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How do I prevent my groups from knowing my logged on status... i really don't like this feature...

Lepertige Darkwatch

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Welcome to Second Life Answers, Lepertige.

There is no way of preventing the group information from showing your online status. 

If you really feel the need to be totally hidden from people, then you can make a secret alt, and not join any groups.

Also, you can put in a feature request via Second Life JIRA.


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Even if someone can see that you are on line, even if they contact you, you have the right not to reply.  Just like in real life you do not always have to answer your telephone. True friends will always understand your need to have your own space. 

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There's no point in trying to hide the fact that you are in world. It can't be done.  SL is a social community, so the only way you can hide your status is to be antisocial -- log on as an alt, and don't tell anyone who you are (not even your Mother).  But of course that defeats the whole purpose of being in SL. 

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1) "Flash Inshan" is the wife of "Flash Gordon"?

2) Or "Flas Inshan" is the owner of "FLash" ices? -> http://www.google.es/search?q=polos+flash&hl=es&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=Bil&rls=org.mozilla:es-ES:official&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=vnYGUIiDDsiChQeaor3kBw&sqi=2&ved=0CEwQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=797


PS. The answer is unnecessary, of course :D

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As others have said, there is NO true privacy in Second Life.  You can be more, or less, private...but there is always SOME way for a determined person to find you.

If you simply MUST have privacy in a virtual world, you can create your own region, similar to a Second Life one, on your own computer, using the free OpenSim software.  That way, you can have your own personal private world.

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