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Yeah I hear you. I really agree with you that a post would attract all kinds of opinions and expressions, but it's just weird that people see one thing in common in all the replies I see and I guess that's the main culture in Forum world, seriousness and people who wear ties and shiny shoes and speak perfectly. 

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Melita Magic wrote:


Even offering a sim or freebies one can run into this type of behavior. Enough is not enough for some who you will cross paths with in SL (or also RL.) We have to create strong boundaries, especially those of us who tend to be 'softies' or endlessly patient. It's too bad those types of customers can't get a sense of perspective. For most I recommend a note card of instructions for common issues, and refer them to google if they need a translation.


ETA after reading OP's latest post: If you haven't yet (I do not look up profiles when people post here so I do not know), then, put a customer service panel in your picks or in the first page of your profile. State that you will attend to customer service issues as your personal time permits, and if they have not heard from you in (reasonable time - I would say 48 to 72 hours) to send you a new IM or new note card, in case it was capped.


The above made me think of an "interesting" experience I had awhile back with someone.

I give complete, clear instructions on how to use, resize, etc. my products on the included notecard. At the end of the instructions I add, "I will make "Housecalls" at no charge if more help is needed" and provide the best way to contact me.  I also have (or had...now I can't recall) that same line in my MP listings.  The main thing I wanted to emphasize is my customer service.

So I get an IM from (I thought) a customer one day saying he can't get his drapes to hang straight and could I go to his house and fix them.  I responded that I would be happy to, but would prefer to meet him at his house so I could show him how I aligned the drapes.  He said he was rarely at the house but it was "open" so please feel free to go over anytime.

Okkkaayyy...kind of odd and part of me wondered if I was walking into a booby trap...lol.  I did go over and began looking for the drapes he purchased from me that he wished fixed.  As it turned out, he had not purchased drapes from me or any other product (confirmed by checking my sales transactions) but had a set of drapes from another merchant that were indeed hanging at an angle. 

I sent an IM to the person telling him that the drapes were not mine and he needed to contact the merchant from whom he purchased them.  His response was "Oh."  /facepalms


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HisaDrug wrote:

Not argument perhaps but its weird to me that you look at my personal profile n present it to public n say you wrote oh fuk this fuk that, thats gonna affect yer customers. 

Sure I agree wit you if thats the case. But customers would contact the shop owners no matter not, cos of the products, not based on how the shop owner wrote his profile. Thats just a really ridiculous thing to say. My post is about HOW THEY DONT COOPERATE ME COS THEY HAVE NO PATIENCE TO LISTEN TO ME IN THE FIRST PLACE. Not me, not the owner, not the shop keeper who has no patience. This is like repeating myself over n over n this is so strange !!! lol

Yer first few posts were very helpful I appreciated very much. I even copied n pasted em on my memo so I can look at it again, n then idk now I need to change my profile n how i think out loud or how to behave n how to speak properly like a public speaker just becos I have a shop? Im a friendly person no matter how strange my profile might look to some ppl, most of the time ppl dont even look at it. If they did they woulda stumbled upon my feed to look at the pictures. 

Now I understand this forum is just a personal exposure n set out for flaws becos ppl wanna look at the negative than positive. But I'll really end it up at this point n im sorry if i sounded harsh but take a look at all those ridiculous replies. on top of that now ppl sniff at my profile n say ok Im doing it wrong becos some shyt I wrote, n its gonna affect my personality. 

well not really. 



Preface:  This is not an attack but an attempt to help.

Whether it's fair or not, whether we like it or not, it is human nature to sometimes "judge a book by its cover."  A merchant friend and I were talking the other day and both agreed that forums were a good way to get a "feel" for someone - their personality, general helpfulness to customers, etc. and posts that consistently rub us the wrong way (everyone can have an off day) from particular merchants, we make note of and will not buy from that merchant regardless how wonderful their products are. 

How we present ourselves to the public in person *and* on forums, blogs, etc. can and does make an impression.  Likewise our profiles.  If I go to a new store, I tend to pull up the profile of the owner, especially if I may make a purchase.  There have been times that the profile has been so offensive to me (and what is offensive to someone varies from person to person) that I immediately leave, never to return.

This *is* an issue.  Maybe not with all customers, but I'd rather take measures to avoid offending as many customers as possible.  I do understand about social activities and there is certainly a place for that in a merchant's profile.  I have found over the years, however, the more seriously I want my business to be taken, the more space I use in my profile for that reason. 

If you enjoy rp (which can take up a lot of group space) and other social activities, I would use the suggestion already given to make a dedicated alt as your public relations alt and have all your store policies, etc. on the alt with a note on the front page of your main avatar to the effect of: "If you have any questions or issues with <your store name> products, please contact <alt> via <whatever method you choose>.  I suggest email and then set the alt to receive in world IMs to email so you can receive those offline and log in the alt to attend to the issues.

Most of the posters here are truly trying to help you.  If you respond with, "Yes, but..." there's not much more anyone can do.


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Tiffy Vella wrote:

Yes, 16

You are spot on re the translators.

I use google translator when needed. It's not perfect but helps so much
I find it best when sentences are short, and contain only one idea.

yes. translators are quite good most times. when i meet someone who speaks other languages to me then i try get them to turn on translator. then i turn mine on as well. between the 4 lines of chat we can usual work thru it all. is pretty funny sometimes tho (:

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Complete tangent to topic......plz excuse :)

Last week I had a call from someone who said they loved a necklace of mine, but wanted it resized to petite size. I explained that I don't yet cater to petites, and that my things could all be shrunk, but only so far. She persisted that she wanted this necklace but in petite size. I assumed that she owned it, as I sell sets, not just necklaces on their own. I asked her several times about the name of the thing she was wearing, but she couldn't say. I kept trying to help her, to explain how to make it smaller, as I sell modifiable things which are shrinkable, but she couldn't do it. After 20 minutes of stress, I finally found out that the necklace wasn't made by me, was somebody else's no-mod thing. GAAAAAAAHHHH.

Czari Zenovka wrote:

Melita Magic wrote:

Even offering a sim or freebies one can run into this type of behavior. Enough is not enough for some who you will cross paths with in SL (or also RL.) We have to create strong boundaries, especially those of us who tend to be 'softies' or endlessly patient. It's too bad those types of customers can't get a sense of perspective. For most I recommend a note card of instructions for common issues, and refer them to google if they need a translation.


ETA after reading OP's latest post: If you haven't yet (I do not look up profiles when people post here so I do not know), then, put a customer service panel in your picks or in the first page of your profile. State that you will attend to customer service issues as your personal time permits, and if they have not heard from you in (reasonable time - I would say 48 to 72 hours) to send you a new IM or new note card, in case it was capped.


The above made me think of an "interesting" experience I had awhile back with someone.

I give complete, clear instructions on how to use, resize, etc. my products on the included notecard. At the end of the instructions I add, "I will make "Housecalls" at no charge if more help is needed" and provide the best way to contact me.  I also have (or had...now I can't recall) that same line in my MP listings.  The main thing I wanted to emphasize is my customer service.

So I get an IM from (I thought) a customer one day saying he can't get his drapes to hang straight and could I go to his house and fix them.  I responded that I would be happy to, but would prefer to meet him at his house so I could show him how I aligned the drapes.  He said he was rarely at the house but it was "open" so please feel free to go over anytime.

Okkkaayyy...kind of odd and part of me wondered if I was walking into a booby trap...lol.  I did go over and began looking for the drapes he purchased from me that he wished fixed.  As it turned out, he had not purchased drapes from me or any other product (confirmed by checking my sales transactions) but had a set of drapes from another merchant that were indeed hanging at an angle. 

I sent an IM to the person telling him that the drapes were not mine and he needed to contact the merchant from whom he purchased them.  His response was "Oh."  /facepalms



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So from what I understand about the discussion you had with your friends how you can "feel" one's personality from this Forums where people don't give others a chance to be nice when it comes to a sensitive subject, Okay, so, I think it's one way to decide whom you wanna buy from because a shop owner's personality comes before your shopping spree, and frankly I think it's very shallow as in surface licking. 

For the known records in my own personal experience, I've seen many nice shop owners who appeared on Forums and turned out so so horrible with their customer service. I have that experience afew times and now I can't judge someone's wholeness based on one forum thread that was meant to be a shout for help or positive association to better solutions, but turned out to be a nerd on the spot. 

I'm a very honest guy and I don't do fake stuff just to please others, because it's important for me to stay frank about everything. My profile is a part of who I am and it's really nobody's business what I express on there whether or not I have a shop. If they have a problem with my products, they'd contact me about it, not about my profile. You make it sound like I wrote a bomb threat on there or something loll but I can't avoid the fact that I'm a funny person and I have my days to poke around unnecessary ideas. And what you're saying is I have to be aware of my face in SL just to sell a product to an angry person who happens to live across the ocean and attacks me out of nowhere?

I believe in package, too. But I'm a believer in one-to-one relationship. If they feel like judging someone based on a thread on Forums that went awry because of one hypersentivie person made more sense to public because he/she had more admired posts in the past and has more friends to support them? I would never do such a thing. I'd just think it's just a public thing and I could be wrong about that person. I'd definitely give people a chance to be themselves no matter what they wrote on their profiles and how artiful their pictures were. 

I'm just a guy who refuses to remain a robonic servant to other people's needs, but wanting to be more friendly and conversational so they can enjoy being a customer and probably I'd say bye with an additional gift to make them feel important. Not because they're customers, because I could be in their position as a cusomter one day and I just simply love dealing with them. 

My general concern is that most of people test the water too much even when it's just fun shopping around, they'd have to look at the owners profiles and say ohh he must be a pissoff cos what he wrote, how he presented himself, he must be horrible and wow look at how stupid he sounds in Forum maybe he could be some kinda illiterate and I'd better tell all my friends his shop's okay but his personality sucks. And have you ever personally certified that person's persona to confirm that issue, no. Most of the time, nope. 

I don't have to explain to people here how I've been a faithful business venture around here for 2-3 months because It's a growing business and I was concerned about some reocurring issues that I had no one to talk about with. So that's why I came here to start up the subject and all I get is English lesson and how to do the business exactly the way some others do. 

I don't know it's up to you to judge someone by a cover, in this case forum lol.. but that's kinda superficial way to test the water because I know that people can be alot nicer in person especially when you have a heart to help and an ear to listen. 

and I'll definitely not say 'Sorry the sale's final, no exchange' when someone's upset about his/her purchse. I'd rather ask them to come over and tell me what the problem is possibly I'll do the best I can to replace the satisfaction, ya know. 


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HisaDrug wrote:

I don't have to explain to people here how I've been a faithful business venture around here for 2-3 months because It's a growing business and I was concerned about some reocurring issues that I had no one to talk about with. So that's why I came here to start up the subject and all I get is English lesson and how to do the business exactly the way some others do. 

I don't know it's up to you to judge someone by a cover, in this case forum lol.. but that's kinda superficial way to test the water because I know that people can be alot nicer in person especially when you have a heart to help and an ear to listen. 



I am reminded of an old adage, "You only get one chance at a First Impression."

We can only hope that "first impressions" are not used for passing "final judgement," that people are mature enough not to allow them to be the final deciding factor.

But on the other side, why create an uphill battle for yourself?

I know it can be a challenge because many of us will fight tooth and nail for our right to live our lives (SL and RL) the way we want to.

There are some things that to me are an absolute turn off.  And while I know that there are some people who are turned on by these things, when I check a profile and see groups like "Rape Me, Use Me," or "Blonde Bimbos Spreading Their Legs For The Baby Jesus," I am more than likely not going to have any interest in getting to know that Ava better.  It's what I call a bad First Impression.



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Something about your new topic title makes me think of Monty Python. ("Here endeth the lesson...")

Word to the wise: Can't really say a topic has ended and expect people to follow suit. Not on most forums. The topic will keep going anyway. People who remember the old forum remember the 'undying thread' - only a moderator can lock a topic.

This topic really isn't that bad, I think most people meant to help.

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haha i bet this was your last thread for a while!

but it is not your fault the whole thing went this way.. sl forums tend to be a lil tighter than i have expected as well.

not gonna give you another *great tip* everyone being halfway intelligent knows anyway, but let me say i liked the part where you said about your profile and your target group! if you know who you are and who you want to reach with your products, you will be successful. don't change for the great mass.

best of luck :)


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HisaDrug wrote:


So from what I understand about the discussion you had with your friends how you can "feel" one's personality from this Forums where people don't give others a chance to be nice when it comes to a sensitive subject, Okay, so, I think it's one way to decide whom you wanna buy from because a shop owner's personality comes before your shopping spree, and frankly I think it's very shallow as in surface licking. 

For the known records in my own personal experience, I've seen many nice shop owners who appeared on Forums and turned out so so horrible with their customer service. I have that experience afew times and now I can't judge someone's wholeness based on one forum thread that was meant to be a shout for help or positive association to better solutions, but turned out to be a nerd on the spot. 

I'm a very honest guy and I don't do fake stuff just to please others, because it's important for me to stay frank about everything. My profile is a part of who I am and it's really nobody's business what I express on there whether or not I have a shop. If they have a problem with my products, they'd contact me about it, not about my profile. You make it sound like I wrote a bomb threat on there or something loll but I can't avoid the fact that I'm a funny person and I have my days to poke around unnecessary ideas. And what you're saying is I have to be aware of my face in SL just to sell a product to an angry person who happens to live across the ocean and attacks me out of nowhere?

I believe in package, too. But I'm a believer in one-to-one relationship. If they feel like judging someone based on a thread on Forums that went awry because of one hypersentivie person made more sense to public because he/she had more admired posts in the past and has more friends to support them? I would never do such a thing. I'd just think it's just a public thing and I could be wrong about that person. I'd definitely give people a chance to be themselves no matter what they wrote on their profiles and how artiful their pictures were. 

I'm just a guy who refuses to remain a robonic servant to other people's needs, but wanting to be more friendly and conversational so they can enjoy being a customer and probably I'd say bye with an additional gift to make them feel important. Not because they're customers, because I could be in their position as a cusomter one day and I just simply love dealing with them. 

My general concern is that most of people test the water too much even when it's just fun shopping around, they'd have to look at the owners profiles and say ohh he must be a pissoff cos what he wrote, how he presented himself, he must be horrible and wow look at how stupid he sounds in Forum maybe he could be some kinda illiterate and I'd better tell all my friends his shop's okay but his personality sucks. And have you ever personally certified that person's persona to confirm that issue, no. Most of the time, nope. 

I don't have to explain to people here how I've been a faithful business venture around here for 2-3 months because It's a growing business and I was concerned about some reocurring issues that I had no one to talk about with. So that's why I came here to start up the subject and all I get is English lesson and how to do the business exactly the way some others do. 

I don't know it's up to you to judge someone by a cover, in this case forum lol.. but that's kinda superficial way to test the water because I know that people can be alot nicer in person especially when you have a heart to help and an ear to listen. 

and I'll definitely not say 'Sorry the sale's final, no exchange' when someone's upset about his/her purchse. I'd rather ask them to come over and tell me what the problem is possibly I'll do the best I can to replace the satisfaction, ya know. 


as the other person on the end of the conversation with Czari I think you have the impression of our conversation completely wrong. It isn't as you described about just "being nice". Trust me, I buy from people who aren't nice all the time or that I don't know one way or the other.

What it is about is does the person seem to be a person I would enjoy doing business with? As a creator, our relationships with vendors is quite different than say someone who comes in and buys something you made as a one time thing, or even a few times over a few months. For example, I am good friends with a sculptor here, he and his wife and two of the most awesome people I have ever met. And I can't imagine anyone in their group not agreeing to this. Would I be as good of a customer of theirs if they had no contact with their group? If they were just quiet and had no personality? Probably not as good of a customer, but I might still buy. Would I buy from them if I saw them on the forums complaining about their customers, putting derogitory things in their profile and just basically being completes asshats? Nope, I can guarantee not. And guess what...that's my choice to do so.  And hey you can call it "surface licking" all you want (whatever the heck that means) but each of us conducts business here how we see fit, and how we personally want to handle things.

But if you want to be taken seriously in your business, use your avatar for your business, give it a professional profile, keep it clean, non-abusive and pleasant. If you want to be a grungy dirty kick your butt sex fiend...do it..but make an alt and do it there. And if you don't...don't expect to be able to say "it's nobody's business what i express there" because like it or not, they will make it their business and you will lose business because of it. Of course, if you don't care about that, then by all means continue on doing what you are doing, but don't ask on the forums "why" something is happening, get the honest answer from all these helpful merchants and then ignore what they are trying to help you with. The people on this forum (even ones who drive me nuts) are some of the smartest and most helpful people you will ever come across to help your business and if you turn them away...well that's on you and it's your mistake.

Since this thread has ended (lol) I will just say Good Day Sir!


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Once again, if you read the whole thread, I was trying to ask people why they keep trying to outsmart about English, not the subject itself. I came here to discuss some sensitive matters and somehow I ended up talking about profiles. My original intention of the thread was how to cope with a particular customer who is impatient to cooperate with the marchant because of his/her language barrier. Alot of people gave me helpful tips how to do this right, and profile was one of them that I was adviced on. What I was puzzled about was why people had to snarl about the poster's way of posting the thread. Just because I made some sensitive point about how some cusomters were from somewhere I don't speak their languages of? All i wanted to talk about was the management skills. And what some people had to do was portraying the negative side of my post when it was really a naive approach to discuss about the subject. 

Derogatory remarks about customers??? I don't know a single merchant who would do such a thing. 

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Yeahhh it was a bad idea opening up something that people avoid talking about in public like this. And somehow this whole thread summed up that it's my fault and I'm a horrible person who has no heart for people lol 

Actually some of the tips I've got here were very helpful. I tried to clean things up for customers convenience and it's getting better now. I talk to people more and search for the right way to do this. Not to mention, I have more friends to talk about the skills. 

I know I can be very forward about the things that people don't wanna challenge at the risk of damaging their business by chance, but just cos my principles are expressed as blunt as a bat, it doesn't mean I'm immature about serious things.

Thanks for the reply, and hope your business goes toppy as well ! 

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Yeah, too bad i can't close this down. 

I've never used Forums before so I thought people'd be a lot more understanding in terms of topics, but yeaa some good tips I appreciate that. It was allll right and I better pay attention to my own group to exchange inner dilemmas than present it to public. I just saw some topics about christianity on forums and now I get the picture why this is called forums. 


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HisaDrug wrote:


Once again, if you read the whole thread, I was trying to ask people why they keep trying to outsmart about English, not the subject itself. I came here to discuss some sensitive matters and somehow I ended up talking about profiles. My original intention of the thread was how to cope with a particular customer who is impatient to cooperate with the marchant because of his/her language barrier. Alot of people gave me helpful tips how to do this right, and profile was one of them that I was adviced on. What I was puzzled about was why people had to snarl about the poster's way of posting the thread. Just because I made some sensitive point about how some cusomters were from somewhere I don't speak their languages of? All i wanted to talk about was
the management skills
. And what some people had to do was portraying the negative side of my post when it was really a naive approach to discuss about the subject. 

Derogatory remarks about customers??? I don't know a single merchant who would do such a thing. 

Well no matter what you post, people responding are going to respond in whatever matter they want. it's the way of life in the forums unfortunately. And I didn't say you had derogatory remarks about customers...I said derogatory things in your profile. Look it up online: "Derogatory - offensive, uncomplimentary". Based on what was in your profile, some people  would call that derogatory.

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Deja Letov wrote:


Well no matter what you post, people responding are going to respond in whatever matter they want. it's the way of life in the forums unfortunately. And I didn't say you had derogatory remarks about customers...I said derogatory things in your profile. Look it up online: "Derogatory - offensive, uncomplimentary". Based on what was in your profile, some people  would call that derogatory.

Yeah again with English lesson lmao it's so funny to me that most of the people here assume the others are dumb. Ok well, I'll just laugh it off because you have my partial agreement about what you just said, but at the same time I don't really feel like going tippy toe about how people might think of me based on something I happened to write on my profile that isn't really serious or derogatory as you put it. Why is that derogatory if someone's quote has nothing to do with you to begin with, or anybody. Then why do you even listen to heavy metal or hard rock in the first place when all they yell about is hate. Hope you don't get confused between being offensive and being juvenile. 

If someone looks at a merchant's profile and spots phrases like 'destroy life' or 'life in pain' etc, and decides not to deal with the merchant's shop based on the profile, that's his own judgmental point of view. What if the shop's concept was latex or hardcore apparatus or adult contents? That might be the owner's general interests being hardcore whether it's SL or RL. I'd accept it as a part of the artist, not a suit who's being offensive that insinuates his/her potential manner toward their customers.

So many people say, "SL is just SL, separate from RL," and they go shockbunny when they encounter somebody's so-called derogatory profile. Why is that.

I don't feel like there's no rule how to keep a shop in SL. Some creators would wanna be called 'Creators,' or 'merchants' or 'shop owners' etc, but I know alot of the others would prefer to be called 'Artists,' even though it's such tough noogies for people to appreciate the ideas behind the virtual goods. What I'm saying is first impression is not the major business in SL, because it's really not worth it. 



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