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The Rodvik Review

Porky Gorky

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First and for most the success of SL, is that SL is  business platform for entrepreneurs.  There's a very simple way to prove that,  just stop letting people cash out of SL and see how many estate owners and content creators keep paying tier after 30 days, or close their shops.

As long as LL is making $ from SL then he's doing his job according to the people that pay him, as for the rest of us it's up to each of us to fire him or keep paying LL $ for the services provided, as we each see fit. 

I decided to fire LL as my service provider for my business, I have closed all my shops, and moved to places you can't talk about in this forum. 


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Parrish Ashbourne wrote:

First and for most the success of SL, is that SL is  business platform for entrepreneurs.  There's a very simple way to prove that,  just stop letting people cash out of SL and see how many estate owners and content creators keep paying tier after 30 days, or close their shops.


can look at this another way. entrepreneurs need retail customers. that's us. people with money to spend. who willing and able to put it into the game and no need or desire to take it out ourselves. If not then there is no money to cash out

linden need us for the same reason. without us retail customers then there are no entrepreneurs or linden. even when their is a cashout facility available


we need a reason to stay. the retail customers. apart from buy clothes and chat and socialise. like what is our deeper purpose for being here? who are we? what are we? who do we think we are? stuff like that

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Melita Magic wrote:

Speaking of games,
Game of Thrones
is going to be a Facebook game this spring or late winter. It is in beta now I think. Family friend worked on it. I don't get to play it, I'm not on FB, but some might like to know that.

yes. more and more games are being made everyday. predictable experience ones like GoT. where we already know the storyline. like we know the setting and the characters already and we play in it along with our heroes and heroines

we going to see heaps more games made on TV series. games say like NCIS and that. where the TV characters are NPC and you on their team and have to help solve the murder

games like  that. is going to be heaps and heaps of them in next few years

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16 wrote:

Parrish Ashbourne wrote:

First and for most the success of SL, is that SL is  business platform for entrepreneurs.  There's a very simple way to prove that,  just stop letting people cash out of SL and see how many estate owners and content creators keep paying tier after 30 days, or close their shops.


can look at this another way. entrepreneurs need retail customers. that's us. people with money to spend. who willing and able to put it into the game and no need or desire to take it out ourselves. If not then there is no money to cash out

linden need us for the same reason. without us retail customers then there are no entrepreneurs or linden. even when their is a cashout facility available


we need a reason to stay. the retail customers. apart from buy clothes and chat and socialise. like what is our deeper purpose for being here? who are we? what are we? who do we think we are? stuff like that

On Ebay there's more customers then merchants but what would be left to shop for if the merchants couldn't cash out on Ebay, Ebay wasen't built by shoppers, I was built by people hoping to make $ and became successful because there were customers interested in what people were selling, a lot of people selling on Ebay never get rich or even make a full time living at it, but because so many people try there's more to chose from, which helps Ebay become successful, just like in SL, but Ebay treats their merchants far better then LL dose and Ebay has worked to create a better business platform for them, In SL  LL wont even communicate with merchants. 

This doesn't mean SL wouldn't exist if it went back to not being able to cash out,  just that there would be a LOT less land and a lot less to shop for, and there's much cheaper places then SL to build for fun, to express who and what we are, or just socialize.

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on the Ebay basis then linden are heading in the right direction. their online webstore for virtual goods is doing well. listings and participation by both suppliers and customers is growing

while their revenues from it are nowhere near the tiers revenues yet. they are tracking upwards

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16 wrote:

on the Ebay basis then linden are heading in the right direction. Their online webstore for virtual goods is doing well. listings and participation by both suppliers and customers is growing

while their revenues from it are nowhere near the tiers revenues yet. They are tracking upwards

The number of items listed on the marketplace is growing and at a fast pase that hasn't changed in over a year, which show my point that people come here to try to make a business, but the number of private islands is down 12% in the last year, and the concurrency over all is down, all though up recently which is normal this time of year but still over all down.  Merchants listed in the last 3 steamhunts have declined each event by 20 to 40 merchants. 

Things my still be good for LL but for merchants how do you call this good,



The point being is that the only thing growing in SL is the number of items for sale which shows people trying to run businesses in SL, and LL still doesn't even recognize content creators as RL businesses that people use to feed their families with. 

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Parrish Ashbourne wrote:

 LL still doesn't even recognize content creators as RL businesses that people use to feed their families with. 

thats true. linden have never recognized its account holders as RL businesses. traditionally they have only recognized that people can make stuff and sell it to each other for L$. stuff includes parcels

while they do provide us with a way to cash out surplus L$ into US$. they have never seen that as any kind of priority for them


the marketplace has changed things tho a bit. can buy on there in US$ as well. how far that will extend inworld I dunno. maybe never




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Eve Greymoon wrote:


I disagree that customer service has gotten worse though. In general, tickets are actually responded to now, usually within 24 hours.  I had tickets sit for months on end without any response before he arrived. For me anyway that particular situation has been much improved. 

I has improved in speed, but not in quality.

Live chat is not able to help you when you question goes beyond that is already available in the wiki. I don't even take the trouble to contact them  anymore. The times I did contact them, they learned more from me then I learned from them, every single contact resulted in: please file a ticket.

The ticket system worked well in the past. At least people with knowlegde were responding and in many cases the problem got solved or the question was answered. But since about a year or so, my experience is that nothing gets solved anymore by sending in a ticket. The answer I get nowadays is: please file a jira.

A jira... that is not even an improvement in speed. Jira's just sit there for years...


Last time I had an issue for what I contacted support was that my webprofile stopped working, after I tried to upload a snapshot to it. My profile showed a message like "Oeps, something went wrong, please contact support." The only thing support could do is telling me that they were able to reprocuce the error. And advised me to file a jira.

I did, some people gave comments, even a Linden looked at it, and nothing happened besides that.

Then half a year later or so, I saw a comment from a resident an the jira, who had the same problem, also caused by uploading a snapshot. He said had deleted all is pictures from his webprofile and since then his profile was showing normal again. I had no clue how to delete this pictures, since I could not enter the profile at all. I contacted him in world, and he explained how he had done it (on in world, but on the website). I followed the his instructions, deleted all my pictures and it worked!

Why is LL telling me to file a jira, when there was a simple solution available for my problem? How is it possible that support lacks to knowledge to tell me how it can be solved, while another resident can help me?




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Madeliefste Oh wrote:



Last time I had an issue for what I contacted support was that my webprofile stopped working, after I tried to upload a snapshot to it. My profile showed a message like "Oeps, something went wrong, please contact support." The only thing support could do is telling me that they were able to reprocuce the error. And advised me to file a jira.

I did, some people gave comments, even a Linden looked at it, and nothing happened besides that.

Then half a year later or so, I saw a comment from a resident an the jira, who had the same problem, also caused by uploading a snapshot. He said had deleted all is pictures from his webprofile and since then his profile was showing normal again. I had no clue how to delete this pictures, since I could not enter the profile at all. I contacted him in world, and he explained how he had done it (on in world, but on the website). I followed the his instructions, deleted all my pictures and it worked!

Why is LL telling me to file a jira, when there was a simple solution available for my problem? How is it possible that support lacks to knowledge to tell me how it can be solved, while another resident can help me?


mostly bc support people are instructed to not teach people how to hax

telling users how to hax. like delete all their stuff/content. to reenable a function is frowned on in help/support centers

they told to tell us to file a bug/jira. bc is a bug

can get the sack from your job for teaching people how to hax. not just from linden but from any help/support center


like say you call up and say I cant upload my stuff. then i say just delete all your other stuff and you be ok to upload again

boss will go bananas if I tell you that


add: I worked in a ISP help/support center parttime once. I get the sack bc I knew quite a lot of haxes. and I get told off bc I say people want to just fix it. I get a warning from the boss. but I couldnt stand it when I knew how I can help them. so I do again another time. got the sack


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Madeliefste Oh wrote:

16 wrote:


mostly bc support people are instructed to not teach people how to hax 

It is not a hax. It is a build in function that any resident can use his web profile.

You just have to go to 
click one of your snapshots and then you can delete them.

is a hax when the solution to re-enable uploading is to delete your existing stuff and start again

hax not evil. is just a undocumented way of working round an obstacle. is discouraged in help/supported centers. like you not allowed to tell people how to do undocumented stuff

the act of deleting is documented. the act of deleting your stuff to work round a bug in the uploader is undocumented



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Darrius Gothly wrote:

snip.................So it comes back to Rodvik to make a choice. Live inside the pressure box doing things according to the instructions he's given ... or stand up and do them the way he believes is best and then wait for his "eventual firing" (as he so eloquently stated some time ago). I had hoped he would do things the right way and be a short-lived but beneficial CEO. So far though, I'm afraid he's been a disappointment in that he's withdrawn and done things "their way".

To this I would have to say you are over-speculating a bit. We can't presume to know who is guiding the current direction of LL. Sure the BoD may well have set Rodvik on a clear course to develop new products to replace or suppliment SL, at the expense of SL. But it is also perfectly feasible the the BoD gave no general instruction and that it is Rodvik who is pushing to develop the new products and the BoD are giving him free reign and taking a gamble that one of them goes viral. The development of new products started after Rod came in. I can't help but wonder it Rod sold LL on the ideas for the new products during the interview stage. Maybe that is what got him the job.

All speculation on my part as well, but it is perfectly feasible that Rod's attention was never really focused on SL from the start, but instead was focused on developing these other products. 

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There will always be LL fanboys/girls just like Apple no matter what these companies do that negatively impact their customers. I don't get these people but then again I don't get most.  Most people might disagree with this but LL's only salvation is lowering its Tiers - Estate to $195 a month and Mainland to $95 a month and MOST importantly get it on Steam http://store.steampowered.com/ like they announced back in August.  I hope they are still planning on Steam. Crossing fingers.

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Nimh20 Vandeverre wrote:

There will always be LL fanboys/girls just like Apple no matter what these companies do that negatively impact their customers. I don't get these people but then again I don't get most.  Most people might disagree with this but LL's only salvation is lowering its Tiers - Estate to $195 a month and Mainland to $95 a month and MOST importantly get it on Steam
like they announced back in August.  I hope they are still planning on Steam. Crossing fingers.

You said fangirls/fanboys in the other topic too. Where are you seeing all these diehards? I don't see any here. I see people who have legitimate praise or criticism for the product. If  you are going to call people names, back it up.

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Nimh20 Vandeverre wrote:

There will always be LL fanboys/girls just like Apple no matter what these companies do that negatively impact their customers. I don't get these people but then again I don't get most.  Most people might disagree with this but LL's only salvation is lowering its Tiers - Estate to $195 a month and Mainland to $95 a month and MOST importantly get it on Steam
like they announced back in August.  I hope they are still planning on Steam. Crossing fingers.

I cannot see LL lowering tier anytime soon  They painted themselves in a corner years ago with tier. A large percentage of LL revenue comes from the land barons that have been here since the early days. As a result, the land barons receive large subsidies from the various grandfathering schemes that were in place at the time and have benefited from them ever since. If LL reduced tier for the average user then I think most notable land barons would instantly dump their land and walk. This would be too much an impact for LL to bear. So unlike allot of other service providers, LL really doesn't have allot of flexibility on the pricing front, so are therefore allot less able to adapt and respond to changing market conditions.


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