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Everything posted by Krystara

  1. No, thats awesome, I am using it for my own purposes, and I dont mind running with rlv enabled, I usually do anyhow. Thanks a ton. Now to continue investigating the idea then.
  2. I am curious, does there exist any way, through LSL script, for a player to change the active group with a script? Assuming you know exactly what group you are in and going to, and are a member of the group.
  3. There are also clients for smartphones such as lumiya that will let you organzie your inventory from anywhere you can access your phone.
  4. "Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life" This is a Confucius quote, but it is very true, both in RL and SL. The real key is to find something you enjoy doing. If you enjoy being an escort, or a dj, or building, or whatever, then you are golden. But dont get a job you dont like just for the lindens. The idea of finding something you enjoy doing in RL and doing it a few extra hours is also valid. The conversion rate certainly favors RL money over sl money. I never understood people who would complain about spending hours doing tedious work in SL to make a few hundred lindens. If I want to do hours of work that isnt fun in order to spend some money in second life, I'll do it in RL and get 10 times the lindens.
  5. I believe something like this exists as part of the Xcite stuff, you may want to look on their website.
  6. You should definately decide if you are looking for a 1.x viewer for performance, or a more modern viewer. Generally the 1.x viewers will give better performance on weaker machines, but lack features compared to the v3 viewers. For 1x viewers, pheonix was the popular choice, but they have announced plans to stop updating reliably, so CoolVx or singularity are popular alternatives. If you have a machine with the horsepower and are ok with the newer interface, you probably want a V3 browser, firestorm generally being the most popular here, though I have been using exodus lately and enjoyed it.
  7. Most of the things you mention are valid ways to make money, but I would like to point out that spending hours of in world time working for what translates to a dollar or two makes real world money not such a bad investment. Consider picking up an extra hour at work, even in minimum wage jobs, that amounts to somewhere around $1500 lindons or more. Obviously there are different numbers in different places, but the point is valid pretty much anywhere. Basically, if you get paid to do work in second life, make sure its something you enjoy doing even without getting paid, otherwise its kind of silly.
  8. the roll of duct tape and the duct-taped mouth implies a bit more
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