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New Fashion Blogger- Question about Events

Ginger Fanshaw

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Hello All, 

I'm sure this is a dumb question but I am new to fashion blogging and just got my first sponsor and first event to cover.  Yay!

 I'm just wondering when you are invited to cover an event, do you generally get early access and do you pay for all your own stuff always?  Any help is appreciated.  Thanks:D



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Ginger Fanshaw wrote:

Hello All, 

do you generally get early access and do you pay for all your own stuff always?  Any help is appreciated.  Thanks:D


I would always be interested to know if someone was given the item or whether they were a mystery shopper and paid themselves.

I would be inclined to feel that if someone is given an item and wishes to continue to receive similar items from that creator, that they would be likely to favourable in their review.  On the other hand, if they have purchased it, then they'd be more likely to be more critical and would probably feel justified in doing so.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Ginger Fanshaw wrote:

Hello All, 

do you generally get early access and do you pay for all your own stuff always?  Any help is appreciated.  Thanks:D


I would always be interested to know if someone was given the item or whether they were a mystery shopper and paid themselves.

I would be inclined to feel that if someone is given an item and wishes to continue to receive similar items from that creator, that they would be likely to favourable in their review.  On the other hand, if they have purchased it, then they'd be more likely to be more critical and would probably feel justified in doing so.

My take on this is that bloggers who get chosen as "official" often have to jump through hoops to retain that "official" status... at least that's the way it seems from what I've observed.  Sure they get free stuff, early access and more exposure for their blogs, but then they have to abide by the rules set forth and by the whim of the organizers in order to take advantage of these perks.  I would have to imagine that the costs are sometimes not worth the effort.

I know that I would hate to be in a situation where I'm forced to blog about a designer that I don't want to, just because they sent me an item and the rules for the event state that I must.  I've seen explosions of drama across the internet over this very type of thing.

And, of course, as you've said, there is a question about integrity and the perception of possible favoritism that a partnership with these creators and event organizers might create.  Being in bed with these people, might make some readers believe that there's something nefarious going on, even if there's not.

Personally, if I were to start blogging (and I have given it some thought), the last thing I would want is to have merchants sending me stuff then getting POed because I didn't blog it or didn't like it and stated so.


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In my view, an "official" blogger for a shop is actually called a "marketing agent".  If they're not independent and not able to procure the item that is to be reviewed without any negative consequence then they are wholly acting in the interests of that shop.  Not that I actually care, I don't read any of the blogs :)

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Sassy Romano wrote:

In my view, an "official" blogger for a shop is actually called a "marketing agent".  If they're not independent and not able to procure the item that is to be reviewed without any negative consequence then they are wholly acting in the interests of that shop.  Not that I actually care, I don't read any of the blogs

Exactly my point... this may not actually be the case, but you certainly couldn't fault anyone for thinking that it is.


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Anything I review on my blog, I have purchased and used myself.    I try to be as objective as possible when reviewing a product, whether it is my blog or on MP; however, we all have our limitations.  Reviews are only as good as the reviewer is willing to be objective; thus,  I usually only post reviews on products that deserve review.   Nothing is ever perfect but some products are much better than others.

I do these review on my dime and my time.  If the product is good, I want to extoll its' virtues but still point out its' bad points as well.  I don't want to have to waste my time on a product that is just shabby and doesn't deserve any more time spent on it  or precious blog space than necessary. 

LOL...I would be just a critical if the item were given to me to test and review but if it is on my own dime, I don't feel guilty about writing the truth as I see it.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Five plus years and well over 3500 posts, I may have some insights *wink*.

First of all there is often a difference between "early access" and "official blogger". Early access gets you into a venue before the crowds descend (like Hair Fair).  "Official blogger" MAY or MAY NOT have strings attached. Sometimes samples, hunt prizes and the like are put into the group pool (there is most often a group involved). Sometimes there is a list of "approved bloggers" that designers can -- if they choose -- send items too. There is no guarantee they will send and there is often no guarantee that the bloggers will blog.

There are actually very few venues that have chain-like strings and criteria. These should be noted on the blog sign up sheet or in the notecard you received. If they expect you to blog everything? Well that doesn't work for me, but starting out it might be OK for you. You are the one that has to decide.

Ask questions.

I am not really sure what your mention of "sponsor"  covers. Normally those are people who put ads on the sides of some blogs (Blogger doesn't let you do that I am hate ads so wouldn't do it anyway). Maybe you mean you have been asked to be in a blogger group?

Whatever -- the important thing, now and forever in my mind, is to make sure you LIKE what you are blogging and respect the designers, their work ethic and their customer service record. You are connecting yourself with them after all.

It takes awhile to climb your way up the blogger mountain. It is a long journey, hopefully fun and if you are lucky filled with little dra-ma.   Eventually if you do a good job, keep your reputation clean and earn the respect of the blogging community and the designers -- you get to blog for some of the best. It won't happen over night.

If you are in doubt about a designer who has asked you to blog for them, get some demos and CERTAINLY visit the shop. Don't start blogging for someone just because they asked - LOL.  I know it might be tempting, but it could hurt you in the long run.

Good blogging is not about the "free stuff". It is about doing your part in the giant wheel of fashion. Bloggers ARE important, but how important depends on skill, commitment, attention to detail and -- morals.

Go forth. Learn. Grow, Enjoy.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had some blogs of store items and they were done in different ways. 

One was someone that put together items for a blog photo and simply listed the items in the photo and alerted the designers that they used their product in the photo. 

Another was someone taking photos of pics that were in a hunt event i participated in. I'm not sure if it was a freebie blog or one that was set up for the specific hunt as it wasn't in english so I had a friend loosely translate. Again it was mostly the list of what the items were and who by. That one i wasn't alerted about, it was a friend that saw it and gave me the link.

Then there are the blog photos that were done for an event that each merchant pays for their prim space in. The event itself arranges the bloggers and gives the names for us to send the products to. In this case it is also just photos with the information of what store it came from.

None of these ones had any written opinions or descriptions. It was just picture, store, creator, price and if lucky a LM.

If it is the sort of blog where your asked to write your thoughts than that can be touchy if your working for someone specific as they wont want their merchant customers angry yet you want to let the shoppers know the truth. I believe most of the blogs that have opinions are ones that the merchant isn't pulling any strings on and is a surprise to even them.

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