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Second Life's well being...for lack of a better title

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Hello everyone

This may seem an odd question, but I was wondering....with all the talk on the forums about what's wrong with SL, does LL have any clue what's going on and move over, in the second place, do they care? Is the Lab actually doing anything to combat the issues that we're having inworld?

Just seems to be that they should be all over this stuff.


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I don't know Tex. But I do remember posts when Mac users complained a lot about not being able to enable shadows and DOF. Coincidence or not, this was fixed with an update not so long after.
The only actual personal experience I have witnessed as a proof of Lindens reading here comes to the MP. Dakota and Commerce Linden DO read here. And, besides some DD migration issues some might be experiencing, I have the feeling we are being heard somehow. But maybe that's my optimistic side showing up? :P :smileyhappy:

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When they do the weekly deploys they post what they are doing in the Technology >Second Life Server forum along with this statement or a similiar one.

"We will be monitoring this thread as the code gets released, so feel free to note any observations you have about the server updates.  If you have a specific bug you'd like to report, please file a Jira. "

They actually reply there sometimes too.

Whether they pay any attention to threads in other subforums is debatable.

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Tex Monday wrote:

Hello everyone

This may seem an odd question, but I was wondering....with all the talk on the forums about what's wrong with SL, does LL have any clue what's going on and move over, in the second place, do they care? Is the Lab actually doing anything to combat the issues that we're having inworld?

Just seems to be that they should be all over this stuff.


It's the same with every single online environment/game/community I've ever been a part of. A small, but highly vocal group of people thrives on endlessly complaining about everything and anything, even making up perceived flaws and slights and pulling extremely minor problems that do happen WAY out of proportion (in one gaming community I was a part of, this went so far as there being several thousand complaints in the support forum about a model of an RL aircraft having the canopy roof sloped 0.01 degrees different from the slope in the real aircraft, this went on for months, that's how silly/idiotic/annoying these people get).

A far larger group of herd animals will then come in and voice their outrage at "things not being done to fix it".

Problem with that is, most often there's nothing actually wrong that can be fixed, if there is the effort to do so far outweighs the benefits, or the "problem" was created on request/demand from the very same people now complaining about it.

It's of the same magnitude as the constant flood of threads about "SL being dead" and "SL will die unless something is done NOW". This too is a constant in any online community, and believing those SL would have shut down in pre-beta over a decade ago.

Best you can do is try to ignore them, and try to steer newcomers away from them. They DO however have a negative effect, in that potential newcomers who're not part of the community yet see the constant flood of negativity and start to think there's something fundamentally wrong.


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Ignore forums, ignore feeds, ignore blogs and social media, and skip on listening to the SL community as a group in any way.

Then SL will be fine. The sun will come out and you'll forget that SL's wellbeing was ever in doubt. Most problems raised here - in my experience - are in the heads of those that like to complain. Seriously. Log in, find a friend, have a chat, find something to do - you will completely forget that these problems exist.

Examples include but definitely aren't limited to: Windlight, Lag, Flexi, Copybot, JIRA/pJIRA, ARC, Scale/proportion, Marketplace, Deformer, everything to do with RP/BDSM/Bloodlines/Gor, Viewer drama of every kind.

That's not to say there isn't the occaisional piece of interesting material here, but take complaints with a fistful of salt.

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

Ignore forums, ignore feeds, ignore blogs and social media, and skip on listening to the SL community as a group in any way.

Then SL will be fine. The sun will come out and you'll forget that SL's wellbeing was ever in doubt. Most problems raised here - in my experience - are in the heads of those that like to complain. Seriously. Log in, find a friend, have a chat, find something to do - you will completely forget that these problems exist.

Examples include but definitely aren't limited to: Windlight, Lag, Flexi, Copybot, JIRA/pJIRA, ARC, Scale/proportion, Marketplace, Deformer, everything to do with RP/BDSM/Bloodlines/Gor, Viewer drama of every kind.

That's not to say there isn't the occaisional piece of interesting material here, but take complaints with a fistful of salt.

I never knew that I was supposed to hate Linden Lab until I started reading this Forum.

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Perrie Juran wrote:

I never knew that I was supposed to hate Linden Lab until I started reading this Forum.

 Bless, you're young. ;)

The greatest evidence of this I remember were LL's official blog posts, typically between '06 and '08. They had comments unlocked, and would typically receive upwards of 200 comments. All of them were crazed ranting about how <Every day SL feature> would cause the collapse of the grid, how LL never did anything but sit in their ivory tower and plan the destruction of everything the commenters held dear. And how dare LL work on new shiny before fixing a posters pet problems.

Funny stuff.

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

I never knew that I was supposed to hate Linden Lab until I started reading this Forum.

 Bless, you're young.

The greatest evidence of this I remember were LL's official blog posts, typically between '06 and '08. They had comments unlocked, and would typically receive upwards of 200 comments. All of them were crazed ranting about how <Every day SL feature> would cause the collapse of the grid, how LL never did anything but sit in their ivory tower and plan the destruction of everything the commenters held dear. And how dare LL work on new shiny before fixing poster's pet problems.

Funny stuff.

ahh the good ole days of communication through few channles.. hehehe

now we have many and hardly any lol

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

I never knew that I was supposed to hate Linden Lab until I started reading this Forum.

 Bless, you're young.

The greatest evidence of this I remember were LL's official blog posts, typically between '06 and '08. They had comments unlocked, and would typically receive upwards of 200 comments. All of them were crazed ranting about how <Every day SL feature> would cause the collapse of the grid, how LL never did anything but sit in their ivory tower and plan the destruction of everything the commenters held dear. And how dare LL work on new shiny before fixing a posters pet problems.

Funny stuff.

I was too busy having fun pixelating back then.

I must be getting old.

I don't pixelate the way I used to.  :(

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