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Where is the Magic Box upgrade notice?

Pamela Galli

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Hey there Pamela, I've been searching for it since you mentioned it in the other thread. It was changed (updated) back in April 2009, so I believe that pre-dates these forums. I tried looking through the archives, but couldn't find it. For what it's worth, I do remember "some kind of communication" because I remember updating my boxes at that time. I just don't remember if it was an official post from the Commerce Team at that time, or, if I just "happened" upon it when I looked at the Magic Box listing and saw the message there. 

I also remember last year, when a lot of MB problems were happening, Dakota posted advise to help people troubleshoot/fix them, including a reference to "making sure it is up to date" (in this thread http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/All-items-unavailable/td-p/806657

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This is the announcement




and another thread was started to make sure people didn't miss it..  https://xstreetsl.com/forum_archive/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&p=495047


OK, so there's no mention of disastrous failings but then there have always been transaction failings - it's just that they appeared to be less of them back in those days.

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Thank you (damn I miss some of the ppl in that thread!)

Well I thought this was something new, since my V 3.0.10 boxes have never delivered merchandise and failed to notify the marketplace before yesterday. And some have reported that their v 3.0.11 have been doing the same thing my 3.0.10 boxes did. 


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I don't think this has anything to do with the magic boxes themselves and has everything to do with the delivery messages not making it out of the message queue and over to the marketplace, combined with the shoddy design of the slm order processing system, the lack of any original analysis (remember, they made it a badge of honour that none of the commerce team knew the processes we used to execute various marketplace functions - what they called use cases), no structured system design and their amateur tinkerings, it's a recipe for the troubles we see.

and just remember that what ever promises they make to fix it won't be kept - if you remember the table corruption issue (the wrong pictures with the wrong listings) was actually unfixable without a restore according to someone I know in rl (who had bitter experience of such a cockup), yet LL insisted they could fix it without a restore and of course apart from fixing some by hand never actually did fix the problem - because it's too late and is unfixable without a restore - not that they'll ever admit it and of course the jira is now hidden.

Just keep telling yourself that you are happy with whatever LL allows you to keep and you'll be fine.  It's the only way I keep on going in here.  (well, apart from snarling at them at every possible moment - a girl has to get her payback in for the aggravation they cause somehow).

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I just had two more failed deliveries -- after updating all my boxes. 

Pamela .. demand Sim Restarts where the failing Magic Boxes are located. Demand they move those Regions to new Servers, not just restart them.

And double-check the Magic Box Status page to ensure no "rogue" Magic Boxes are listed.

(I know you've probably done all this before but .. dammit .. this is getting STOOPIT!! And of course the Marketplace Support Staff has gone home for the evening ... *groans*)

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I will ask about moving them to a different server -- some of them are certainly laggy enough so would not hurt. 

In any case I have almost completed moving everything to DD so at least if LL starts handing out my things as freebies, I will not know.


I did request payment from those who got the free things. Two out of five responded at all, both sent me the full amount. About what I expected.

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