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Discontinued Shop, item transfer?

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Greetings SL forms, so recently i just got my account back from being very inactive for the past 3 years, and i have a few Skins and shapes , Misc itmes that i purchased back in thoes days.

However.. it appears that all of thoes items that i brought the shops and people no longer play or have been discontinued. Is there any way to send or migrate these items onto a different Avatar? if they are not transferable?,

im going to start fresh so i want to transfer what i can to my new avatar.

only solution i can think of is asking Support to help move them over.. but.. i dont really see that happening

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You can always try and IM the Creator, by looking at the Properties of the inventory items.

Sometimes, although the shop is gone, the creator is still active in SL. If they own the original assets, they might be willing to send a copy for you, although not necessarily for free.

Nothing lasts forever.

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If the shapes are ones you really love, and they are mod, you can go into appearance edit and jot down the numbers on each slider. However, skin creation has improved vastly over the last three years, you might want to update with new skins. if they were fabulous skins three years ago, they may still be very good but there are chances that a lot of people are wearing t he same skins. I changed a skin I'd been wearing for years when I saw too many of my twins walking around SL, it was a very distinctive skin from Redgrave.

But certainly, check to see if the content creators are still in SL and willing to help you out, nothing ventured, nothing gained after all. Good luck!

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Even things that are transferable, you may want to check them out in current shops to see if they are outdated before transferring them.  A lot of things have improved in the past three years.  No use junking up your new inventory with stuff you won't use as it will soon get junked up enough on its own. :smileyvery-happy:

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Miss Toki wrote:

That really sucks, because if they were still alive being the shops and if i was still able to purchase the items then i would just rebuy them on my new avitar

It might sound like it sucks, but it really doesn't. The fact that the lab won't transfer these items for you, is actually a very, very good thing. If they did, it would leave a gaping hole for people to take advantage of, and they already do that enough as it is. The lab would have to make certain you are who you say you are, you own both accounts, you haven't been hacked, etc... A long and time consuming process. They already can't deal with real issues, griefing, technical problems and such. Adding on the burden of this sort of thing would only compound that.

Can you imagine just how many people, especially hackers, would take advantage if the lab chose to move assets from one account to another? It's best they take a neutral stance on that sort of thing and just not involve themselves. Like others said, you can always find the creators and see if they'd be willing to sell you another skin. I wouldn't dare ask if they could just send it, because they too likely won't have any way to determine you are indeed a former customer. At least not after 3+ years, and not if they've closed up shop. Odds are they don't have records that far back, or just don't want to look through them if they do. They may be able to sell you that skin, perhaps even a little cheaper, but I wouldn't expect that either.


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Sorry, I don't get it. You got your account back after 3 years of inactivity. What does that mean? Did you actually delete the account back then and now you paid LL 9.95 US$ for reactivation? Then why do you wanna start new with a stupid n00bish 'Resident' surname?

Ok, let's assume I could understand your wish to start fresh (which I can't), then why o why do you wanna wear the same old shape and the same old skin?

Anyway, coming back after 3 years (3 RL years are roundabout 3000 SL years) is a fresh start anyway. Nobody will remember you, your whole inventory is totally outdated, your friendslist probably empty. It's like getting out of jail, you're on a clean slate.

So my advice is: stay on your account, make the best of it and enjoy your oldbie status.

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I would just start a brand new character with everything new. Forget bringing over any old stuff. Why do that? You want to be new! Go shopping. Get demos. Look at all the new things SL has to offer. Not having any old items will really force you to look for things that you otherwise would have not thought about.

Just keep that ol' account too! It's good to have a 2nd account. You can load her up whenever you feel nostalgic.

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Nope you cant legally transfer them keyword legally.

Although the assets in Second Life are still there.

I do wish that Linden Lab would allow a user to copy, backup, and manage their own inventory/transfer assets to other accounts that they own within the Second Life service it would be great and provide more security as well as prevent griefers from targeting a single persons account because they can still create a new account and transfer items to that new account maybe put a small fee on it of $20 for doing it each time and once a year or something to prevent abuse of actual transfer of items/data to new account.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

Sorry, I don't get it. You got your account back after 3 years of inactivity. What does that mean? Did you actually delete the account back then and now you paid LL 9.95 US$ for reactivation? Then why do you wanna start new with a stupid n00bish 'Resident' surname?

Not everyone likes their username they picked from years ago. I've seen alot of people with last names change them via display names and have only a first name. At first I didn't get it, I thought ok, why do they want to give up their individuality that way? Then I wondered, wait a sec, do they think they are THAT big, that well known or beloved in SL that they can give up their last name and be instantly recognized? Ohhh of course, it is the one, the only ... Jane. That's regarding last names, some don't like their first name they chose.

Orca Flotta wrote:

Anyway, coming back after 3 years (3 RL years are roundabout 3000 SL years) is a fresh start anyway. Nobody will remember you, your whole inventory is totally outdated, your friendslist probably empty. It's like getting out of jail, you're on a clean slate.


That all isn't the case, who's to say if anyone will remember her or not? I bump into people I used to work with or date in SL from years ago, people who I haven't seen in 4 years who are long gone from friends lists or never were, and I remember them.  As for an entire inventory being totally outdated .... meh, some clothing and hair and eyes still stand the test of time, so do some good of the better sculpted structures.

While there have been improvements in some skins, once gain, others hold up quite well. I have a friend who really wants to update his look on occasion but he can't find a skin of better quality than the one he has been wearing for over 3 years now.

Also, it's not a clean slate, you have no idea what the OP was like before, whether very "good" or very "bad" and how well people will remember her.

The OP didn't ask, how do I update my look after being away for 3 years? She asked how can she transfer inventory items that are non transfer because she wants to start fresh on a new account. Advice she's been given on skins and shapes here has been (in general) to encourage her to go shopping for her new account and not regret the inability to transfer things she likes. You're the only one who has posted a response implying ... and please note I say implying, not stating ... that she's silly or stupid with little taste and utterly forgettable to people she knew before.

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