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azro Maktoum

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You don't want to use a channel number and you don't want to see what you say to the object? If that's what you want to know - the answer: That isn't possible.

You can make the object listen to channel 0 (which is a pretty bad idea) and what you say on it - but what you say appears in the local chat.

If you want to day something on a different channel, you have to use a channel number.


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This is possible to do but your requirement is not clear.


You can use script communications using http, xml/rpc and email, none of which require a channel.


An avatar cannot communicate directly though without a script by one of the above methods.


Can't you just use a channel, what is the issue?

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Yeah, I'm not sure if what's needed here is instruction that typing "/1Hello" into local chat sends "Hello" to channel 1 without it appearing on local chat (channel 0)...

or, if there's some reason not to use the "/1" prefix, it's possible to create a Gesture that accepts "Hello" as input and generates "/1Hello" as output...

or if there's something altogether else wanted.

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Is it your intention to create an inline translator without the need to prefix each line with the channel code? If so, for personal use you might consider using a third party viewer that implements the Restrained Love Viewer specification. Public chat can be redirected to a private channel.


"When active, this restriction redirects whatever the user says on the public channel ("/0") to the private channel provided in the option field. If several redirections are issued, the chat message will be redirected to each channel. It does not apply to emotes, and will not trigger any animation (typing start, typing stop, nodding) when talking." @ LSL Protocol / RestrainedLove API

However, this means trusting your Second Life password to someone who is not Linden Lab.

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Suzanne Starship wrote:

However, this means trusting your Second Life password to someone who is not Linden Lab.

Sorry to be utterly pedantic here but NO IT DOESN'T.

I understand what you mean but please let me re-phrase it in case others take this totally wrong.

When using a viewer that has been compiled by someone other than Linden Lab, without inspecting the source code yourself and compiling that exact version, you are taking that viewer on trust, that the viewer does not contain nefarious code which could capture the password and forward it to someone else. 

However, just because you use a TPV, the mere function of using a TPV in no way causes you to transmit or pass your log in credentials to anyone else for their trust.

There's quite a difference and comments like that cause panic between those who may not fully understand the ramifications.  Equally, logging in to ANY web site with credentials has exactly the same ramifications, malicious bank web page coder, capturing passwords to use on alternate shopping sites for example.  Just as possible.

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bad idea , suzanne .. very bad idea to share a password


An another possibility is to use a textbox . you wear an atachement or un an hud scripted . you touch it , a text box is displayed , you type your message in the text box , you validate , your script sends your message to the object without displaying it in the local chat 

Same thing if you use an HTML form on a media on prim 


@sassy : you forget too fast : 

to refresh your mind http://alphavilleherald.com/2010/05/emerald-site-security-broken-data-mining-shocks-linden-lab.html

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I wrote a translator HUD a couple of weeks ago but it's not an easy task. For my HUD I decided that the user can decide between channel 0 (so everyone can see their original message in their native language, as well as the translated version - useful in some social circles) or using channel 1 (to hide the original message, but requires /1 prefix).

Suzanne is right on the money in my opinion - using RLV to redirect local chat to another channel is the cleanest solution.

Once your script has received the chat message it must send an llHTTPRequest() to your web server with the chat message. The server must then translate that, somehow, and return the translated version in the body of the response. Translation is tricky because most online services these days will charge. I struggled to find a free one. Don't fall for Microsoft's "free" translator API because it isn't free and it's a pain in the butt! There may be some software you can install on the server to translate locally but the output won't be as accurate.



Sorry this is going way off topic now :) But I wanted to chip in on the TPV side of things.

First of all the majority of TPVs are open source - the code is available for inspection to anyone. It only took me 2-3 hours to understand the login portions of Firestorm. By using Firestorm I am not sharing my password with anyone except LL servers.

If you're super paranoid about the published open source code being different from the downloadable compiled .exe then you can compile the viewer yourself from code locally on your PC, or use a checksum to ensure you have downloaded/installed the official version. Granted I will only TPVs which have general community approval - I'm not going to run a TPV given to me by a random stranger.

To say that open source software is a "bad idea" because it's "not official" is frustrating to anyone who contributes to open source software and, in my opinion, reverse logic. I can read through my Firestorm viewer code and see what data is sent to whom, but I cannot say the same for the official viewer. This goes for any closed software.

That's the first I've heard of Emerald but I don't think it's a big deal. First of all the data wasn't collected by the viewer. The data doesn't contain any sensitive information - no emails, passwords, names, payment information. What was collected ("avatar names, IP addresses, and geo-location information") is information anyone could collect in-world by rezzing an object with a media player anyway. Ultimately the data is useless and not relevant to TPVs. If you think your IP address constitutes sensitive information then use a proxy service or unplug your freakin' PC.

</rant> That was way too verbose. Sorry. I feel better though :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

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Your try to hide the defaukts of TPVs behind the fake opensource excuse 

TPV are open source .. Of course , because Linden Lab is open source  ...

Their code may be viewed  .. Of course because the license given by Linden Labs impose it . 

But it doesn t mean that everybody who uses open source is honnest . More and more developpers use open source , and because of their success, more and more developpers of virus , frauders , phishers , etc  use open source . .



To add , even if the code is available , you can t talk for every users , not educated to computer science , and tell them : "read the source if you don t trust them"  . You are able to read in 2-3 hours the code of Firestorm ?

Congratz , dude .. I have the source of the Linden lab viewer in my computer , and it takes 60 megabytes only for the sources .. You read very fast .. I am not convinced that the majority of users could read as fast as you some obscure C++ code . You don t read the sources as fast as a poetry book 

You will explain me too how  some newbie in computer  can read as fast the code in 2 hours  and all a bunch of developpers are unable to read in 2 years the code to fix their so numerous bugs ....no comment ...


I m sorry but i am able to do a big difference between some   serious developpers of open source as the developpers of emacs , firefox, apache etc ...and  some developpers who develop maybe 1 month , maybe 1 year , sometimes for a viewer , sometimes for an another viewer , even sometimes for linden labs , sometimes for onyx viewer , sometimes for cryolife ...and often who disappear of the scene ... so often ...

For your information , about the IPS , the website need to know your ip ... to answer to the request .. But  i didn t see any web brower collecting some IPS from their users and making a database with it .  ( except when they collect carsh reports , who is even not activated by default ) . 

When Mozilla collects some money to their financment , it s because of  the advertisements , and of the financement from other sites as google who detect the user_agent . They don t sell a collection of IPs to someone because they don t have it . 

A viewer is not a website .. it s a kind of browser .. So it was not its role to collect some IPs and to transfer them to an another server . 




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@sassy : you forget too fast : 

to refresh your mind 

No I did not.  I was VERY clear in my post where I said " you are taking that viewer on trust, that the viewer does not contain nefarious code which could capture the password and forward it to someone else. "

I was just correcting the statement that said "you are trusting someone else with your password".  The password is never sent to anyone else UNLESS there is malicious code.  You trust the viewer, not your credentials to someone else. It's a very pedantic but precise point.

I do agree with you though, it is not feasible to read or inspect the code.  The Emerald team missed the malicious code that had been inserted by one of the team, however that does not alter the statement that you do not give your password to anyone to trust, it's simply a case of trusting the viewer and that it has no malicious code.

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