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Why LL allow ppl to rip models from other games?


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It's really frustrating to see this ppl stealing from other games and modding colors and sell over hundreds of ls. normally i dont do this but this was the last straw that broke the camels back when i was checking blogs and saw this. 

http://imgur.com/yPNhL and http://imgur.com/PdTAE these are the Sl ones by N creations ( if isnt allowed to put the name i will edit it) plus mostly of the stuff skins and others are also ripped.

The real from where they were ripped are from mass effect 3 ( bioware )

http://bit.ly/RNaezG  and  http://bit.ly/O8N81l


Why LL keep allowing ppl to steal and resell in this way? my 2 cents as a creator.

PD: sorry for the links i cant seem to find how to post them here maybe is because is first post. 

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It does not hurt LL if ppl rip nice mesh things and put them in SL -- in fact, it makes SL look better to have nice mesh things. 


The standard advice to those who are making similar things from scratch is something like -- oh, make better things than they do!  (And try doing it in a similar amount of time.)

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What gives you the impression that the items were stolen?  What facts do you have to prove they are stolen? Do you know for a fact that the creator of the items didnt realize they can make money in SL also with their products? If I was a good creator like that and found out Sl was allowing mesh models and can sell them . I would be setting up shop in a heartbeat.

If they are then you should just contact the creator and let them handle it. But to say LL is just simply allowing it is a bit overkill. You need facts to back up your claims. LL can not sit here day in and day out and inspect every item against items on other games.

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In face, they are not suppose to.



The mesh tutorial clearly declares that ANYTHING COPYRIGHT RELATED are not allowed to be uploaded as mesh on SL. By uploading a copyright-related mesh to SL, and by selling it on marcketplace, the uploader is in the potential risk of having those mesh getting removed and even his/her account being banned.  It is just a MATTER OF TIME before LL find it out and do the cleaning.


But of course, there's always some trolls who likes to do things even if you tell them not to do. And if they love to waste their monies uploading meshes that will be removed someday, so be it.


If you see a mesh that is ripped from other games and if it is sold on marcketplace, don't buy those item, and feel free to report it to the admins. That's all you can do at the moment.


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Why do you think LL allows this?
I don't think it does.
There are strict rules about what you can and can not do in SL
Those rules can be read in the SL Law

What LL does not have is a SL Police.
Neither does it have a SL Court so you will never see a SL Trial.
Broken rules are broken if LL decides so, but it has to be told before it can act.

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This store has been running a long while. There's meshes ripped from the Kingdom Hearts games, Pokemon, Left 4 Dead and others.

Lots of Skyrim meshes have been floating around the marketplace as well: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Elders-Mask-Fat-Pack-V23/3508211




Ripped Sonic The Hedgehog meshes:



Linden Lab staff need to make themselves more active in monitoring the marketplace before the original developers see these and end up suing them to hell.

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Linden 'allows' this as long as the rights holder does not make a claim (DMCA) that someone is infringing upon their work. They do so as it is part of how they maintain their safe harbor status as a service provider under the laws of the United States that govern their service. 

Quick overview on safe-harbor:

In 1998, Congress passed the On-Line Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act (OCILLA) in an effort to protect service providers on the Internet from liability for the activities of its users. Codified as section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), this new law exempts on-line service providers that meet the criteria set forth in the safe harbor provisions from claims of copyright infringement made against them that result from the conduct of their customers. These safe harbor provisions are designed to shelter service providers from the infringing activities of their customers. If a service provider qualifies for the safe harbor exemption, only the individual infringing customer are liable for monetary damages; the service provider's network through which they engaged in the alleged activities is not liable.

If LL got into the business of making judgments, and made bad ones either way (removing content that was not-infringing or allowing / not removing content which was), they could lose their safe-harbor status and open themselves to liabilty for damages.

So while the way LL acts with regard to possible (or as some like to say - obvious) infringement seems to make little sense and is frustrating for legitimate content creators, the alternative would be no Second Life as we know it as there is no way LL could afford to keep the service running as a user based content platform if they were liable for any and all infringement that occurred. 

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  • 1 month later...

i've seen a few stores go under already. I just send out links containing the products to the publisher/developper who makes these things. Telling LL to remove them gets you nowhere, they dont give a hoot about it. Not until they get threatened with legal actions


Like this talentless store


And this one


who sells ripped models from Eidos games games, published by square enix. Bioware, published by EA, Epic studios

The second one was even selling armor from the game Tera, and probably got all those Anime/cell shaded models from countless other games.


So far Rocksteady has looked into some of the copyrighted batman content and forced some talentless bum to remove items. So i guess all you need to do is send emails to the companies who own the actual models, and hope one of these brats gets a lawsuit thrown at them instead of a warning.

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  • 3 years later...

arton Rotaru wrote:

chenpai wrote:

Nah.. ripped meshes are still around and are here to stay. Honestly the game would look like complete sh*t without content from outside games

Great first post. :matte-motes-confused:

I am guessing he is among those who are generously giving their time to filling up the grid with ripped mesh just to make SL look better.

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