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Best Viewer for SL (as of now)?

Jinx Requiem

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If firestorm isn't working for you - chances are you've got a setting off somewhere, or corrupted somehow.

I suggest a clean wipe of ALL SL files - both cache and settings and the application.

Then install again.

Do this for each viewer you try until you find a stable one.


Try Firestorm again first, if you like its style. Otherwise, try the official viewer.

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.. that is why I stated the client was crashing "disconnecting" and not my actual machine.  :)

I have tried the LL viewer after a full clear of all SL files, and have no problems with that ... oddly enough.

Did the same with Firestorm ... same disconnection issues.


I keep my graphics updated, always monitor temperatures and nothing is wrong with my ISP (which I also have checked).



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Definitely the response I was looking for, thank you!


I actually did this twice and still had the same issues with Firestorm.

Wiped everything again, tried the official viewer and everything works like a charm, strange.


Granted, I love Firestorm and if I could understand why the frequent "disconnections" keep occuring and find a fix for it, I'd be happier.


But until then, guess I shall be enjoying my in-world time using the official viewer.  :)  Thanks again.

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The LL viewer gets a bum rap from a lot of people.  I hated it when SL changed the UI so much from the old 1.23 viewer but I forced myself to use it with the idea that, sooner or later, even the TPV's would have a similar UI.....and once I figured out where everything was moved to I found it's the stablest of all the viewers I've ever used (though I refuse to use any TPV again after the Emerald fiasco a couple years ago........but that's a different story).

The SL official viewer can be setup for almost any computer to run smoothly.  The problem I see with a lot of people having issues with the SL viewer is that because the preferences have all the latest features, they think it should run on their system.  To use everything the SL viewer has to offer you better have a darn good (high end) computer.  A middle of the road computer just won't run well (if at all) with shadows and DOF enabled.  But, do you really need all that fancy stuff?  It's like Windows Vista, 7 or 8........all that eye candy you can run looks beautiful.  But it sure makes your computer run like crap.  :)

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actually i just switched back to check out the SL official viewer..

it's running pretty nice for me..

i'm not really on enough anymore to need a lot of the frills that 3rd party viewers have..

i do wish it would get the media filters though..even though i can understand LL's view of not doing that..imean media is one of their perks they like to keep alive rather than hinder..

but i don't use those perks much anyways unless i'm in my own lands..

it's runing for me much better than the past versions have..not sure what they changed  in sl..but i like it =)


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Goodness, let's not bring up the awfulness that was Windows Vista.

I was so happy to be rid of that darned computer that I did a dance lol.


And you have a point about people wanting to use every setting possible just because it is there.  

But I already know from online gaming experiences that I am not playing on a high end computer at all, so I have to stay with the most basic of settings and hope that everything runs smoothly from there.


But yes, the LL viewer is simple ... but efficient!  I feel myself becoming attached to it again actually hehe.

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I do see your point. 

I don't log into SL as much as I used to, (especially with working 2 jobs now), so maybe there is no need for me to be using a viewer that has all of the bells and whistles and what have you.


The LL viewer seems to be working great for me as of late so ... hey.  If it isn't broke ... don't fix it.   Far be it for me ruin a good thing. xD

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"Goodness, let's not bring up the awfulness that was Windows Vista.



I didn't endorse Vista.  But since you brought it up, I will say that Vista never gave me problems......I can't say the same for XP though (for me, XP was a degrade from Win ME when I first "upgraded" (SP 1 fixed it for me though and I loved it after that).  The only reason I mentioned Vista is because Vista was the first MS operating system that had the "Aero Glass" features........huge resource hog that ruined any performance increase over XP (and Vista was a much better performer than XP ever was).  Vista had two issues to deal with.  People loved their XP and refused to move to Vista (that bias is, to this day, still very prevailant for many Windows users)........they found excuses to fault Vista for every little "problem" they experienced.  Had they turned off the Aero Glass features I know they would have had much less trouble.  And. along that Aero stuff is the second issue people had with Vista.  Many people had minimally spec'd machines when the upgraded and simply did not know they could turn off all that resource eating stuff that MS thought we all needed and wanted.  I will admit that Vista x32 was a little problematic but Vista x64 wasn't (I attribute that to a more efficient use of system memory with x64).  Vista also gets a bum rap in that respect........but MS could have avoided a lot of the resistance had they not turned on all the Aero features by default.

All that's history for most people now.  Windows 7 is not the resource hog that Vista was even with the Aero turned on.  Plus, by the time Win 7 hit the market, a large percentage of the people getting Win 7 had also upgraded to new computers and opted for the x64 OS over the x32.  Windows 7 has been called "Vista Fixed"...........I agree with that statement myself.  The biggest issue for me with Win7 was finding all the settings so I could set up my OS the way I wanted it setup and not the way MS wanted it setup (they moved all that stuff around on Vista, then moved it around again on Win 7..........I did more than a little cussing about Microsoft over that).  But all's well now..........I wonder what learning curve I'm going to endure if and when I move to Win 8  :) .

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Peggy Paperdoll wrote:

"Goodness, let's not bring up the
that was Windows Vista.



I didn't endorse Vista.  But since you brought it up, I will say that Vista never gave me problems......I can't say the same for XP though (for me, XP was a degrade from Win ME when I first "upgraded" (SP 1 fixed it for me though and I loved it after that).  The only reason I mentioned Vista is because Vista was the first MS operating system that had the "Aero Glass" features........huge resource hog that ruined any performance increase over XP (and Vista was a much better performer than XP ever was).  Vista had two issues to deal with.  People loved their XP and refused to move to Vista (that bias is, to this day, still very prevailant for many Windows users)........they found excuses to fault Vista for every little "problem" they experienced.  Had they turned off the Aero Glass features I know they would have had much less trouble.  And. along that Aero stuff is the second issue people had with Vista.  Many people had minimally spec'd machines when the upgraded and simply did not know they could turn off all that resource eating stuff that MS thought we all needed and wanted.  I will admit that Vista x32 was a little problematic but Vista x64 wasn't (I attribute that to a more efficient use of system memory with x64).  Vista also gets a bum rap in that respect........but MS could have avoided a lot of the resistance had they not turned on all the Aero features by default.

All that's history for most people now.  Windows 7 is not the resource hog that Vista was even with the Aero turned on.  Plus, by the time Win 7 hit the market, a large percentage of the people getting Win 7 had also upgraded to new computers and opted for the x64 OS over the x32.  Windows 7 has been called "Vista Fixed"...........I agree with that statement myself.  The biggest issue for me with Win7 was finding all the settings so I could set up my OS the way I wanted it setup and not the way MS wanted it setup (they moved all that stuff around on Vista, then moved it around again on Win 7..........I did more than a little cussing about Microsoft over that).  But all's well now..........I wonder what learning curve I'm going to endure if and when I move to Win 8 

Windows 8 ain't so bad. I bought a back-up laptop a couple of months ago, because I was sure I would kill this desktop once and for all while trying to upgrade it with more RAM. The laptop I chose was far from being the most expensive, and I didn't expect it to run Second Life at all, but it does. I've been in with Firestorm, wirelessly, and although I won't dare attempt shadows or going higher than High with the graphics, I'm just pleased Windows 8 works absolutely fine for me with SL.

This, just for trivial information, is the first computer I ever owned myself. I've been at my brother's house for ten years, and we jumped from Windows 98 SE to Windows Vista to get hooked up to broadband.  With all the negative things people had to say about Windows Vista, I felt it was a miracle I ever was able to access Second Life (wry laugh here).  It has been a ton better since I installed two more GB of RAM though.

This is my favourite clip from "The IT Crowd", and the general opinion about Windows Vista.


To the OP, though, best viewer for SL, I'd say it's subjective, depends on whether you're a builder, a photographer, an explorer, or whatever. Like women with their handbags, we don't all like the same type, and we may often switch between several.

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