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Are you weary?


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Hello everyone, we are Wisdom for the Weary! A non-profitable group designed to help everyone who needs emotional support and guidance through counseling and activities that focuses on personal development. The group's aim is to help teach you to think more rationally and productively about your problems and unmet needs, and to find the solutions to those problems and the remedies to those unmet needs within your own mind, that is, how you think about yourself and others.

WFTW have been away for a long hiatus due to Rl but now we are back and more excited than ever to help as many people as possible. We will be hosting both group meetings and lively discussions following it, and individual counseling with interested members. Occassionally, we will have various fellow Sl members as guest speakers to share their personal stories of their emotional and mental struggles and how they overcame it so that we can apply their hard earned knowledge to our own lives. Feel free to visit us and find more information about the group and what you can gain by being a part of it.

We hope to attract more members who are able to give support and advice as well so we can help as many people here in sl as possible, so if you have knowledge, abilities, or just the ability to support and motivate people to lead better lives feel free to join us. Group meetings are weekly and are announced via group notices. There is no cost to join the group and counseling sessions are of no cost so you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.


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Is this a Psychiatric support group (if so, do you provide any sort of credentials as to whether or not you're properly trained to provide such support?) or is this like one of those "self-help", "Think yourself into a millionaire better person" scams?


Edited to eliminate the unnecessary quote.

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Hi Dres, this is neither a Psychiatric support group (at least not in the formal sense of the phrase) nor a "Think yourself into a better person" scam. As xsunmoonstarsx said, this would be a pretty ineffective scam if it was one since we arent asking for money or anything else from people except their time and an open mind. We know of a few other support groups in SL whose leaders have no formal psychiatric training, because they dont provide psychotherapy, just emotional and social support, which is what we also provide.

Have you heard of peer support for people with mental illness, where someone simply visits a person with mental illness, takes them places, and basically acts as a friend to them? Well that is one of the main purposes of our group,  with the others being teaching people how to think more rationally about themselves and their lives, and just educating them about how to live a healthier and happier life. Regarding credentials, we don't a PhD in psychology if that is what you are referring to since we aren't providing psychiatric services in the formal sense of the word. I am a psychology grad student and my co-founder is a former licensed social worker who now teaches English. If you have any further questions about us or our group feel free to ask :)

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Hi, thanks for the support :) I guess if one spends enough time in SL it can make one jaded, or so I hear, but I understand why people are cautious of any self help group because in RL there are lots of self-help scams. We have no agenda other than trying to help people, so thanks for recognizing that. If people would visit our place in world they would realize it also lol. We hope to see you at our first meeting this week! (we'll send a group notice 24 hours in advance).

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"Give a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" is the group's motto. The group is for anyone really. From someone who wants a listening ear and a guiding hand to someone who has met struggles in life and made it through by getting the same support and just want to return the favor in the 'pay it forward' kind of sense. It could also be for anyone who are in need of friends here in SL. What do we gain about making this group, you might ask. Well, my answer would be...if you had the chance to make a difference in someone's life even just a bit, wouldn't you? We have been around for a year and have enjoyed the group talks and fun activities. We invite you to visit us to have a feel of what WFTW is all about. :)
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1whowaits wrote:

Have you heard of peer support for people with mental illness, where someone simply visits a person with mental illness, takes them places, and basically acts as a friend to them?

I certainly have, but I would think that a legitimate program such as this would have someone with the proper credentials and certification to engage in this type of work, who would oversee it and screen the participates who will be giving support to these people. People who may very well be in a fragile state of mind and, in turn, be overly susceptible to nefarious suggestions.  When these types of suggestions are coming from some random, anonymous stranger on the internet, things could go very badly very quickly.  Hence, why I asked about your credentials.  How would anyone know if you're honestly concerned about their well being or if you're just some kind of sick individual who gets off on screwing with people's heads for your own amusement?


1whowaits wrote:

Hi Dres, this is neither a 
Psychiatric support group (at least not in the formal sense of the phrase) <snip>
Regarding credentials, we don't a PhD in psychology if that is what you are referring to since we aren't providing psychiatric services in the formal sense of the word.

What do you mean by "formal sense"?  Are you saying there's a such thing as informal psychiatric services?


1whowaits wrote:

I am a psychology grad student and my co-founder is a former licensed social worker who now teaches English.

And I'm the Queen of England.

I mean, come on... anyone can say they're anything on the internet.  Are you honestly suggesting that people should just take your word in regards to what training you may have?

On the same note, how would you know that what your clients are saying about themselves is accurate?  What happens if one of your clients is truly psychotic and ends up using what they might have learned to really cause someone else in the group to come to great harm?  What then?  Do you just wash your hands of the whole situation because you've no real way of knowing who you're dealing with?


1whowaits wrote:

We know of a few other support groups in SL whose leaders have no formal psychiatric training, because they dont provide psychotherapy, just emotional and social support, which is what we also provide.

I fail to understand your point.  If they've no credentials nor formal training and provide the support in such an unstable environment as SL, then they could be causing just as much harm to people as you potentially could.


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1whowaits wrote:

Hi, thanks for the support
I guess if one spends enough time in SL it can make one jaded, or so I hear, but I understand why people are cautious of any self help group because in RL there are lots of self-help scams.

No... I'm cautious because this is not RL and, in SL, you've no way to truly legitimize what you're attempting to do.  It could very well be that you've got only the best of intentions... that doesn't mean that it's a good idea.  If you really want to help, you should be directing people to resources where they can really get the help that they need, instead of playing at being a social worker.


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All I can say is 1. That is another way to look at it but even I cannot have that level of paranoia in my head. It's too far-fetched for a group who just wants to help. and 2. We don't do psychiatric therapy and in no way are we to make a diagnosis. It is stated there clearly on our boards. We are here to support others by means of motivational topics via group discussions and counselings where we can help people into personal development. We're not forcing anyone to participate, if you feel this isn't for you, then it isn't. But for those who sees this as an opportunity to improve themselves, then perhaps it is.

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wisdomadvocate wrote:



All I can say is 1. That is another way to look at it but even I cannot have that level of paranoia in my head. It's too far-fetched for a group who just wants to help. and 2. We don't do psychiatric therapy and in no way are we to make a diagnosis. It is stated there clearly on our boards. We are here to support others by means of motivational topics via group discussions and counselings where we can help people into personal development. We're not forcing anyone to participate, if you feel this isn't for you, then it isn't. But for those who sees this as an opportunity to improve themselves, then perhaps it is.

I'm in no way trying to knock you, your partner (I'm assuming the OP is your partner) or your organization.  If you choose not to consider the ramifications of what I've said here, that's your decision.  But there are frightfully disturbed people in SL and not all of them are as obvious as the person flamming this thread at the moment.  Some are very subtle and cunning, which is much more dangerous.  My hope is that you can recognize such a person before they can do any irreparable damage and that you and your partner are as sincere as you want me to believe.


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Thank you for the feedback, Dresden. I have been in SL long enough to know that there really are disturbed people in SL. This may be a long shot to be of help to others in this way but we would like to make an effort nonetheless. You mentioned about confidentiality and how one can use it against someone. There are certain precautions needed to be made to protect others, and we are aware of that. We don't condone people telling us any personal information and we discourage that. Again, I would like to stress that we are not psychiatrists and we do not conduct therapy. Any questions, you may send me or 1whowaits--not my partner, an IM. :)

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You've missed the point.  I would think that any type of counseling or group support would require the building of trust between the participating individuals.  How is it possible to build such trust in an anonymous environment such as SL?  In addition, how is it possible to claim that you're helping people when one of the first things you do is ask them to believe you when you tell them who you are, with no further, substantiatable proof?  Right off the bat, what you may be teaching them about trusting strangers on the internet, could be detrimental to their well being.  It's a Catch-22 for which I'm afraid there is no work around.

If you still feel you must proceed, please do so with extreme caution.


Edited for clarity.

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By doing it how we've always done it. We had no problems before, our group discussions aren't as extreme as you think as in professional therapy. Trust is established because people are comfortable in our style of support. For our members, it's a case of really just wanting a listening ear and being involved in stimulating group discussions, sharing their feelings and thoughts. We set out limitations and realistic expectations beforehand. 

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

  But there
frightfully disturbed people in SL and not all of them are as obvious as the person flamming this thread at the moment.  Some are very subtle and cunning, which is much more dangerous.  My hope is that you can recognize such a person before they can do any irreparable damage and that you and your partner are as sincere as you want me to believe.


I think we should refer Pep to this service, don't you. Perhaps he could pop along and give us some feedback.

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Pie Serendipity wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

But there
frightfully disturbed people in SL and not all of them are as obvious as the person flamming this thread at the moment.  Some are very subtle and cunning, which is much more dangerous.  My hope is that you can recognize such a person before they can do any irreparable damage and that you and your partner are as sincere as you want me to believe.


I think we should refer Pep to this service, don't you. Perhaps he could pop along and give us some feedback.

LOL... Pep would chew those people up and spit them out.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

You've missed the point.  I would think that any type of counseling or group support would require the building of trust between the participating individuals.  How is it possible to build such trust in an anonymous environment such as SL?  In addition, how is it possible to claim that you're helping people when one of the first things you do is ask them to believe you when you tell them who you are, with no further, substantiatable proof?  Right off the bat, what you may be teaching them about trusting strangers on the internet, could be detrimental to their well being.  It's a Catch-22 for which I'm afraid there is no work around.

If you still feel you must proceed, please do so with extreme caution.


Edited for clarity.

Dear optimists, pessimists, and realists,
While you were all arguing over the glass of water, I just drank it.
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I just to say its a really nice thing you are doing. It always nice to talk to people who go through what you are going through. I don't have any mental issues however I do have a brother with Aspergers and I feel I am alone most the time when it comes to his issues. There is a lot to handle when a family member has mental disabilities. So I say thank you. I do realize there are people in the world who just want to help. I know because I am one of them. RL people always come to be for advice and guidance. I have no issue with helping people and I don't have an ulterior motive.. Most the time. jk LOL Wish you the best!

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Hi Sephina, thanks for your support of our group! I'm so sorry to hear about your brother and I know it must be really hard to deal with a family member with a disease as frustrating as Asperger's. We don't claim to be able to treat people with serious illness like your brother in our group if such people even exist in SL, but we at least hope to provide emotional support and practical ideas for bearing such weights, and natural remedies for people whose illness has a biological cause. Have you dont research into Asperger's? One natural remedy I know of offhand that some people have had success in treating Asperger's with is coconut oil so you might want to look into that. Perhaps we could do some further research into it for you if you havent, just let us know :) Thanks again for your response!

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So now coconut oil is being prescribed by the natural therapy enthusiasts for autistic spectrum disorders.

Along with its use fighting degenerative heart disease and fungal infections, as mouthwash, and for uv protection by lilac-rinsed biddies in Florida.

Another miracle cure for the quacks to promote and the FDA to smack down . . .

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I wouldnt say prescribed so much as recommended because coconut oil isnt a drug to be prescribed, but rather a natural food extract with therapeutic properties for certain diseases. 

I am glad you mentioned some of the more well known uses of coconut oil. Indeed research has shown it is an effective treatment for all the purposes you mentioned and many more too. Although I generally dislike using the word miracle to describe the therapeutic effects of any natural food or substance, because con artists like Kevin Trudeau tend to use the term to get people to buy their books or supplements, in the case of coconut oil it can be used legitimately, at least in the case of certain degenerative diseases where the person with the disease had no hope of healing prior to using the coconut oil. The most notable case that has shown the miraculous healing power of coconut oil for certain diseases is that of Steve Newport and his wife Dr. Mary Newport, who cured him of his Alzheimer's Disease using only coconut oil as a treatment after he didnt respond to drugs. If you look at the clocks he drew before and after using the coconut oil on this page it is apparent it radically improved his brain: http://www.coconutketones.com/ His full story is here if you or anyone else is interested: http://www.coconutketones.com/whatifcure.pdf 

Fortunately the FDA hasnt and cant smack down coconut oil because it is a food extract, as long as no one selling it makes a claim that it can treatcure, or prevent any disease. I wouldnt say quacks are promoting it, as several highly respected doctors have been using it to treat many people with many different diseases, and best of all with no side effects like the drugs it is used to replace or complement have. Have you heard of anyone being harmed by eating coconut oil? I've heard of and known lots of people harmed by medically prescribed drugs.

I'm not trying to convince you or the woman whose brother has Asperger's about the therapeutic effects of coconut oil, I'm just putting the information out there, because no one was ever harmed by learning the truth about something, other than their ego lol. 

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1whowaits wrote:


I am glad you mentioned some of the more well known uses of coconut oil. Indeed unreliable, unsubstantiated and unrepeatable research has suggested it may or - more likely - may not be an effective treatment for all the purposes you mentioned and many more too.


Oh, and the word  "prescribed" does not have to be used solely in a formal fashion; you could be prescribed a regime of abstaining from promoting quack remedies, and that would not have any legal ramifications.

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Pie Serendipity wrote:

1whowaits wrote:


I am glad you mentioned some of the more well known uses of coconut oil. Indeed unreliable, unsubstantiated and unrepeatable research has suggested it may or - more likely - may not be an effective treatment for all the purposes you mentioned and many more too.


Oh, and the word  "prescribed" does not have to be used solely in a formal fashion; you could be prescribed a regime of abstaining from promoting quack remedies, and that would not have any legal ramifications.

Wouldn't the word then be "proscribed?"

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