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Before you report them, though, be sure that what you're reporting as a "hate group" really is one, and not just a group who expressed an opinion you disagree with.  IMO, the word "hate" is over-used far too much as a means of shouting down opposing points of view.

For example:

A group named "Kill All Jew Pigs" -- hate group.

A group named "Second Life Tea Party" -- not a hate group.

"Skinhead NiggaKillaz" -- probably a hate group (and a group of illiterates, too)

"Catholics 4 Life" -- not a hate group.

"Obamassassination Planners" -- probably a hate group that the Secret Service might be interested in having a word with.

...and so on.

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the first rule of the Community Standards is Intolerance:

Combating intolerance is a cornerstone of Second Life's Community Standards. Actions that marginalize, belittle, or defame individuals or groups inhibit the satisfying exchange of ideas and diminish the Second Life community as a whole. The use of derogatory or demeaning language or images in reference to another Resident's race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation is never allowed in Second Life.

if you find a group that fails to comply with that rule, you can report them.

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Maybe I misread, I suspected, that this may have been a rekindling, of the promotion of banning actions or behaviors which are already banned..., thread.  :smileysurprised:  :smileyhappy:


Edit: I do agree, it's good advice. I couldn't find the exact link I was looking for, the title reads roughly, "when to Report", instead of How.



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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

I have to say that if you'd made your subject "I got a question about hate groups" it would have generated much more drama.

Can I start an "I HATE DRAMA QUEENS" group?

Would that violate the TOS?

After all, that is gender biased.


@ the OP.  Promoting Intolerance would definitely be a no no.  But role-playing an intolerant person would be a fine line call.  I've seen a few groups too that tread on the edge here.


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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

I have to say that if you'd made your subject "I got a question about hate groups" it would have generated much more drama.

Can I start an "I HATE DRAMA QUEENS" group?

Would that violate the TOS?

After all, that is gender biased.


@ the OP.  Promoting Intolerance would definitely be a no no.  But role-playing an intolerant person would be a fine line call.  I've seen a few groups too that tread on the edge here.


"I HATE DRAMA LLAMAS" would avoid the gender issue.  Although I hear the llamas are enthusiastic litigators.  So maybe it's dodge one bullet, take another.


I've heard that Llamas can bite, and can bite very hard, 

Regardless, I would think the Furry community would take exception to being singled out as DRAMA whores?

 ETA:  Have I just insulted the whore community?  Am I suffering from hoof in mouth disease now?

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@ the OP.  Promoting Intolerance would definitely be a no no.  But role-playing an intolerant person would be a fine line call.  I've seen a few groups too that tread on the edge here.


I have seen rp involving hate/intolerance before. The way it worked out without any hurt feelings was with an IM disclaimer before the scene began that explained that the intolerant character is merely a work of fiction and does not reflect the views of the person behind the avatar. I have also seen picks in profiles that stated "My character is prejudiced against.... but I am not." As long as all people involved understand that the prejudice is on the part of the character, and not of the poster, then all is well. but it does absolutely require IC/OOC seperation to work.


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