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Ways to make Linden?


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So I have been in SecondLife for going on 2 years...well almost :) and I have been pretty blessed with finding jobs within SecondLife, one of which is a Manager Postion I have held for a year now. I am wondering though, what other ways can you make some Linden in SecondLife that isn't a "job" and that isn't fishing?

Greatly would appreciate some Answer ^-^


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You could build something, and then sell it. The object could be very simple, or very complicated. Bring a hobby or interest of yours, from outside of SL, into SL.

Building is a labor of love for me. I only accept the money, because people believe it represents obligation.

If I had all the money in the World, I would still build.

Anyone can learn how to build; having Ideas, is the real source of creativity.




 My Linden Recipe:


1 scoop of naivete'

2 cups of hope

1 dash of daring

7 sides of forbearance

1 ounce of professionalism

1 pound of performance

1 smoke

2 mirrors

1 scapegoat




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honerken wrote:

Buying them with real money.


In my opinion, SL jobs just don't give you enough.  
 Why work for days when I can just make the same amount by uploading $10 or by having a premium account?

Never thought about that some do it for fun? Or that some don't want to spend real money or that they just can't?

If everybody would think like you we wouldn't have any escorts, clubs, djs, events or such a varity of stores in SL.

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Syo Emerald wrote:

honerken wrote:

Buying them with real money.


In my opinion, SL jobs just don't give you enough.  
 Why work for days when I can just make the same amount by uploading $10 or by having a premium account?

Never thought about that some do it for fun? Or that some don't want to spend real money or that they just can't?

If everybody would think like you we wouldn't have any escorts, clubs, djs, events or such a varity of stores in SL.

OP wants ways to get money, the most efficient way (in L$ per hour earned) is to get a job RL and use that income to buy L$. A few minutes in an RL job gets you more L$ than several days in an SL job...


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jwenting wrote:

Syo Emerald wrote:

honerken wrote:

Buying them with real money.


In my opinion, SL jobs just don't give you enough.  
 Why work for days when I can just make the same amount by uploading $10 or by having a premium account?

Never thought about that some do it for fun? Or that some don't want to spend real money or that they just can't?

If everybody would think like you we wouldn't have any escorts, clubs, djs, events or such a varity of stores in SL.

OP wants ways to get money, the most efficient way (in L$ per hour earned) is to get a job RL and use that income to buy L$. A few minutes in an RL job gets you more L$ than several days in an SL job...


And again this stupid stuff....

1. I wasn't talking about the OPs question itself but on the dumb part of the reply honerken made. Yes, sure a RL Job gets you more money, but comparing it with a SL job is dumb. You need much more money in RL to survive. You need food, you need clothes, you need a house....thats why you get more money in RL, because everything there is expensive. In SL you don't need 30$ to buy yourself some pants......thats why the jobs doesn't pay you 1600$ a month.

2. RL work is mostly boring. Its routine, its what you do for years and it can be frustrating and grey. Even if your job fits your interests you are glad to have weekends and holidays. And now you and honerken promote getting a second job?

Not to mention all that people who can't get a job out of several reasons. Also you said "a few minutes in a RL Job...", well fine, but which job only requires you to work a few minutes? Normaly they eat up half of the day.

3. Like I already said: SL jobs are a fun way to make some pocketmoney for SL. I once had a job in a club. It was fun, because I already enjoyed clubbing, music and all those things. Now I got some money and could feel responsible for the outcome of the party. Also I felt good for doing something for the stuff I brought. I didn't wasted my money on useless crab, I was picky and I felt good when I could buy me something expensive.

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I thank you all so far for the Awesome Answers ^-^ I guess I should have added in WAY more information in my original post than what I did. I have tried building before.... I honestly can not grasp it. I have as well tried making clothing....didn't really work =\  As far as spending RL cash in SecondLife....not entierly a Fan. I have RL bills to pay...and I don't have a job. Been unemployed for 2 years and actively looking everyday for a job.  

I honestly was just curious if there was any other way to make Linden. I know I have noticed those "Find Liden" Hud things, but they only give you like 2L$ each for the tasks xD

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"Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life"

This is a Confucius quote, but it is very true, both in RL and SL.  The real key is to find something you enjoy doing.  If you enjoy being an escort, or a dj, or building, or whatever, then you are golden.  But dont get a job you dont like just for the lindens.

The idea of finding something you enjoy doing in RL and doing it a few extra hours is also valid.  The conversion rate certainly favors RL money over sl money.  

I never understood people who would complain about spending hours doing tedious work in SL to make a few hundred lindens.  If I want to do hours of work that isnt fun in order to spend some money in second life, I'll do it in RL and get 10 times the lindens.


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You could pass out note cards for 50L an hour. :)

You could create things and sell them in marketplace or on a parcel you bought or rented. The types of things you can create is almost limitless.

You could script if you know how. Scripters can make some good money in SL.

You could provide services to others of various types.

You could raise breedable animals and get lucky to get a rare one, that would offset the cost it took to feed them all.


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You don't want a SL job, and you don't want to do HUD tasks or fishing.

And you said you can't build or make clothing. so becoming an sl merchant is out.

You would have to upload some rl cash to buy land to subdivide, so that's out.

The only thing I can think of for you to do is start looking for contests. There's a contest for just about everything. It won't be steady or guaranteed, but it's the only possibility I can think of that you didn't already rule out.

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