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Most Active Linden in Game


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I just wanted to ask who the most active linden labs worker is for being in the actual game. Like being logged into Second Life and actually doing things. I just wanted to ask that because I don't know and I bet others don't so it would be cool to find that out. Thanks :D

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EliAmador wrote:

I just wanted to ask who the most active linden labs worker is for being in the actual game. Like being logged into Second Life and actually doing things. I just wanted to ask that because I don't know and I bet others don't so it would be cool to find that out. Thanks

Linden's log in using something called 'god mode' that renders them invisible to most of us mere residents.  ;)



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Back in the day Lindens seemed to be "out and about" more.  I would see a Linden in the audience of a build off, or out checking out land, etc.  I can't recall the last time I actually saw a Linden in world.

To me, the Linden who is the most engaged with residents is Torley Linden.  I never saw him in world, but watched many, many of his video tutorials.  Just the beginning, "Friendly Greetings!" always made me smile.  In some of the videos he invited people to stop his home.  Really wish I'd done that.  I've seen Torley respond in some forum posts - generally on technical issues.


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Greetings, Eli

Torley Linden is still very actively logging into Second Life. This is clear to see from his regular Flickr uploads. http://www.flickr.com/photos/torley/8039819910/in/contacts/

Tommy Linden also has an inworld presence, and uploads photos directly from the viewer inworld to his SL feed. https://my.secondlife.com/tommy.linden

Beta Server Lindens, Oskar and Maestro contribute a lot to group chat, so we know they are inworld somewhere, and they have been known to stray into the mainland from time to time too.  You'll see them, and other Lindens at Bug Island testing how to break fix stuff.

You won't see them easily on the minimap, because their dot is not green like regular residents, it is deepest blue, hardly visible on the map.

You may not see them, but they are all around us. :matte-motes-big-grin:


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Its sad but most Lindens now travel the grid in god mode so you don't see them and they aren't picked up on radar or other detectors.  The only time I've seen one lately was if he or she were doing something that required them to interact with a resident.  I'm sure they wouldn't get much work done if they didn't go around in stealth mode as people would be stopping them all the time to ask questions or complain.

When I joined SL I saw Lindens all the time out and about.  If you needed help you could go to the top of your viewer and click help and a linden would actually show up to help you!  Of course the world was a lot smaller then in both size and population  Today they'd need an army of Lindens to just respond to the most urgent of calls.

A number of Lindens have alt accounts now that do not have Linden as their name.  So you never know,  You may be dancing right next to one next time you go to a club.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Its sad but most Lindens now travel the grid in god mode so you don't see them and they aren't picked up on radar or other detectors.  The only time I've seen one lately was if he or she were doing something that required them to interact with a resident. 
I'm sure they wouldn't get much work done if they didn't go around in stealth mode as people would be stopping them all the time to ask questions or complain


THIS! Especially the constant flood of whining and griefing they'd be subjected to.

Been there, done that, seen it happen to other CS people in other online communities. Most after a while have to create new accounts or avatars they don't reveal to anyone just so they're not constantly bombarded with harassment.

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