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Confused Uploader

Charles Hera

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Just a note here as I did a workaround and things are completed.

Today I was uploading a personal bar that had one of those wine glass racks that holds the glasses upside down. The bar turned out great but the wine glass holder (a series of duplicate rectangular cubes so nothing at all fancy) uploaded with normals reversed. This seemed odd to me as the ambient bake was perfect and that doesn't happen when the normals are reveresed.

SO after a few tries and checking I uploaded JUST the wine holder (say ten rectangles) and the same file was fine. The ambient went on beautifully. So I uploaded the bar without the holder and thought I would include it with some accessories. WEEEEELLLLLL -- when I tried to upload the holder with the wine glasses (five) the same thing happened. I could upload the holder with itself duplicated (so 20 rectangles) but the minute I tried to upload with another object (joined) the uploader got VERY confused.

Just posting this here in case someone else has the same problem. In the end I uploaded the holder separately (a waste of LI points but saw no other option.)


And no, I'm not going the JIRA route - LOL.


JUST A "reply".

The VERY SAME mesh objects (same blend file but just exporting the wine holders by themselves) gave completely different results when uploading ALONE as compared to uploading with another object. I haven't seen this happen before and it may have been something going on today at ADITI -- BUT I did test several times so not a one time thing.

 Here are some photos.


 Normals when I uploaded JOINED to the body of the cabinet




Normals when I uploaded the holders alone and then linked to the cabinet.



And I forgot about this, but when I tried to recalculate the normals in blender, it "fixed" the problem with the holder but messed up the rest of the cabinet :D. 

That's all I know. Very strange but not as strange as the disappearing texture I reported the other day (on Agni). This is all using the LL newest viewer by the way.

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Min Barzane wrote:

Uploader isnt confused at all,colada exporter triangulates mesh thus making ewery quad face in to 2 triangles! Its just way it is! SL mesh isnt quad based but tris based! Simple as that.

Min, I'm afraid I don't understand how your reply relates to the issue the OP was talking about.  Would you mind explaining further?  While it's of course true that every quad is made of two trinagles, I'm not sure what that fact has to do with the OP's reported problem.  He said normals were reversed on some of the objects he uploaded.  Simply tesselating quads into tris won't cause that to happen.  What exactly did you mean?

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Sorry OP didnt have pictures included when i answered and from what OP wrote it looked like it was quad/tris comfusion...now i see its flipped normals in question from pictures OP posted. In blender if you join objects in to 1 mesh and you dont apply location/rotation/size on all objects you will join  BEFORE you join them and if they dont have same location/rotation/size from start flipping of some normals will happen. Always apply location/rotation/size before you join objects!!!

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Hi Charles :)

2 things i find a bit odd with your post :

Today I was uploading a personal bar that had one of those wine glass racks that holds the glasses upside down. The bar turned out great but the wine glass holder (a series of duplicate rectangular cubes so nothing at all fancy) uploaded with normals reversed. This seemed odd to me as the ambient bake was perfect and that doesn't happen when the normals are reveresed.

That isn't the usuall way people check normals before uploading , Did you actually toggle on Show Normals or Backface Culling to confirm that they were facing the right way ?

And I forgot about this, but when I tried to recalculate the normals in blender, it "fixed" the problem with the holder but messed up the rest of the cabinet

The fact that when u asked Blender to recalculate the normals and it did flip some of the faces could indicate that you had some wrong in the first place .

I include the pic below in case someone new to Blender doesn't know where to find Show Normals ur Backface Culling.

cube normals.PNG

 edited for typos

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Yes, I did all that several times. Toggled the show nomals et al.   All looked good in Blender - normals all good --  and as I said the ambient bake was great which doesn't happen in my experience if you have normals reversed.

So "in blender" they were perfect, but when uploaded they were not when joined to another object. Again, the VERY SAME file was used to upload the problematic part with success. I didn't change a THING (honest). The only difference was that if I uploaded the holder by itself, it was fine. If I uploaded it joined to the bar (or later to the glasses) the normals all went off. Agree that it is very odd.

Appreciate you taking the time to explain normals. Sure that will help someone new that doesn't know about them. And I agree that recalculating was what messed the main body of the bar up. It had been perfect before and I just went back to that original file. Sometimes recalculating does do a good job of fixing things though. I use it often and watch the normals "fix themselves" instantly. Much faster sometimes than checking each face and reversing when needed. 

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Charles Hera wrote:


So "in blender" they were perfect, but when uploaded they were not when
joined to another object
. Again, the VERY SAME file was used to upload the problematic part with success. I didn't change a THING (honest).

Well isn't that your problem? When you join objects the normals might flip. So in many cases you DO need to change things. Did you check your normals before and after joining or just before?

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Ah, that might have been it. At this point I can't remember. I have never had that issue before so wasn't suspecting a change. Didn't realize they might change when joining as that hasn't ever been a problem before. Seems odd that it hasn't been if it is common but I'll go with that theory and be alert next time. TY.

In the end the change turned out for the best so aside from puzzling aspects it was all good.


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