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"We are sorry, Linden Lab has discovered degraded performance on your connection...

Odelia Emmons

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...to the region you are on. You will need to restart Second Life and log into a new region for the next 30 minutes to an hour. We apologize for the inconvenience."

Need some advice...have been in sl 5 years, but am not a tech person.  I've been getting the above notice for several weeks...it occurs every third login on the newest firestorm release viewer, and also the latest sl beta viewer (V3).  But only on my main account.  It does not happen to alts.  I log in, and i am a cloud, and receive the notice.  I've discovered two work-arounds...i can log out and restart my entire computer, or i can tp to another region and replace my skin, shape, and eyebrows. Upon comparison, the worn tab in inventory does not agree with the current outfit folder...some items in the folder are grayed out. I am not the only one having this issue, and it does not seem limited to a mac or windows os. Please see the following jira links.Significantly, not only does it not happen with my alt accounts, it does not happen with the phoenix viewer.



My main question is: why does a computer restart temporarily solve the problem (for 2 logins)

My second question is: how can I get LL to do something about this, or even take note of the problem...the issue seems to be closed on the jira, i cant even add a comment there.

Btw, i am wired in, no wireless connection, with measured download speed of 51.04 mbps, ping 56 ms and upload speed 4.10 mbps

any help, advice, or answers would be greatly appreciated...for myself as well as other people dealing with this issue.

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When was the last time you ran your anti-malware software (a complete scan)?  That message sure sounds bogus to me.  If anything is going on with SL or your viewer your operating system has nothing to do with it.  An operating system just runs the programs......it does not monitor the program's performance in anyway.  If something in SL degrades your performance your operating system wil continue to run the program at the degraded performance.......it doesn't know your program is running at a degraded state.  If some hardware device is causing a degradation of performance (such as a video driver) the operating system might advise you of some issue......but not that a program is causing the issue.  In that case, the normal reaction for you OS is it crashes (in the more extreme cases) and you might get a message..........it will not mention Second Life or a sim experiencing issues (it just has not way of knowing anything about SL or any sim).

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right...thats one of the confusing things...and as i mentioned, its not just me who is having this issue...so i dont think it has anything to do with my os...remember, it only occurs with my main account, not with alts...and perhaps i've confused you...the message comes to me inworld as a notice (like a group notice).

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if you've been using the Temporary upload feature of Firestorm a lot of times perhaps you should try to clean also a windows folder who's used for "local textures" on your computer.

wich is located here in Windows 7 :


You can delete all files in this folder without risk, that is only temporary files (.TMP)

Hope that will help you for this issue,

Best regards,


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This error message is not bogus, it means that some part of your avatar has not been communicated to the sim in a timely manner and your avatar has failed to "bake".  I find that I see it roughly once every third login.

It is nothing more than the dreaded "Bakefail".:smileysurprised:

It is this complex multistage process that Project Shining is working to eliminate.

FWIW I find that a workaround that has only failed to work in less than 1% of my logins is to wait until my inventory is full loaded numerically, then log out.

The first login tells me that the region is still loging me out, so I quit and restart my viewer. Next login, all seems well.

This may not work for everyone, but as with so many things one just does whatever one must to get "baked"!:smileyvery-happy:

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Thanks for the reply :) Tried that; it didn't work for me...what does work is tping to another region and re-wearing my skin eyebrows, shape and hair.  I do lose any ims, objects or notices that have been sent to me while i was logged off; these come back if i restart my computer before logging in...if i can restart the computer before logging in each time i won't have the linden notice at all. And not being a technical person, i have no idea why!

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  • 6 months later...

Hi Odelia, 


I am curious if you ever found a solution to this problem.


This has been happening to me for the past couple of weeks.  It started some time after I installed Firestorm.  It never happened while I was using Phoenix.  It only happens with this avatar.  When my partner logs in on the same computer, there is no problem at all.  The problem seems limited to this avatar and it happens no matter which sim I log in on.  I usually just relog immediately and don't get the error on the second try.




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That's exactly what happened to me...only my main account, not any alts,  and it didn't happen with phoenix.  After trying absolutely everything else...i went through my inventory...deleted all duplicates, all old lms...anything i didnt recognize or need...and (keeping my fingers crossed) it stopped happening.

So logic tells me it was something in my inventory that caused the issue.  Good luck!

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I frequently have this problem with all of the V3 viewers.  It never occurs with Phoenix.  I too have a high speed connection and all 3 of my computers have this problem.  I do not use wireless, and the problem occurs whether any other foreground taks is running.  Turning off virus scanning does not fix the issue.  The third computer had the LL viewer installed before Firestorm or any other application, so for me that issue is completely unrelated.  My computer is fairly high end and has fantastic performance with shadows with Firestorm, when it works.

LL Tech Support attempted to replicate the issue using my account and did not see the problem occur despite repeated logon attempts.  I am usually able to access SL one time, then it will not work again until later in the day.  I then revert back to Phoenix, which logs in quickly and completely every time.  However, the Firestorm team has announced that it will disable Phoenix on the next Firestorm release.  If this problem is not related to avatar baking issues, then my access to SL will be more limited than it is now (we have numerous regions and develop new products, but Phoenix cannot render mesh).

The problem may be something that gets stuck during download that the new viewer isn't handling correctly because the scene stops loading and the avatar doesn't rez.  When I can eventually get in, there are no performance issues at all.  The issue is definitely intermittent and completely unrelated to virus scanning, memory, video card, or intranet router (of all components in my network, only the Comcast cable router has not been subtituted).

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Do you have alt accounts, and does the problem occur with them as well?  For me, it only happens with my main account. And like you say, never with phoenix.  If I restarted my computer, i could usually then log in normally. Or else clear cache and relog which forces an inventory reload.  Which is how i finally solved the problem (hopefully) as i mentioned in my previous post.  Try clearing up your inventory...not an easy task, i have 25000 items in mine...if you are a content creator, you probably have more.  I also had tech support try to replicate my problem and they couldn't, suggesting it was my internet connection.

Since i cleaned up my inventory, i no longer have the problem, so I assume it was something in inventory that was hanging things up, which i removed during my cleanup.

Good luck with this. 

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I do have an alt account and you are correct that it has never occurred with that avatar, though I only use it for testing permissions and security.  The inventory in that account is very low.

I am a content creator, so my inventory is quite high, though my partner's inventory is more than double the size of mine.  Inventory cleanup is probably worthwhile as it has been more than a year since it was last cleaned.  But "cleanup" is a relative term, but I have outdated versions of creations and items in trash (which often turns out to be where missing items show up).  Still, it would be worth trying this since it worked for you.

Thanks for the suggestion!

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By "cleanup" i meant deleting duplicates , things no longer needed, and things I didn't recognise. Empty the trash! Empty the lost and found folder! I don't think merely reducing the size of inventory will do it...logic says there was something in my inventory causing the issue...i somehow deleted it...so now the problem seems to be gone.  And again, good luck!

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  • 1 month later...

I've been getting this message now for 2 weeks since the last Main Channel Rolling Restart. I am on a Mac too. At first I thought it was me, my FPS became horrible, nothing rezzed, and I crashed constantly. I boosted my bandwidth, upgraded my cable modem, and doubled my RAM. -Before the SL Rolling Restart, I had no issues at all! Now I get the We are Sorry message all the time. I too use the same fix, TP to another sim, change my outfit and TP home. But I must say my sim ping is worse and FPS is not good. I contacted LL and they could not duplicate my problem, But did have issues of their own, enough to move my sim to a RC server. Everything worked great gor 3 days, now the same issues have returned.

If anything at all, seeing that others are having the same issue means its not us, but something the Lab has done, and must resolve it. Please file a support ticket if you are having this issue, theres power in numbers. Thank you for starting this thread.

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Im using the SLv3 Viewer. I did a total clean reinstall and removed all 3rd party viewers thing it may be a cache leak. But I'm still having the problem. As of today, I'm waiting for a response from LL since they moved my sim and thought that would solve the problem. (It hasnt)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to update status on this issue...things were fine until recently i started having inventory and group list issues...deinstalled firestorm viewer and installed the new beta...and now am getting the "we are sorry etc" message again...am having to clear cache and relog each time to cure the orange cloud. :(

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 years later...

Hello everyone! 

Thank you for creating this thread, theirs some good suggestions here which I have done myself, unfortunately I am also having this problem and it's the first time it has occurred for me. Since 2013, for those who experienced this problem, had you finally found a solution to this? Even though this is the first time I have received this message, prior to this, I have had numerous encounters such as crashing whilst being stuck in the 'Teleport' loading screen, or being an orange cloud, delay in moving around and a lot of lag. I am clueless to know what to do. 

Thanks in advance!



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On 12/12/2017 at 9:36 PM, Zhaoi said:

 unfortunately I am also having this problem and it's the first time it has occurred for me.

Happens to me ... every. single. time. that the SEA-ME-WE3 undersea cable is cut. SL borks up amongst the traffic changes with this error and grey textures.

After a few days to a week, something expires and a new CDN is chosen for me to get my data from, and all comes good. But until the expiry happens I have a horrible time trying to enter SL.

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  • 1 year later...
On 11/2/2013 at 9:52 AM, Odelia Emmons said:

Just to update status on this issue...things were fine until recently i started having inventory and group list issues...deinstalled firestorm viewer and installed the new beta...and now am getting the "we are sorry etc" message again...am having to clear cache and relog each time to cure the orange cloud. :(

This is still an issue, I too am on a Mac also not technical and continued getting the 'we are sorry message'.  After TPing to another empty sim..  a Sandbox.    and relogging I was continuing to get the message. 

So I tried some things.  I"ll list them here, in no particular order.   

       Complete shut down of my computer and restart.  - Failed, that didn't work. 

  • double checked my network speed. - https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_speedtest .  (resulting in lowering my speed, since i'm currently on wireless)
  •   Waited for Inventory to load,
       meanwhile cleared  trash folder,  quick clean up of  inventory items Note cards, LM's mostly, cleared lost and found folder
  •    I changed my outfit to only a 'alpha skin', So completely invisible with no clothing. (less to load at log on)
  •    reset my filter in my inventory
  •    Forced Appearance (Rebake),
  •     Recreated LSL Bridge (no idea what this is! Sounds scripty for the 'backend' inventory ? between FS and connecting to LL servers. )
  •    in Prefs . -  > Graphics > Hardware Settings > Unchecked the 'Enable OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects'    (at least for duration of     getting rid of the 'We are sorry message... '  
  • logged out of SL, waited about 5 mins,  sometimes logging out is even laggy with a delay of exit.
  • Logged back into SL on older computer      -   'We Sorry message was GONE!'    WAITED FOR INVENTORY,    logged out old   
    Logged in on newer computer, to the Sandbox area and no more message!!!  Waited for Inventory and logged back out to save this last 'Good' version with no messaging. 

I'm not sure exactly what above,  fixed the issue, i'm just happy it is no longer happening.   It may have come down to the last thing, logging into another computer that 'cleared the issue'.   



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