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Migrating listed items from magic box to merchant outbox?!

Sidney Elan

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I just found out that I can't use the magic box anymore for my MP store, so I am really trying to follow the tutorial but I have no idea what is going on and I am SO stuck. All my listed items are "no copy" (scripted pets) so I can't copy them like suggested. What I did was, I moved all the items from the magic box back into my inventory and from there into the merchant outbox. Not only that it took 7 times to get the "success" message for the 3 items I chose to gamble with (I wasn't gonna lose my entire store inventory) so not only that BUT when I go to my store > merchant home > manage listings, nothing is showing there!! Where are the 3 items that got "success"?? there's nothing under the "unassociated" inventory items, inworld I saw the message saying "success" but nothing on my manage listings. I am so lost, don't know what to do now, if there is something who could take the time and go with me, step by step I would be forever grateful! I am so freaked out right now! Please help.

Thank you.

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The Magic Boxes can still be used - I'm using mine.  SL is just not "supporting" them anymore but considering the "support" I've seen lately from accounts on these forums, I'm sticking with what works for me.

As far as migrating to DD...Darrius Gothly wrote detailed and excellent instructions:


Hope this helps :)

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When I tried to add more new items to my magic box it didn't allow me to, I could add the items but not to make them active for sale so I thought it was a glitch or something maybe something to do with a new calendar year... So when I asked about it, another merchant said that hardly anyone is using magic box anymore they all switched to this new merchant outbox thing. Maybe the fact LL doesn't support it anymore means I can't add new items to my store?! Either way, I'm screwed.

Cause now I don't have the listings on this merchant outbox nor the magic box and all my items are no out there anymore.

I seriously have no idea what to do next.

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Thanks Czari, for the link!

My problem with the magic box is that I can not add new items, so it seems, can you? And I've heard that soon enough magic boxes wont be even allowed to be used?! is that true? 

All of my items are no copy, I guess that's a problem for the new DD thing isn't it?

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Sidney Elan wrote:

Thanks Czari, for the link!

My problem with the magic box is that I can not add new items, so it seems, can you? And I've heard that soon enough magic boxes wont be even allowed to be used?! is that true? 

All of my items are no copy, I guess that's a problem for the new DD thing isn't it?

I haven't tried to add anything new lately.  Will do so later this evening and post.  I sure hope that isn't the case. 

The last "date" given for the MB's to be cut off was "indefinite" due to ongoing issues with some people not being able to use DD - especially noted was the Limited Quantity issue:

That said, a small subset of Merchants will be unable to migrate to Direct Delivery due to remaining work:

  • Some Merchants are unable to initialize the Merchant Outbox, or they cannot successfully send items to the Marketplace. We continue to work on resolving this.
  • Limited Quantity support has not been completed. This is for Merchants who sell objects that the Merchant does not have the ability to copy.

I thought this is where the "indefinite until this is fixed" comment from CTL was, but now I can't find it.  Does anyone know where that post is or has it been pulled?

At this point nothing would surprise me, but I'll be majorly ticked if I can't add new items..in fact going into world now to try.

And most welcome for the link. :)

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Czari, the CTL post is here:


"The transition from Magic Boxes to Direct Delivery has been extended indefinitely. We will be providing a 30-day warning before any shutdown actions are taken and will avoid doing this before peak holidays for the Marketplace (Halloween, Christmas/New Year's, Valentine's Day).

We are aware that some Merchants are still having problems with the Merchant Outbox. We are are working with TPVs and our internal development teams to address this issue."

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Sidney Elan wrote:

Thanks Czari, for the link!

My problem with the magic box is that I can not add new items, so it seems, can you? 

you can still add items in your magic box and active them. did you think to click the buton for synchronize you mp to ur magic box, on the top right ?

i just made the test with a simple cube, (since now i dont care my mp is a mess bec it is already ) and it works.

for the copy only pb and DD i cant tell, idk... but you can send them for sure from you magic box, 

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I added a temporary new item as well and had no problem listing it.  I'm thinking like Trinity said, maybe you forget to go to the old Magic Box Status Page and update the box there, then click the synchronize button at the top of the Manage Listings Page.

Hopefully you've got it working now but yes, MBs can still be used. :)


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A more important point (I think?) for your items is that you state they are "No Copy". To clarify what this means, the Commerce Team have begun using the term "Limited Quantity" items. That means items that you have only a specific number of them on hand and cannot make new copies to deliver to customers. Common examples are supplies and food for Breedables that cannot be copied ad infinitum as each customer purchases one. So in other words, when someone buys it from you, they get that copy and it is tranferred to them .. meaning you no longer have a copy in your Inventory.

Limited Quantity items are not yet supported by Direct Delivery and cannot be added to the Merchant Outbox. The ONLY method to sell Limited Quantity items at this time is via Magic Box. The Marketplace Dev Team has (as noted above) said they will give advance notice when they intend to make this feature available. Based on current development progress, my supposition is that "it works, we're gonna leave it alone" ... meaning since Direct Delivery covers 95% (guesstimate) of use cases and Magic Boxes cover the rest, they are content to leave it alone and not try to "fix" it any further.

So, bottom line, if you sell any Limited Quantity items, you are going to have to stay with Magic Boxes until further notice from the Marketplace Dev Team.

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Of course I did. I added the new items, of course I clicked the MB inworld to sync and of course I can see any new item as unassociated and I edit all the information regarding to that item, what I am saying is, I added my new items and *I* can see them but no one else can because when I check the "active" box near the item's name or even inside the page for the editing option, nothing happens. It tells me that I have updated my store but the new items are still unlisted. My problem with the magic box is that I can not activate new items, I can add them and see them and edit their info but can not make them "listed". I hope you can understand what I am trying to say, maybe I am not explaining myself well... 

I have 2 problems. 1 is the new system with the merchant outbox which doesn't work AT ALL for me, I tried moving items from my inventory to that new outbox and nothing shows up. I even created a new store for that and still, the items "successfully" went to the marketplace but where???? They are not shown on my new or old store, so I really have no idea where they are.

And problem 2 is the magic box not allowing me to activate any new items. I also did the test with the box like you... I thought maybe my items were corrupted so I created a simple box and tried adding it to my store and of course I could, I added it and edit the info but when it was time to check the active tab so it would be listed, nothing happened, no green "check" sign. 

If you have any idea why, I'd love to hear it and try fixing it somehow. 

Thank you.

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Did you go to the Manage Listings -> Magic Box Status page?  That is the step that is often overlooked.  After putting your new item in the MB, you then need to go to the Magic Box Status page, scroll to the bottom and click "Update" on the Magic Box with the new item.

Then go back to the MP Manage Listings page and click the "Synch Marketplace With Magic Boxes" button.  Then refresh the browser page.  I would suggest editing the new listing and clicking "Active" on the listing page and see if that works better.  I always do that instead of activating from the menu on the Manage Listings page.

The only thing you didn't mention doing was updating your Magic Box on the MB Status page.  I've you're doing that, then I'm at a loss since I added an item successfully this afternoon.

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Ok Sidney

so yesterday, while i had to relist 4 items from an old magic box for another reason, i noticed that even if after cliking on update button, they say its successfull updated, it was not and my items were still inactive.

Why ?

Because since it was a test i didnt filled every fields and normally i should have stayed in the edit item page and the field missing should have been highlighted but no.

so, i had to go back in every edit list page and fill : "active", "perms" "add something (at least one word) in the description field, "category" and "price". ah and i also filled the line for unpacking requiered

if you have something in at every of this fieds, you ll see.... it will work.

the best is always to fill the more fields you can, and if it doesnt work, you come back and fill more. They wont tell you it failed and on the contrary they will say it successed, but it doesnt bec some necesary fields are blank. you have normally a "*" before the one you absolutely need to fill.

Check this and update again.

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Hi Trinity and thanks for the reply.


I have 338 items on my MP store, I never had to fill in all the categories, most of them yes but some like "SKU" or  "animated GIF" or "related items" or URL... I never used them and I don't even know what some of them mean. I did however filled in the rest of the product information very carefully just as I did with the first 335 items. Only the 3 new items can't be activated.

The product page is filled with all the info and price and the right quantity and a photo I click on active every time and I get the "successfully updated" message but actually it stays inactive. 

I did go to the several time to the magic box sync page if I hadn't then I would not have been able to edit my new items, but I did as you said and went there again, I can see the new items there, under  "unassociated inventory" on the right row at the top of the list since they are my latest addition BUT they are not activated even thou they should be and the system thinks they are active.

The fact is... I did everything right, I did everything as I did before the same way I added 335 items before these 3 and never had a problem, I don't know why this is happening, maybe the problem is with my store?! I thought it had something to do with the year changing but if you can do it then I guess it's not... 

I sent back to the magic box all of the items (since I removed them yesterday in order to use the merchant outbox that failed) all of my old items are fine and active the problem is only with new listings. I can edit any of my old items just not activate the new ones. 

Should I contact someone from support? How do I file a ticket for that matter?

Thank you for your time and willing to help, much appreciated.


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ok sidney

well if you dont mind open one of your new listing and lets check together what has to be obligatory filled at the minimum :

--- item status : active

--item tittle

-- extended description : (if you dont want to write anything here, just write "no description",if you dont write anything, the item wont be active)


-- item price

And that s it.  Clik the update button at the bottom of the page.

It can be you forgot one of those fields. It happened to me yesterday when i had to relist these old items. In this case, you will still be told the item has been succefull updated, but its not true and you item wont be active.

So it's worth to be checked and i insist on the "item description" field. Since it was a test i had nothing to write here, but still i had to add at leas 1 word.

It can happens also that it wont be active right away and you will have to wait for some minutes, maybe some hours.

If you need help inword, do not hesitate to im me, ill be online in about 2 hours

after rechecking this, if this stil dont work, you can submit ticket and choose the general marketplace issue category.  

I hope this will help 

good luck



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