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Hej I have installed Viewer3 and just like Firestorm it crashes every time

clay Bowler

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Hej everybody. I have installed the latest Viewer 3 and like the latest Firestorm viewer they keep on crashing after 3 mins

I have Installed 4 other Thirthpart viewers (Phoenix,Imprudence,Cool viewer and Singularity) and they work perfectly without any problem, so it can not be my system, Hope anybody can help othewise The new viewer 3 is just as crappy as the viwer 2

Regards Clay

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6 answers to this question

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No details about your system and internet connection = no help, clay. There are some really good helpers here but no psychics. Please add info: "options' 'edit" at the the uppuer right corner of you question to add text. I'm pretty sure you'll get the answers you need overenightL :smileyhappy: (not from me, it's zzzzzzzzzzzz time here, lol, but others will do).

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With Firestom try a clean install. Clean Install. Firestorm 4.1.1 is currently the most stable viewer being used with SL.

When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. If the viewer will at least show the login screen, get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.

Without knowing which version of Viewer 2 you are coming from we are futher restricted.

Since the viewer is logging in and running for a bit, clear the cache too. That is a last resort type of step and one should seldom clear the cache.

  1. Navigate to the cache.
  2. Windows Vista/7: C:\Users\<win_login_id>\AppData\Local\SecondLife
  3. Mac: ~/Library/Caches/SecondLife 
  4. Linux:  ?
  5. Delete the contents of the SecondLife folder. All of it.

Try resetting the viewer settings to their default values.

  • Navigate to the user settings for the viewer.
  • Win7/Vista: C:\Users\<win_login_id>\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\user_settings
  • Mac OSX: Users/Username/Library/Application Support/SecondLife/
  • Find the file: settings.xml and rename or delete it.

If the viewer will show the login screen, open Preferences (Ctrl-P) and set the Preferences->Graphics to LOW. Then try logging in.

Check to see if you have the latest video driver. From time to time the latest driver is not the best and one must roll back one or two versions for things to work. Search the forum for your video card and driver version to see if others are having a similar problem.

Before tearing your computer apart, try installing the latest Development Viewer. This is a pre-beta version of Linden Lab’s viewer. SL Dev Viewer DL. I am assuming you have already manually cleared the cache.

If you still crash, look in the Second Life log file: C:\Users\[win login_ID]\AppData\Roaming\SecondLife\logs.

Start from the end of the file and work your way toward the beginning. You are looking for errors. That text may give you a clue to the problem.

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Welcome to Second Life Answers, Clay.

It's not uncommon for people to be able to use the viewers that are based on the old 1.23 code, and find they have issues with V3-based viewers such as Viewer 3 and Firestorm. 

As valerie says, it would be very useful to see your system specifications.  It might be time to invest in a new graphics card, or maybe some more RAM, but we can only guess.

Also, ensure you are using a hard wired connection, rather than wireless.

Looking forward to receiving your update, so we can attempt to help you further.


To add more to this thread, please do so by clicking on "options" at the top right hand corner of your original post and "edit".

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In addition to the excellent suggestions already in this thread, consider the possibility that your computer is filthy inside.  Dust can create a serious overheating problem for a computer that is already using a lot of power for high-level graphics.  Your computer's defense is to shut down the application when the temperature gets too high --- often after 3 or 4 minutes.  If you keep using it without cleaning out the dust bunnies and cat hair, it will eventually burn out.  You can stretch its lifetime by using viewers like Phoenix, Imprudence, Cool VL, and Singularity that don't put such heavy demands on your graphics card as Firestorm and V3, but it's smarter to just open the case once a month and blow it out with a can of air.

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This isn't really an answer, more a follow-up question.  Did it start happenning after a Windows Update, and do you have an Nvidia graphics card in your machine?  I ask this because a friend has the same problem - still unresolved, but we suspect the Windows Update.

And I agree with the others that full details of your machine would be helpful.

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