my computer and a good connection.

There would be no problem implementing the SSA code in any viewer V.1 and would continue as before, who can use the viewfinder because last ok who does not use the viewfinder V.1 any developer who decides to put the code SSA.

That work is done once for simpre, do not be putting the code in a viewer SSA V.1 every day every hour.

And you need to use because you can not buy a new pc for using it, so difficult is that???

Because so much negativity to users pc can not change others still seeing avatars ...???


No seria nuevo, ahora se funciona asi, hay dos second, el nuevo con los nuevos requisitos, y los antiguos V.1
Hace tiempo que conviven los dos en armonia, los que tienen pc nuevos usan los visores nuevos porque  sus procesadores tienen SSE2,
Los que nuestro procesador no tiene esa aplicacion usamos los visores V.1 de distintos desarrolladores basado en el codigo abierto de secondlife.

No nos confundamos por favor, la velocidad en la que mueves en secondlife  no solo es por el procesador, tambien influye la velocidad de conexion que tengas contratado, la cantidad  de RAM del pc, y tambien el estado del disco duro, si esta  lleno el pc va mas despacio que si el disco duro esta optimizado y con espacio suficiente para ejecutar secondlife.

La velocidad a la que el programa funciona se basa en  esas caracteristicas, yo voy muy rapido con mi procesador de 10 años, al tener bien afinado mi pc y una buena conexion.

No seria ningun problema implantar el codigo SSA, en  cualquier visor V.1  y seguiriamos como hasta ahora, quien pueda usar el visor ultimo ok quien  no pues usa el visor V.1 de cualquier desarrollador que se decida a ponerle el codigo SSA.

Ese trabajo se realiza una vez para simpre, no hay que estar metiendo el codigo SSA en un visor V.1  todos los dias cada hora.

Y el que necesite usarlo porque no puede comprar un pc nuevo pues lo usa, tan dificil es  eso???

Porque tanta negatividad a que usuarios que no pueden cambiar de pc sigan viendo a los demas avatares ...???

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would be
no problem
implementing the
in any
would continue
as before,
who can
use the viewfinder
who does not
use the viewfinder
any developer
who decides to
the code


That's correct.

But why are you complaining about Linden Lab not doing it? They told everybody they were dropping support for V1 viewers literally years ago.

If you want to complain, complain to the TPV developers who have been preserving V1, for having decided not to stick with the ancient, pre-SSE2 code instead of the later versions of V1. They could have. It would have been a lot more work, of course.

And all those "millions" of SSE2-incapable users you claim, they would have compensated those TPV developers for all that extra work... how, exactly?

Come to think of it, why are all those "millions" of SSE2-incapable users incapable of developing their own TPVs? If they are making their own viewer, then what's the fuss? And if not, they must be the most technophobic "millions" ever.

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You misunderstood me in no time, I have no problem with SSE2 nigun is not what I have in my processor and I can not see mesh textures or use the new viewers who are prepared for that application.

I only ask that implement the new SSA code rendering the avatar to any viewer V.1

Is that good or has explain me is that I want to understand ...?

I do not care that the viewfinder V.1 implement what users can only use those viewers because we can not buy another PC, because the processor can not be upgraded,,,,,,,,,, continue to live in secondlife.

We will not see the mesh textures .... NO NOT THE WILL SEE ..... but if we will see the other avatars.

Now we all gray avatars but not because we do not have in our SSE the application processor 2 ........ NOT SEE ... because they have changed the rendering code AVATARS.

and that has nothing to do with SSE2 ....

I think the translator does not translate well because I espreso perfectly and you do not understand me ajhajjajajaajaja .....


Usted no me ha entendido en ningun momento, no tengo nigun problema con SSE2 , se que no lo tengo en mi procesador y que no puedo ver texturas mesh ni usar los nuevos visores que estan preparados para esa aplicacion.

Solo pido que implanten el codigo SSA  nueva renderizacion del avatar a algun visor V.1

Es que no me esplico bien o es que no me quieren entender...?

Me da igual al visor V.1 que se lo implanten los usuarios que solo podemos usar esos visores porque no podemos comprar otro pc, porque el procesador no se puede actualizar ,,,,,,,,,,seguiremos viviendo en secondlife.

No veremos las texturas  mesh....NO  NO LAS VEREMOS.....pero si veremos a los demas avatares.

Ahora vemos todos los avatares grises pero no por  que no tengamos en nuestro procesador la aplicacion SSE 2........NO LOS VEMOS...porque han cambiado el codigo de renderizacion de los AVATARES.

y eso no tiene nada que ver  con SSE2....

Yo creo que el traductor no traduce bien porque yo me espreso perfectamente y ustedes no me entienden  ajhajjajajaajaja.....


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We all know what you want. Your problem basically is that you want someone other than yourself to do something that is not easy and which will benefit only a very small number of people - and it won't benefit the person who does the actual WORK at all. I'm not saying that this is impossible to have happen, you just have to do a good job of convincing people why it should be done.

You, however, have managed to annoy just about everyone who's read your posts with your exaggerations and melodramatics. Your "perfect expressions" are making it less and less likely that what you want will ever happen.

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You want SSA? Either pay someone to code a client program with SSA and without SSE2 instructions .... Or go out and replace your motherboard and CPU with something made since 2001.

Those are your options: Linden Lab will not code a V1 client with anything new, nor will many of the Third Party client makers who have switched to V3 code. All present V1 Third Party clients have SSE2 instructions in them, not a one of the users that made them will remove those instructions while keeping SSA code in, just to appease you.

You do not speak for anyone else - you only speak for yourself.

Others here have been quite polite with you thus far and I have refrained from responding to see if you'd take the hint - Ask around, I am not polite in matters like this.

It is one thing to be complaining about the hardware requirements if one has a semi-modern computer (the one I am using has worked just fine for Second Life for some time now) - It is a wholly different matter if one is complaining about the hardware requirements leaving a computer that is over fourteen years old in the dust.

All operating systems coded past the introduction of SSE2 instructions work best with SSE2 (or higher) CPUs. Second Life requires Windows XP Home Edition at a minimum (for Windows based computers). If you are running one of the minimum spec operating systems on a CPU that does not have SSE2 instructions .... You are having quite a few more issues than just finding a Second Life client that will work for you.

I truly hope someone comes by and locks this thread - this went far past ridiculous after the first page.

To recap and summarize: You want Linden Lab or a Third Party coder to create a V1 client that contains the SSA code while leaving out modern CPU instructions (SSE2) because your computer does not have a semi-modern central processor. Many people have already responded to tell you - politely - that such a thing is not going to happen unless you pay a coder. Your only other option, should you wish to remain a user of Second Life, is to shell out the cash for a cheap, somewhat modern motherboard and central processor.

This is on top of the (obviously false) claim you have made concerning this issue affecting "millions" of users and that you speak for them.

No, no and no. Your options have been made crystal clear and you do not speak for anyone else. You have two options for trmaining able to use Second Life. Outside of that, your final option is to leave.

Pick one.

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Long story short here Time marches on. Yes it stinks that some will be left behind but honestly you can't stop progress and to do so is folly at it's greatest. You will just have you move on or upgrade. It's not a personaly thing we all have against you or people like you. It is mearly that this platform must continue to advance if it is to survive at all and to stop it because the few will be disatvanged is to kill it entirely.

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Thank you very much for inviting me to go, you are very kind and considerate, I transmit that desire to all users with the same problems. My pc does not have 14 years, has nine years the motherboard the other components are about 1 year, and to your knowledge no one sent me any mail or who had gone I contact technical features to use secondlife, V.1 viewers always use first because they were better are lighter, go faster than the official viewer so I'm not aware I needed SSE2, until I realized that some users saw geometric figures endorsed, was when investigating and I realized that my processor could no longer use the official viewer or niguno SSE2 he had need. Did not matter, but now when changing avatars cocigo reading the SEE,,,,, all we use gray V.1. I understand your position and that of many I care less green than other pc can not change and have to give a second life of six years. They can close the child and I give citizens aware of secondlife like you who can go now in second pc which we have hitherto been continuous citizens do not care about anything.

Maria del Carmen ...

Muchas gracias por invitarme a irme, eres muy amable y considerado, transmito ese deseo a todos los usuarios con mi mismo problema.

Mi pc no tiene 14 años ,,tiene  9 años la placa base el resto de los componentes tienen alrededor de 1 año, y para tu conocimiento nadie me mando ningun correo ni me comunico que habian subido las caracteristicas tecnicas para usar  secondlife,
siempre use visores V.1  primero porque iban mejor son menos pesados, vas mas rapido que con el visor oficial por lo cual no me entere que necesitaba SSE2, hasta que me di cuanta que veia a algunos usuarios con figuras geometricas endosadas, fue cuando investigue y me di cuenta que mi procesador ya no podia usar el visor oficial ni niguno que tuviera necesidad de SSE2.
No tenia importancia, pero ahora al cambiar el cocigo de leer los avatares los VEMOS,,,,,todos los que usamos V.1 grises.

Comprendo tu postura y la de muchos  os importa un pimiento verde que otros no puedan cambiar de pc y tengan que dejar una segunda vida de  6 años.

Pueden cerrar el hijo  ya me doy por enterada por ciudadanos de secondlife como tu que podemos irnos  ya de second los que tenemos pc que hasta ahora hemos sido ciudadanos continuos no les importamos nada.

Maria del Carmen...

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I'm not computer software developer but in communication with some that is easy to enter that code at some viewer V.1
You only need to want to.
If I knew it would do it, I swear by my daughter would let V.1 viewers could see avatars with SSA.
Would see the mesh but not until they could upgrade their pc would continue watching the other avatars that do not use mesh, and the world, yet there is little mesh structures, for when there are many more in several years, and all we would go to expand our computers.


No soy desarrolladora de programas informaticos pero en comunicacion con algunos se que es facil introducir ese codigo en algun visor V.1
Solo se necesita  querer hacerlo.
Si yo supiera hacerlo lo haria, te juro por mi hija que dejaria que los visores V.1 pudieran ver los avatares con SSA.
No verian los mesh pero hasta que pudieran actualizar sus pc seguirian viendo a los demas avatares que no usen mesh, y el mundo, apenas hay estructuras  mesh todavia, para cuando haya muchas mas dentro de varios años, ya todos iriamos ampliando nuestras computadoras.

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I have not offended or insulted anyone, just espresso a reality that not only me is happening to me, we are more, I have no fault to anyone to use this medium to tell.

For you there is a drama, for me if it is, is a drama into my second life and see all the perfect world, move well, me I perfect myself, and ..... see my fellow gray, my friends gray, all gray avatars,

Just because viewers want to let die they die V.1 And with all that we can only use those viewers.

Next month I will have a new pc with which I return to see everyone, someone with more purchasing power than I gave it to me, I can never thank him as I would want but know you have a person in this world who always will be grateful and will smile every day because of him.

But others that may change from pc or nobody will give one,,,,, will continue with viewers V.1 without seeing the other avatars .....

Maybe the solution is desavilitarlos at all, and so will end the complaints, do not you think?????

in Spanish we would say ..... CHEER TO THE VIEWERS V.1 ... Tiremos WORK IT OUT MADE IN OTHER TIMES,,,, also we throw our elderly parents, grandparents, uncles etc.. as they are old not worth.


No he ofendido  ni insultado a nadie, simplemente espreso una realidad que no solo me esta sucediendo a mi, somos mas, no tengo culpa que nadie use este medio para contarlo.

Para ti no es un drama, para mi si lo es, es un drama entrar a mi segunda vida y ver  todo el mundo perfecto, moverme perfectamente, verme yo a mi misma perfecta, y..... ver a mi compañero gris,  a mis amigos grises, a  todos los avatares grises,

Solo porque  quieren dejar morir los visores V.1   Y con ellos mueren todos los que solo podemos usar esos visores.

El mes que viene tendre un nuevo pc  con el cual podre volver a ver a  todos,  alguien con mas poder adquisitivo que yo me lo ha regalado, jamas podre agradecerselo como yo querria pero sabe que tiene una persona en este mundo que siempre le estara agradecida y que cada dia sonreira gracias a el.

Pero los demas que no podran cambiar  de pc ni nadie les va a regalar uno,,,,, seguiran con visores V.1 sin ver a los demas avatares.....

Quizas la solucion sea desavilitarlos del todo, y asi se terminan las quejas, no crees?????

en español diriamos.....  A LA PORRA LOS VISORES V.1... TIREMOS A LA BASURA EL TRABAJO HECHO EN OTROS TIEMPOS ,,,,  tambien tiremos a nuestros mayores  padres, abuelos, tios  etc,. como ya son viejos no valen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hope i'm posting this in the correct section,

Hey all sorry to bother you, im having trouble seeing others, Currently running Imprudence 1.4.0 version which is SSE2 optimized for performance.. I can see all of you in Grey  or Silver, and the rest of you can see me as smoke or a tic tac. 

Otherwise i see myself loading completely , while the rest of you can't even see me correct, I can see all of you...

Any assistance or advice would be appreciated.


My Computer is a 96' Compaq Presario, 

specs are: 

Processor: Intel®Pentium® 4 CPU 3.00GHz  2.99GHz

Memory (RAM): 2.00 GB

System type: 32-bit Operating System Windows Vista Home Basic.

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