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New SLer looking for friends!


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Hi, I'm Tooms,

I am an audio engineer from the midwest attending university for Network Technologies, and working for the University tech hardware repair division.

I'm looking to get to know this SL thing a bit better, and break into some communities I have been curious about for a while, but havent had the nerve to really poke at.

I'm big into gaming, I build computers, I like tabletop gaming (when I can find one, which has been years).... and thats really it right now.

I'm new at my university and dont really know to many people, and am socially awkward, so im nervous to get out and meet new people....


I dont really even know what all I should be typing in this. I'm mostly doing this because my counselor said, "Try to meet new people any way you can!" so, here I am.

Uh so, qustions. Whats a good way to get started in SL? Based on the above, where in SL should I go to find communities? I know this might be a long shot, but are there people in SL that need an audio engineer that can mix, master, edit and record? (maybe a little post too)


Uhm, so hi! Hows things?

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ToomsTobin wrote:

Hi, I'm Tooms,

I am an audio engineer from the midwest attending university for Network Technologies, and working for the University tech hardware repair division.

I'm looking to get to know this SL thing a bit better, and break into some communities I have been curious about for a while, but havent had the nerve to really poke at.

I'm big into gaming, I build computers, I like tabletop gaming (when I can find one, which has been years).... and thats really it right now.

I'm new at my university and dont really know to many people, and am socially awkward, so im nervous to get out and meet new people....


I dont really even know what all I should be typing in this. I'm mostly doing this because my counselor said, "Try to meet new people any way you can!" so, here I am.


Uh so, qustions. Whats a good way to get started in SL? Based on the above, where in SL should I go to find communities? I know this might be a long shot, but are there people in SL that need an audio engineer that can mix, master, edit and record? (maybe a little post too)


Uhm, so hi! Hows things?

Good day and welcome to the wonderful world of Second Life

What I tell most new people who come into SL is this...go into the search engine and type in your interests, then see if any groups pop up that fit. You already mentioned Audio Engineer...there are DJ's all over SL. Once you find a group, join it..most are free...then send out a group message. I'm sure someone should reply. Or send an IM to the group owner. It's the easiest way to meet people here. And don't be shy. That's one of the great things about this..you can be whoever you want...totally different..no one can see you..no one is going to scream at you for saying hello. Give it a try.

Good luck!!

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Hey Tooms, welcome to SL. I can relate on the socialy awkwardness. I've always been more of an intrevert, and though you can be whoever you want in SL, I realize, as I am this way. Your usual self, doesn't always allow for being outgoing if that is not you on the average day.

I'm usually in SL more towards evening (~6-10pm SLT), but even if that's not when you'll be on, feel free to drop me a line. I'd be happy to help you with anything I am able. Hope to hear from you!

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Like Christin said, if you like to mix or record audio, you can always try your hand at DJing or live performances if you play any sort of instrument.

Getting started on that track isn't that demanding. Basic requirements are having your own stream, music collection and a program such as SAM Broadcaster. If you need your own stream you can find your own hosting or turn to third-party services. (When I DJ'd, I used SecondStreaming for my stream.)

If you feel comfortable enough, you can always ask club owners if they'd be willing to give you a slot to try your hand at DJing for their club.

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Well the one thing that bugs me is Audio Engineering =/= DJing. Audio engineering is more about mixing together pieces of a song so that the song itself is good, and DJing is more about performance. I can still take a look and see whats what though.

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A good way to make friends is to join groups go to clubs and hang out in popular areas.


On a side note if you like tabletop games or gaming in general have you tried seeing if your university has a gaming club? Mine did and we'd gather once a week to play tabletop games. Everyone there was socially akward nerds so talking to each other wasn't quite as bad. Maybe you should give that a shot.

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Ah, I see and know what you mean. I did a course on audio back in the day.. Wasn't my thing. *Laughs*

Well, the thing about SL is that you can do whatever you feel like. If you like to mix music and share it in one format or another I think that might be a way to go.

But yeah, finding a good spot you enjoy to hang out and chatting with people is also a good place to start in meeting new people and making connections.

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Hi Tooms and welcome

Aside from DJ'ing, here are some ideas for someone with your background.

There is a need for sounds in SL. Builders use them to enhance their creations, such as ordinary every day sounds like of a drawer opening, to nature sounds such as waterfalls, or animal to various vehicle sounds and musical instruments etc  . Also people use imaginative sounds for sci-fi and fantasy builds.  Mixes of sounds  are used to provide background ambiance on property.  Check out sound shops to see what kinds of sounds People sell them.

Sounds are also used in gestures.  These are snippets of music, funny sounds or sounds of people saying funny things.  Look for gestures shops to see more about this.

Live music is a big thing in SL as well as DJ's.  You could act as a consultant to entertainers on how to improve their sound or even advise them on equipment to get etc.  There are people that would love to perform in SL but haven't a clue how to set themselves up in a cost effective way but have great sound.

You could also get involved with Machinima makers recording and editing sound for their videos.

For more information you can check out the SL Wiki and type in any of these things in search.

One or more or even a combination of these things could possibly earn you some L's for your spending needs in SL.  If you are successful you might even be able to make enough L's to cash in for RL money. But it would also help you to meet people with more confidence since it is your area of expertise.



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Madeline Blackbart wrote:

A good way to make friends is to join groups go to clubs and hang out in popular areas.

Going to clubs is a great idea, but can be very tough in the beginning. Unfortunately, if you go to the right places, it can be very crowded and hard to carry on a conversation...much less IM someone out of the blue. I would suggest going, as

(wow...didn't realize it dropped off like that...you'd think I fell asleep at the keyboard or something....)

I would still suggest going, as it's a fun place to hang out. But don't expect much in terms of meeting people there....

(That's better...closure....AHHHHH.....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:)


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Hi Tooms,

Welcome to SL.  I have nothing to add to what has already been said and suggested.  I've been in SL for real a lot less than my Rez day and haven't been very successful making friends myself.  If you are on and want to chat or are looking to shop (I'm good at that) IM me. 

You sound interesting.

Again welcome.




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Looking for some friends to hang out with too.  I’m not looking for any kind of role play or romance.  Just some fun and laughs.


My roomies and I have an island with a ton of stuff to do such as;


Dance Floor w/ couples dance ball and single dances

Music – currently hosted by Evil Twin Radio

Sometimes Live DJ (DJ D-Lyte & DJ Sika)  with call in requests on SKYPE

Greedy Tournament Game


Camp fire for relaxing

Spin the Bottle – good for a few laughs (ignore the passed out drunks laying around)

Bar for virtual drinking

Jet Skis



We have some bungalows for rent to those that are homeless and a few shops for rent too.


Come on over anytime. 




Until then,


D-Lyte aka Faith Fromund

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