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Adobe Creative Cloud - Subscription Service Only No More Separate Hard Copy Software for sale.

LillyBeth Filth

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Adobe have scrapped selling one off hard copies of all of their software products. They are now forcing people to pay a monthly subscription which is indefinite for as long as you use any of their software products. So if you can't afford the payment one month, access to the software is closed down. Your files and any work you created using that software becomes inaccessible and un-editable. 

More info here 

I have CS6 but as an after thought wanted CS6 Extended. Contacted them about an upgrade. No go. I would have to buy the entire Photoshop CS6 Extended in FULL again.

That seemed insane and made no sense and then I discovered some months later that Adobe are no longer selling stand alone, full hard copy versions of their software nor can you purchase any of the pieces of software as a separate item so for me, Photoshop was and indeed still is the only piece of their entire suite that I use.

Photoshop CS6 was the last individual hard copy version you could purchase. 

If you wish to upgrade from CS6 or any CS before that, you can't. You have to subscribe and pay monthly to Adobes "Creative Cloud" which allows you access to the entire suite of software. 

I almost did it at £17 a month because I have the CS6 already, the older your version of Photoshop the higher the monhtly fees and if you don't own any of the Adobe software franchise, the monthly fee is quite high indeed.

However I only really use Photoshop and that cost me £800 only 18 months ago so to start paying £17 a month for as long as I want to use it seems unfair as I don't want or need any of the other pieces of software that my subscription fee is paying for.

Why can't they offer a subscription for each individual piece of software?

We're not all running an office with different creative departments using different pieces of Adobes creative suite.

Many users of Adobes software are freelance or individual self employed people who like me, only use one or two pieces. 

I may use the new Illustrator as I have an old CS version and that is no longer compatible on Mac Mountain Lion OX so it's dead in the water for me now. 

I was wondering who if anyone likes or hates this idea from Adobe? 

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Nefertiti Nefarious wrote:

That's why I use the GIMP ... I've never like Adobe's upgrade policy.

Yes. They do have a monopoly on the market. Photoshop is advertised as "The industries Standard" and I believe that to be true. Does Gimp support 3D like the recent versions of PS do?

I can only assume there is a reason why PS is "The Industry Standard"  or else Gimp would be seen and advertised as being used in the high end, game studios and graphic related commerce websites. 

However, the "industry" is not all multi department offices with huge budgets to blow. 

Adobe are one of the few graphic based software companies that despite the recession refuse to compromise their prices.

I own licensed versions of many plug-ins and 2D and 3D standalone pieces of software and all of them are offering discounts and time sensitive incentives to increase customer purchases in these terrible economic times.

The arrogance of Adobe does infuriate me and has done since I noticed how they kept their prices sky high through-out the recession. 

I think people stick with them despite the price tag, because they have such a huge reputation for functionality and I can't argue with the feature rich capabilities plus they have been around for such a long time people are taught and trained in schools, universities, work trained programs etc and people don't like change.

I know I don't. It's taken me years to semi master Photoshop, the thought of learning a new 2D software would set me back months in my work flow. 

I will probably give in and go with the subscription but not for a while. Some think this new plan will tank and they will then perhaps offer both which would have been a better move anyway. No one likes to be forced into a situation were they can't opt out. 


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I have been on creative cloud about a year.  For me, as I am a Master collection subscriber, the money ends up the same when I add it up between the sub and buying it.  It's not a bad deal for me, as I do graphic design IRL.  However, if I only used it for second life only, I may have felt differently.


http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop.html You can rent photoshop alone here.


If GIMP is not powerful enough for you, you can also try PSP from Corel.  http://www.corel.com/corel/product/index.jsp?pid=prod4900067&cid=catalog20038&segid=8100002&storeKey=us&languageCode=en

There are some things that I prefer PSP for.  It really is a great bargain.  Corel products generally are good bargains.  It's all a matter of whether or not you want to learn a new suite.


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 You can rent photoshop alone here.


Thanks! I had no idea. £8.78 for the new version of Photoshop is brilliant plus I can claim it back against my tax as a business expense as like you, I am a RL graphic designer only freelance  so whilst I create and sell 2D and 3D game textures in SL,  I also sell from my own external website and from 3rd party websites too. 

I will defo go for the Single Application subscription so I guess I take it all back! lol 

Thanks again! Bargain! 





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braylasana wrote:

I have been on creative cloud about a year.  For me, as I am a Master collection subscriber, the money ends up the same when I add it up between the sub and buying it.  It's not a bad deal for me, as I do graphic design IRL.  However, if I only used it for second life only, I may have felt differently.


 You can rent photoshop alone here.


If GIMP is not powerful enough for you, you can also try PSP from Corel.  

There are some things that I prefer PSP for.  It really is a great bargain.  Corel products generally are good bargains.  It's all a matter of whether or not you want to learn a new suite.


Actually, I just signed up for the 12 month option for Photoshop assuming it would be Photoshop CS6 *extended* but it's just Photoshop CS6 and I already own that outright.

I have 30 days to cancel so I will telephone them tomorrow and get some clarity. I would have paid that amount just to have access to the Extended version of CS6 instead of having to buy the full software but for some reason the rental is option is not available for CS Extended.

Thanks anyway


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I have the DVD copies of CS6. I've seen companies come and go or do dumb things. I prefer the hard copies.

Adobe seems to be forcing their customers into monthly leasing. They are not alone. But, I just looked and I can still download PS CS6 for US$700. So, I am not sure it is lease or nothing. They seem to still be offering both Cloud and stand alone.

If it goes to lease only, I expect Adobe will start to lose customers. At lease they will most likely loose me. If enough people feel the same way, they will change their marketing plan.


I just found there announcement page... http://www.adobe.com/products/cs6.html?promoid=JOLIS They are dropping the CS products.

Well... this iteration of Dreamweaver CS6 was pretty bad. Many considered it unusable and demanded refunds. I have to use a mix of CS5.5 and CS6 DW to get things done. I guess I better start researching alternatives.

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Being in the software industry myself, I'm ok with it. Honestly, most companies are moving into this new way to sell software. It will really help with all the pirating going on too since most of the time it will require validation and being online to work.  it's not my favorite thing in the world, but it's been happening for so long it doesn't bother my anymore. We've been on the Adobe subscription plan for awhile now and I love having access to everything. I've got every single one of their products at my disposal so it's nice.

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I really don't agree with the concept of paying a company in perpetuity and having to be connected to the internet in order to use their software. I understand that software developers are really in the annuity business but, to force your customers into a (more costly in the long term) monthly subscription model just feels like a sleazy cash grab.

I know Adobe has a serious case of Microsoft envy but, this is taking things a bit too far!

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I pay UK TAX against my earnings from SL and from sales from the www in general, so I can claim the monthly subscription back against my TAX bill but as I already have the full paid for license of CS6, there is no gain for me to subscribe.

I am frustrated that I cannot upgrade to CS6 Extended as I wanted access to the 3D tools that extended has. 

The issue I think is that Adobe are strong arming people into this. There is no option to buy a license to have access to the program in full  "or"  rent it and pay a monthly subscription. It's all well and good introducing new ways to gain access to their goods but quite another to totally rewrite the system of licensing. 

I wouldn't mind too much if it was like paying for the software in installments and once you had paid the amount the program is worth to buy the license outright, then there is no more online verification and the payments stop

THAT would be a superb idea and would increase their sales considerably as not many freelancers can afford $1.500 worth of software but to have the option to purchase it in installments (even with interest) could reduce piracy at least to some degree and open up the doors to those who can't afford the one off upfront payment. 

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Deja Letov wrote:

Being in the software industry myself, I'm ok with it. Honestly, most companies are moving into this new way to sell software. It will really help with all the pirating going on too since most of the time it will require validation and being online to work.  it's not my favorite thing in the world, but it's been happening for so long it doesn't bother my anymore. We've been on the Adobe subscription plan for awhile now and I love having access to everything. I've got every single one of their products at my disposal so it's nice.


Are you the person paying the subscription fee to Adobe for all of the software you now have access to, or a company you are working with or for? 


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Free stuff:

Blender is getting paint tool upgrades, can handle procudural creation already and baking to a 3d model to. You can import models and some people use blender specifically for that. Projection painting from renders, photo's or procedural and hand painted stuff can also get what you need onto a 3D model. It also bakes AO maps for some more realistic shading that is on some SL objects.

Gimp does levels, curves and many other filter functions to help make spec maps (coming soon to and SL viewer neer you!) and has paint brushes and can even handle wacom tablets on Linux! So, if you lose windows you can still paint on, model a bit (blender works well on linux) and do a some vectors with Inkscape. Even a bit of RAW photo stuff with UFOraw or a few others, I think you can even make HDRI probes and images for either using for 3d stuff (reflections and light baking and scenery for skyboxes etc. for those who don't use SL's lights and turn off the sky and water and sit in a skybox to reduce lag for smooth animated avatar action)

Scultpris does some model texture stuff. I do not remember what it did, I just remember a very basic paint brush and didn't try anything else. I really should dig into this one more.

costs a little:

3DCoat coats 3d objects with paint work and shaders, I think it is under 300 dollars and has retopo tools recently added.

Blacksmith3d has a 3d model painting software. Realitypaint seems to be from the same guys and...

Realitypaint paints on 3d models and has a offer for blacksmith 3d 4 free with purchase. Costs over $100, I think 199.

Genetica, for those who like to use filters to create textures. I think this is like 100 dollars or so. This thing creates the normal maps and all that jazz as you create, it is more or less procedural and has some masking and other features that make it very much more powerful than some turkey working on some noise with a fancy brush in photoshop....but, then again the right dude with the right brushe can hand paint what he needs...or she could. Genitalia do not dictate ability to paint....I don't think....if they do I would maybe not want to touch thier paintings!

Crazybump is about $100 or so and add a 200-500 camera to make normal maps and stuff. Why paint it when you can normal map it from overcast day (even lighting, just warm it up in gimp or the camera makers free software!) photo will make many things that some procedure and paint up. Learning to use a polrizer to tke out reflection, soften a flash or shoot on overcast days may help a bit here. Not to mention studio lighting options using new LED and flourescent "cool" lights instead of expensive studio flash monolight.

Mari, from the foundry may be a replacement for some creators (http://www.3dworldmag.com/2012/02/07/do-you-really-need-photoshop/) but the cost is not small. Over 1000 euros or pounds...uh, lots of money! But hey, If you want to paint with the big hollywood movie dudes toys then this might work. I notice on the website they say you can import adobe psd files but at the same time it is a paint program with advanced layers, ptex support and can import PS paint brushes and has procedural creation (uh, like noise made from a filter...filters is the PS word I think. Math makes visual stuff) so it is like you can use it stand alone but it also works with it for some things. The Foundry make stuff for movie editing (Nuke) and have merged with Luxology (makers of Modo, a 3d modelling software) so...uh, yeah these guys are heavy into CG for movies and also workflow is a key to thier stuff. So, workflow may be the main reason with huge image and ptex support with advanced paint functioning under the hood for huge textures...not sure if this is overkill for SL's standard 1024x1024 noise filter and some badly done ao with a grad ='s concrete stuff lol. Needless to say, I will not be buying mari any time soon for SL lol. http://www.thefoundry.co.uk/products/mari/features/ neat stuff though, for those who are truly bored or just can't get enough of reading about CG stuff.

zbrush paints onto models, and costs maybe $700. Considering it also paints textures and sculpts you can make or find textured brushes for like cloth and bake it.

Having said all of that, I bet there are still a few things PS can do that all of these don't cover and vise versa, these may have tools that people love to use or can't do without....and yeah, whenever I read a interview I hear at least 3+ software names get dropped to get a model made, optimized, textured and finally set right for the platform it is for....I mean, topogun!? Sounds like a lanscaping tool for the military, but yeah....there is a topogun out there for topo work to get things just right and before that deadline ever looming.


One more...OLD SKOOL pencil on huge paper and then scan it and shrink it, smooth it with Gimp and select the areas you want to color! OK, a joke...but, this is SL and you can use crayons and draw make messy stuff and put it on a mesh if you want to, just projection paint it using 3dcoat, zbrush, blender, or maybe sculptris may work for that to!


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I've been digging through the news and Adobe promos and press releases. Plus contacting my coworkers and business associates to see what they think of the Adobe change. I also found the answers needed to debug some of what I've heard and read around the net. You can read what I've found.

See: Adobe in the Cloud.

My take now is this is going to be a popular change among professional artists. For those using 3 or more of Adobe's products and regularly updating, this change will make the software much cheaper.

I seldom have video editing to do. But, may be once or twice a year. I've been getting by with Premier Elements (US$100) because the work wouldn't pay for me to keep the big kid's software updated. Now it won't cost me any more to have it AND the tools I use everyday.

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There are places that are still selling CS6. Some are offering deals. 

I am surprised that there is no way to deduct the cost of the software from your earnings. That doesn't sound right. Talk to someone that knows UK tax law. I know VAT is a problem but that is life in the UK.

There are alternatives to Adobe. So, I don't see strong-arming as a fair description. Corel has a pretty impressive image editor. They have made some impressive image processing features that Adobe latter copied. At US$80 (£65) its not a bad choice. Blender has 3D painting. It is a pain to learn, but it is free. But, there definitely are alternatives to Adobe.

When one considers that Photoshop CS6 Extended sells for $800 and one can get ALL the Adobe products for $600 per year, that is not a bad deal.

I am not happy about this going into a pay or no tools deal. But, it has always sort of been that way. I am also amazed that people publish all the details of their life online. Seems this is the way people are going.

Much of this change is to stop software piracy. If things go as usual this change will likely increase piracy. Since the software is going to be on the local computer, someone WILL crack the online verification that enables the software and publishes a hack. There are still countries with free speech so that will get out and people will continue to pirate the software. Time will tell if it is better or worse.


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