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Question about Abuse Reports


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If i want to report someone, should i do it RIGHT AWAY? Or would it make sense if i report them for something they did two weeks ago? (i still have the chat log on my computer)

And is there a way i can send a Notecard with a chat log to LL? Someone was sharing my private IM with a friend and they sent it to me in a Notecard. But they weren't allowed to share my IM. How would i report that? There is no "send notecard" option in the AR window.

And will i get notified if they got in trouble for what they did? Or can i find out if they did?

Would be interesting to know if they got in trouble or not.




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It's always best to file your AR immediately but you can file one later........two weeks is pretty distant but I would file it anyway.  You can copy and paste the chat log to LL in the report (but that's the only folks you can share IM's and chat logs with).  Make sure the time stamp is included on the chat so that the abuse team can go back the server logs to verify that the ones you included are not altered.  Include as much information at you can in your report (time and date is important).  Do not embellish your report.........only state facts that you know are facts.  LL has access to server logs that log nearly everything that happens in-world so they will know more than even you know when they investigate.

As for you knowing what happens to the person(s) you AR'd.  Linden Lab will never divulge that information.

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your wrong from my thread here

"Over the last week I have been greifed by the same person, he has been going to the beta sims with just one intention to stop me working, I have made 8 AR's against them only to be told by the person that I am wasting my time as he makes the lindens 30k lindens a week so can do what he likes to me,"

i have his name and he makes things here, those are the words he said to me and has not been banned, i have now made 9 ar's against him this last week.

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Yeah and I wash Rod Humbles Cadallac every weekend and he knows I'll put a ice pick in his tires if he doesn't do what I want in SL.

Believe me?   Haha..........thought not.  But you believe some unknown "griefer".  I got some beautiful Pacific coast property I would love to sell you.......it's just east of Phoenix, AZ.

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I don't care who this person is.  What you said about him doing as he pleases because he brings in more money for LL is just plain false.  A properly filed AR for a clear ToS or CS violation with supporting facts (not conjectures) will be investigated.......and if LL determines that a violation took place they will act.  How they decide to "punish" is one of those things that LL has lots of leeway (every privately owned company has options they can use for violations of policies or rules.....nothing is set in stone). 

The problem is that a lot of people AR for silly (and sometimes stupid) things.  Like Jimmy Resident stuck his tongue out at me and insulted me..........ban him.

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Why don't you ask in the mesh group as the sad soul is online all day why he said that, every one in the mesh group knows who gold is, ask away, but I copied his chat and sent it to the lindens in the abuse report, now what is hard to understand about that.


how offen do i come here, lol, why do you think i am here today, lol, that sentance he said will be broadcast world wide, it could be a boast, so what, i will make him eat those words.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

he is not unknown, i have his name, if you are in the mesh group you will know him well as he forced lucinda out of that group with his insults, now he stalks her. his name starts with GOLD

It's this guy ?




DON"T mention Shirley Bassey in your replies .. I WILL AR U ! :matte-motes-evil:

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

AR's don't work, plus if the lindens get more money out of the abuser than you then they will ban you.

They do work for residents who are " In good standing" with LL


To the OP

It is best to report right away. I believe chat logs are kept 30 days by the system





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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

ty for confirming it, wow do you just realize you admitted that the lindens judge who they will help, lol, out of the horses mouth

I can only guess then that they must be afraid of us little green men because they work for me too.

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I would mostly do it right away.

But if you're mad about something, emotional, or otherwise not rational - wait a few hours until you calm down or you will find your ARs not getting much response.

I file a lot of ARs, but most of them are over technical things or visible griefing of locations (things like obscene particle spam floating all over the sky for example). I only rarely file them when in a dispute - and these do tend to be the least responded to ones.

First the lindens officially will not resolve disputes between residents. So unless there is a TOS violation that is clear cut, don't bother.

Second when arguing with people, no matter how right one thinks one is, its usually the most emotional time, and even if actually right your AR wording stands a good chance of sounding like 'crazy angry person' and getting tossed aside.

- You can see in the forums quite often people who come in with emotional rants complaining about an AR they filed or something that happened. Their emotionally charged writing is pretty much -why- their ARs have gone unresolved. If you don't sound calm and rational, the Linden investigating is not likely to believe you, or may even think you were the actual instigator.


My most common person AR is one someone says something racist or gay bashing or sexist, and its right there in the chat log. I'll just AR that instantly without comment and move on my way - not getting involved, so there isn't any 'me' to fuddle up the AR. The linden who sees it can just look at the chat log and make a decision.


But if you wait too long, you've kind of given up the ground on the issue.


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