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Ultra slow viewer

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Hi All,


This may not be thr right place, but I'm desperate...

I experience extreme low refreshes (about one second) in the viewer. No settings were altered, though.

Most of the time, the place I restart into does'nt render at all, and if so only very partial, like walls that are missing, stairs that atr not there and so on...

I use a PC with 2Gb memory and a GeForce 6800 card. It used to run smoothly...and I've even managed to make some friends...so...please help...

One detail, I use the latest firestorm viewer with the RLV plugin...

Thanks for helpuing out...



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i dont think so. 

it really seems it comes from your internet.

try in another region for being sure. and if you still get the same lag check this page to settle better your bandwith. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_speedtest

also its possible it comes also from your comp performence, your ram etc...

i would check also the graphic performance in your viewer (pref menu) maybe you are running sl too high compared to what your comp can handle.

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i've gotten some improvement by turning all audio and media off, still, a scene will not render completely because there are too many objects in there...where it used to do that a few days ago...

I d thing the "owner" of the place "redecorates" once in a while :)

maybe some more memory...2Gb...dunnow how much that is...

 And...clearing the cache is a good idea, to be done on a regular base. You'll have to take in account that everything needs to be reloaded...



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I agree with the others, it sounds a lot like a connection issue.  I travel around, and often use public wifi connections.  Well, I try to, with very mixed success.  Maybe 1/3 of the time wifi works for me just fine, 1/3 it works after a fashion, and 1/3 not at all.  The difference for me is in packet loss, you can see how you are doing from the help>about tab, it tells you packet loss down at the bottom.   From OP's description, I would guess packet loss in the 20% range.

Aslo, 2 GB ram is awfully low.  Make sure there are no other programs at all running in the background, that may help a bit.

And a lot of people report that the Singularity viewer puts less of a load on the PC, if you can stomach the V1 type interface.  It does support RLV.

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well in absolute, 2 GB of RAM is not awfull but its not much either. Above all if you make run other softwares on your computer at the same time than SL .

If you can add more memory to your comp i strongly advice you to do it.. you'll see the difference... my internet is not great but its the best i can have where i live and i also dont have a great graph card, but having 4 GB of RAM in my comp compensate some of the weaknesses from my graph card and internet. 

This is why i said "in absolute".. bec it depend about your whole system and internet, Some features can compensate some other weakness... and also about how you settle your preference in the viewer.. the more right the preferences are settled the better you ll get an optimized SL. No need to get a bandwith settled to high if your internet cant afford it.. on the contrary it wont help and make the connection worst... while if you find the right setting for your bandwith, even if its a lower one, youll get a better a result. Well im not saying your bandwith is not correctly settled lol, just taking this as example to illustrate what i said about having the correct settings :)

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When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. If the viewer will at least show the login screen, get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. Help->About... provides all the version numbers we need.  To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

Also, which viewer are you using? That info will be in the Help->About...

The 6800 is the minimum video card for SL. To see if it is your connection or card turn your graphics setting to LOW. If that makes a significant difference in FPS, it probably is not your connection. You can be certain using these steps: Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection and take a look at: Graphics Tweaking for Second Life.

You might get better performance with the Cool VL Viewer or Singularity Viewer. Their makers tend to put more consideration into how their viewers will work with older hardware.

As people upgrade they sell their older equipemt on eBay. You can find 8800 and 9800 video cards on eBay.

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Well, this may be a clue, I've been visiting other places, they rendser quickly and completely, so I suspect that it's the area...

I'm using an Asustek motherboard, 2Gb memory and Firestorm viewer, witht he RLV pluging. I was led to believe that there were other viewers... like Infinity.

Maybe I'd rarther use that one?

 Adn yes, more memory is required. I just bought a house (whee!!!) and am not really incliined to get out and grab a new PC...

It ran smoothly just a few days ago, and it runs pretty smooth in other areas...that's a clue...
Thanks for the input, gang :)


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Nalates Urriah wrote:

The 6800 is the minimum video card for SL.

The problem with that statement is that, for many of us, including me, it isn't very informative. For instance, I had an NVidia card model that started with a 9 - 9nnn. That sounded impressive when I bought it some years ago - much better than cards that start with lower numbers like 6800. But then I was informed that a higher first number is not indicative of higher quality graphic capabilities. Apparently it's another part of the number that indicates higher quality graphics.

Right now I'm using an nVidia GT 520 card which sounds lower than the 6800 one you said is the minimum, but it happily runs 2 viewers plus other programmes, including Photoshop, simultaneously. I don't have either viewer turned up to ultra though. Graphic card model numbers need some explanation for those of us who aren't into graphic cards :)

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Graphic card model numbers need some explanation for those of us who aren't into graphic cards **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://secondlife.i.lithium.com/i/smilies/16x16_smiley-happy.gif" border="0" alt=":smileyhappy:" title="Smiley Happy" />


Phil, it's actually very easy with NVIDIA:

The old cards with 4 digits aren't available anymore. And back then a 9xxxx was better than a 8xxxx. Placing the 6800 of the OP right at the bottom of the food chain.

Basically it hasn't changed with the 3 digit models. First digit is the generation of the card, so my 2xx is older than a 7xx from the latest  generation. And although the newer generations are leaps and bounds better than the older ones it's the second digit that makes all the difference when you're on the market for a new card right now. Your 520 is very low at the bottom, while a 580 is very high up. But you won't get any of them from the stores anymore anyway.

Another indicator are the letters in front. GT are the general use office and multimedia cards while GTX are speced for gamers. The changeover from GT to GTX happenedat the x6x traditionally. Lately they changed that again, I guess in the latest generation you get a GTX 750. Also they came up with some more stuff to confuse us even more, the Ti models. But that's kinda bs, since a standard 760 still beats a fancy 750 Ti.

So if I was on the lookout for a new NVIDIA card I'd not look for anything that's at least a GTX 760.

In the end it's actually even simpler: more expensive = more better! :smileyhappy:

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