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Suzanne Starship

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Everything posted by Suzanne Starship

  1. Is it your intention to create an inline translator without the need to prefix each line with the channel code? If so, for personal use you might consider using a third party viewer that implements the Restrained Love Viewer specification. Public chat can be redirected to a private channel. "@redirchat:<channel_number>=<rem/add>" "When active, this restriction redirects whatever the user says on the public channel ("/0") to the private channel provided in the option field. If several redirections are issued, the chat message will be redirected to each channel. It does not apply to emotes, and will not trigger any animation (typing start, typing stop, nodding) when talking." @ LSL Protocol / RestrainedLove API However, this means trusting your Second Life password to someone who is not Linden Lab.
  2. I have edited message 6 above. I was reminded that a pirate could create and upload a prim with a creator key other than his own. But my focus is that he cannot create and upload a prim with my key as the creator. Peggy, thank you for your information and analysis. I apologize for not having made myself clearer in the original post. I want only to be able to verify that a particular prim was undoubtedly created by me. The design of the prim and the designer & the textures of the prim and their designers are not part of my question. Again, thanks to everyone who has responded.
  3. [original post] I am aware that prims and textures can be copied. But when an imitation is built and uploaded to the asset server, doesn't it bear the pirate's key as the creator? [what I should have said] I am aware that prims and textures can be copied. But when an imitation is built and uploaded to the asset server, doesn't it bear a key that is not mine as the creator? Thank you to the sender of a private message.
  4. I understand the problem with released full perm prims, which is why I specified only no-copy, no-modify prims have ever been created by the avatar. Certainly, I have given away full-perm items to people. I am thinking of enrolling a new alt solely for the purpose of making these prims. I assume that is not against the TOS.
  5. Is it possible to forge the key of a prim's creator? Given that the creator makes only no-copy, no-modify, yes-transfer prims. In scripting terms is the data returned by llGetObjectDetails (KeyOfSuspectedPrim, [OBJECT_CREATOR]) a guarantee of the original creator? Thank you. Apologies in advance if this belongs in the Commerce > Merchants forum or wherever. p.s. Corrected, thank you Qie Niangao.
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