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UV mapping?


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I'm new to uploading meshes into Second Life, I'm probably just missing some simple button, but I'm having a problem uploading meshes with UV mapping. I'm trying to upload a sword and when I do, the UV mapping is gone, and the texture looks as though it has been repeated hundreds of times - it looks like randomly colored pixels all over it. At first I thought I didn't export the model properly, but when I re-import the dae file into my editor it looks perfect. UV mapping exported fine, its just not carrying over to SL. What am I doing wrong?


Also, I'd appreciate it if someone could show me a tutorial that covers all the aspects of uploading mesh models so I don't screw this up again. :smileytongue:

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EDIT Dec 27. While I am leaving my original post here, please see this later post on IMPORTING TEXTURES ON mesh objects - same upload. It does apparently now work :Dhttp://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Uploading-textures-with-collada-files/td-p/1784583



As a new since November person I totally get how confusing UV mapping is. The big thing you need to know (well maybe the biggest as there are lots of things) is that complete mapping isn't actually "supported" by SL (yet). What you are actually doing is mapping coordinants so that you can add your own textures later.  So they do NOT at this point in time come in with your dae file. You add them later just like you would on a regular prim.

You can do it two ways. You can "just" map the pattern to the object in question (let's say a one piece vase for example). Then, once the vase understands where you want the pattern to be in relation to itself :D, you can use any texture and the vase will understand (within the constraints of the vase) how the texture should appear. I am sure that some folks use the exact texture they are planning on attaching to their build and in some cases this WOULD be important, but in actuallity you are just mapping a "layout" of the texture (usually square in SL terms like 1024 or 512 -- I actually use 2048 for a specific reason and then reduce the map.

The other way you can add textures to your object is to FIRST map them (a good mapping is very important and the skill will most likely NOT come easily. Eventually though you will get the hang of it. Start with simple shapes like a cube for example) and THEN to make an ambient map. This ads ambient (not cast) shadows onto the object and in my opinion is one of the biggest pluses of mesh as it looks outstanding. From there you can layer your texture (woodgrain, fabric whatever) on top of your ambient map in your GRAPHIC PROGRAM and then merge them (I use MULTIPLY in my properites choices for that).

I am going to search through my HUGE list of tutorials and see if I can find some of my favorites here for you. Be assured that we all had to learn this (or quit) and once you do it actually really DOES become fun :D. Honest!

Meanwhile there is wine and chocolate or whatever works for you.

Tutorials that helped me. I watched some of them several times.


  (a good first one unwrapping a cube)




A good source at how to handle your UV maps once you get them and need to straighten etc. http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Textures/Mapping/UV/Layout_Editing

Ambient maps -- the next step : http://www.katsbits.com/tutorials/blender/baking-ambient-occlusion.php

Good luck. !!!!!



Oh, and if you are uploading on the main grid ---- BAD IDEA WHEN YOU ARE LEARNING. I think I have uploaded and tossed about 3000 lindens worth by now. Go to the Aditi (beta) grid to learn and test. It is free. You will need to complete a mesh test for the ADITI grid ALSO (separate but same tests -- who knows why).  


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I'm well aware of how to unwrap a model. Been doing it for years. My issue is that my mapping is completely gone when I upload the model...


Chic Aeon wrote:

The big thing you need to know (well maybe the biggest as there are lots of things) is that complete mapping isn't actually "supported" by SL (yet).

Am I to understand SL does not support UV unwrapped models?

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Ah, sorry. Misunderstood. My comment was that some folks believe that they can export a complete texture with their mesh and while that may be true in the future, I don't believe it is now. But while everything I have read has said "not yet",  I certainly could be wrong on that. I would be happy if that was the case and someone posts about it.

Hopefully all those links will help someone else along the way. Hope you get your issue worked out.

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Importing it to Blender and exporting back to dae helpped a little bit - the blade of the sword is correctly mapped, but the handle still has repeating textures, but much less severe than before. Still, its not right. I'll try that other method if I can find a converter. I'm using 3DS Max to model. Its a student edition, but I don't think that would matter, its still the same.


I just read that SL supports Collada 1.4. Do you think I could be exporting to an unsupported version? I have no idea how to check!

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Are you using multiple UV maps? For example, one for applying input texture and a second for baking output? In that case, I believe people get problems with the wrong map being used after export and upload. So you may solve that kind of problem by making sure you have an unique UV map. That doesn't mean it has to be all laid out without overlapping of islands. It just means there must be only one UV layout for each polygon. The mapping of each material can be overlapping with others, and parts of one material can be stacked where they are to receive identical texturing. Hovever, in these cases you have to be careful to bake each texture separately, which can be a bit complicated.

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DracoTech wrote:

 I'm using 3DS Max to model. Its a student edition, but I don't think that would matter, its still the same.

The student edition should act the same as the full version. I assume you're using 2013. I also assume, going by your issue, you're either using the OpenCollada exporter or Autodesk 2013.0 or 2013.1 FBX exporter. Both cause issues with UV mapping for SL.

Download the 2013.2 or 2013.3 exporter from Autodesk and everything should work fine. (I use 2013.2, it's in the archive) There is a small catch, make sure you do not use any spaces in object, material or texture names. (So for example not "Box 001", but "Box001" or "Box_001")

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You have to assign a material and a selection to your model before uploading.

DracoTech wrote:

IAlso, I'd appreciate it if someone could show me a tutorial that covers all the aspects of uploading mesh models so I don't screw this up again. :smileytongue:

To test your model you can go the testgrid Aditi, you won't have upload costs there.

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Drongle, you were correct! It was multiple UV maps. I ticked the 'Only Active UV layer' box when exporting from Blender (I didn't see this button before), and now the UV map works perfect. Thanks for the tip! :)


I also wanted to point out that I am somewhat experienced in 3D modeling. I did create 4 LOD models, and a collision model. But the thing I wanted help with next, was how to use the uploader properly. I still can't see the texture when I tick 'Texture' below the small preview window. Its not a big deal, I uploaded my texture independently of the model and it works fine that way, but I could still use some help with what all the options do.

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DracoTech wrote:

But the thing I wanted help with next, was how to use the uploader properly. I still can't see the texture when I tick 'Texture' below the small preview window. Its not a big deal, I uploaded my texture independently of the model and it works fine that way, but I could still use some help with what all the options do.

If your mesh is rigged, then you can not import your texture along with the mesh. This is a long standing bug in the SL importer and i doubt it will ever be fixed.

However if your mesh is NOT rigged, then you should be able to see the textures in the SL previewer. With Blender this works best when you enable the "Copy" option in the Blender collada exporter. Then the exported textures will be copied to the same folder where the collada file will be created. And within the collada file the image references will be made relative. If you do NOT check the Copy option, then the image references will become absolute. It appears to me that the SL importer has issues with absolute file locations.

BTW since blender 2.64 we have added the 2 operator presets "Second Life rigged" and "Second Life static" which will preset all available buttons exactly how it makes sense for the SL importer. That includes the setting of the "only active UV Layer"

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DracoTech wrote:

I also wanted to point out that I am somewhat experienced in 3D modeling. I did create 4 LOD models, and a collision model. But the thing I wanted help with next, was how to use the uploader properly. I still can't see the texture when I tick 'Texture' below the small preview window. Its not a big deal, I uploaded my texture independently of the model and it works fine that way, but I could still use some help with what all the options do.

This is why I suggested you'd be aware of the tips in the wiki link I posted. To upload the texture, use the upload options tab on the uploader, there's a tick box for including textures.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello there, I´m pretty aware my reply is too late for your issue, but I hope it will help others who read this thread just like I did today.

I faced a similar (if not the same) issue as you today, and I share the same feeling, my UV mapping is perfect, my mesh model is perfect, everything is perfect (as done several times in the past, *cough* don´t send the newbie tuts please *cough*)...

but yes, we are noobs at the end, and getting to the point, I noticed the problem starts at 3dsmax, basically, when you finish your model and your UV Maps are complete, you start thinking about baking textures right? its normal. And you may be tempted to change the "MAP CHANNEL" just for baking purpouses right? Its an easy way to start baking those faces, limited by Second Life to 8, but, talking about adding textures, no matter the program if 3dsmax or Second Life, you need to properly assign the map channels to each material (if it has a texture on diffuse), and it seems, Second Life will only recognize the UV maps if the map channels are all set to default basically. So set each map channel back to 1 if you modified them in the past and this will fix the issue.


Basic pipeline:
1) Build mesh, build lighting setup. Do not continue until your mesh is 100% finished and perfect.
2) Set material ID´s per face
3) Over your finished "edit poly": stack a "mesh select (use material ID´s to select the polygons) + Unwarp UVW" combo per face (8 faces per mesh max for SL), stack a final mesh select atop everything for mind peace and face counting.
4) Apply the textures,  just assign a single "standard - multi/sub-object" with 8 (max) materials per mesh, be careful using the proper material IDs here, try to avoid vray materials for the object to be uploaded.
5) Change each map channel for each "Unwrap UVW" in the stack for baking purpouses (it helps a lot with RTT), return to the default map channel (1) when you have finished.
6) Export --> Export Selected as DAE file. (do not use spaces for any name, material name etc.)
7) Import in Second Life.


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