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As you've seen not everyone wears only mesh clothing. Actually, I'm surprised at how many responses there have been—I was beginning to think I was the only hopelessly out of date avatar around.

I have very few articles of mesh clothing, primarily because hardly anything mesh fits me worth a damn. I am just thankful that a lot of creators, even many who have switched mostly to mesh for their new stuff, still have their older textured clothing available. A good creator can do a heck of a lot with textures and flexies and prims.

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If you're selling clothing, you don't even really need an inworld location to start back up.  Although it sounds like you have some nice offers. :)  If anything is going to stop you, let it be that you don't have time or the desire to deal with the occasional customer question/issue, or that you're just not feeling it anymore.  Not mesh. 

It's really hard to get back into things after 'checking out' for awhile... but not impossible. If you plan to just continue selling your old wares without offering new things, be prepared for lackluster sales.  But there is no reason not to put your items back on Marketplace, especially if you have some positive ratings.  Unless you think you will 'check out' again, in that case I wouldn't bother.  It's really about whether you are willing to invest your time and emotions into this world or not.

Personally, I prefer system and sculpted clothing - until mesh can conform to a body's unique shape.  I keep trying demo mesh clothing, hoping to find something that fits me 'just right,' but it hasn't happened yet.  Good luck^^


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Oh, Trinity, you got me so wrong.

My post wasn't aggressive at all. It was just straightforward, not dancing around the pudding. It's pretty normal speech behaviour where I come from (northern europe).

I didn't say I like meshes at all. In fact I think mesh is great for builds but so far for clothes and hairs it's crap. But that's besides the point and not on topic. I was just pointing out that she took a long time to recover if she missed the arrival and implementation of mesh. And that for me was the real core problem of this thread, OPs obvious, slackerdom and lack of interest. I find it rather weird that y'all seem to ignore it.

And regarding the world where I live, well it's the same in which the OP and you live. Planet earth afaik. And since this is a rather small planet, I can get a new GPU in a matter of days, even if I live in the middle of nowhere. We moved to South Africa a couple years back, for example. And even here, in a 3rd World country, getting computer spare parts is no biggie at all. (But it was a splendid idea not to send me out on a walk in the streets where I live, cause I'd be mugged, raped, abused, beaten, shot to death in a matter of minutes. We blonde whities seem to have that effect on the people here.)

So the OPs behaviour tells me she's just "playing" SL, has no real interest and has no business of being in the merchant world. Same goes for all the other unprofessional merchants somebody else mentioned: they act like spoiled brats, totally unreasonable and unreliable, so it's ok for OP to do the same?

This thread, till my post, was going on a wrong way ... I just pointed out the elephant in the room. That's often regarded as hateful, by clever, overly "politically correct" brainwashed automats.

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Jeez - someone needs a hug. 

Talking about me? No worries, I get hugged quite often enough, in fact more than I like.


This kinda reminds me why I never really got into whole forum banter... it always seems to attract socially retarded

That's strong tobac from a woman who wants to stay out of forum banter. LMfAO. :smileylol: Fortunately you're not socially retarded, you're just posting your RL pic in a virtual world forum, which is regarded as totally out of place social retardedness by most people I know. You are aware that this is Second Life, aren't you?

Fortunately I don't waste my time in world with morons.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

Oh, Trinity, you got me so wrong.

My post wasn't aggressive at all. It was just straightforward, not dancing around the pudding. It's pretty normal speech behaviour where I come from (northern europe).

I didn't say I like meshes at all. In fact I think mesh is great for builds but so far for clothes and hairs it's crap. But that's besides the point and not on topic. I was just pointing out that she took a long time to recover if she missed the arrival and implementation of mesh. And that for me was the real core problem of this thread, OPs obvious, slackerdom and lack of interest. I find it rather weird that y'all seem to ignore it.

And regarding the world where I live, well it's the same in which the OP and you live. Planet earth afaik. And since this is a rather small planet, I can get a new GPU in a matter of days, even if I live in the middle of nowhere. We moved to South Africa a couple years back, for example. And even here, in a 3rd World country, getting computer spare parts is no biggie at all. (But it was a splendid idea not to send me out on a walk in the streets where I live, cause I'd be mugged, raped, abused, beaten, shot to death in a matter of minutes. We blonde whities seem to have that effect on the people here.)

So the OPs behaviour tells me she's just "playing" SL, has no real interest and has no business of being in the merchant world.
Same goes for all the other unprofessional merchants somebody else mentioned: they act like spoiled brats, totally unreasonable and unreliable, so it's ok for OP to do the same?

This thread, till my post, was going on a wrong way ... I just pointed out the elephant in the room. That's often regarded as hateful, by clever, overly "politically correct" brainwashed automats.

You sound a hell of a lot like a poster from way back... Only super serious merchants with a business model and a few thousand products and USd to invest should be in SL selling things, right?

Not everyone can afford a new Gpu instantly, nor is it a priority when it does die. i went 8 months without internet when i lost my job. After i started working again we turned it back on. Glad to know you don't have to worry about that. Someone is a special snowflake.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yummy I was a customer of yours waaaaay back with my original avi when your store was crazy busy all the time. If its any help to you to know I have been looking for your store again. I had some great things from you, one dress in particular that I would love to have for my  now main avi.  I wear a little mesh but only a little. Like a lot of avis I don't fit the sizes and don't see why I should mess with my shape each time I change my clothes.

Good luck with beginning again I will look out for you setting up shop again.

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