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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

As promised here's a follow up on what I posted last month:

To avoid disappointment later on I'm reminding everyone today that there will be no "Second Life Economy in
2012" posted by Linden Lab this July or August.   Or any other month.  I'll try to remind you all again later in case you forget again.

I know there will be some people out there who didn't get the word.  Perhaps they already beginning to get excited about the soon to be released report.   Please - if you know someone like that - get their attention and break this news to them gently.


A slightly related item:  It's likely that this months wrap up of changes to the Feed will contain nada.  That doesn't mean nothing changed in the feed.  It means nothing changed in how the feed works, setting, features.   Stuff like that.


The last quarter where data on the Second Life Economy was published, was for Q3 2011. It was historic in that this was probably the last one ever to be published. I guess LL decided that the adage, "there are lies, there are damned lies, and then there are statistics," was true, and that SL residents were not as stupid as they thought.

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Thank you for reporting that the situation which has existed for the last 9 months continues to exist, I don't know where the community would be without you clever hacks getting the inside track on everything for us.

In my experience the people who have complained loudest about there being no report are the ones who always claimed it was all fiction anyway. Which would suggest it's more about having something to complain about than it is about needing the economic statistics for planning purposes etc. 

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Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

JohnMiddlefield wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:

As promised here's a follow up on what I posted last month:

To avoid disappointment later on I'm reminding everyone today that there will be no "Second Life Economy in
2012" posted by Linden Lab this July or August.   Or any other month.  I'll try to remind you all again later in case you forget again.

I know there will be some people out there who didn't get the word.  Perhaps they already beginning to get excited about the soon to be released report.   Please - if you know someone like that - get their attention and break this news to them gently.


A slightly related item:  It's likely that this months wrap up of changes to the Feed will contain nada.  That doesn't mean nothing changed in the feed.  It means nothing changed in how the feed works, setting, features.   Stuff like that.


The last quarter where data on the Second Life Economy was published, was for Q3 2011. It was historic in that this was probably the last one ever to be published. I guess LL decided that the adage, "there are lies, there are damned lies, and then there are statistics," was true, and that SL residents were not as stupid as they thought.

That's correct. 
Although the reason given for dropping the reports was that 'some of the residents said they were useless.'  Which suggests the Lindens respond to the requests of their users
.   (just kidding)

In any case there's always 10% who didn't get the word.

LOL! Well, I am sure the Lab does respond to their users when convenient. (not kidding)

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I can't be sure without seeing the statistics myself, but based on some of what I am seeing I think Linden Lab might be loosing some money, I can't be sure however.

1. The sandboxes that are usually hit by griefers even when there are no griefers there are Quite Empty now for the last week this is very odd.

2. The use of spyware on our GRID, CDS/Red Zone, RZ is gone but CDS and similar systems are still here and being used to log peoples information without consent. ( People don't like it.)

3.The Drama I know right just ignore it, but its what keeps me from playing SL as much the reason I quit for over 3 months before. ( It seems that even though I abuse report someone I can't give names here, These two people are allowed to go around and keep talking crap behind my back and yes I reported again maybe two weeks ago, their most nortious event was Griefing another creator and trying to get others to believe I am griefing their sims when its their own friends doing it, and its obvious. * see if you read under the Community Standards, Defaming another person or group in SL, and we are not talking about opinions or one time things, but like constant defaming is considered harassment, but these two people do it so much it causes me trouble people IM me about things Im like WTF not again. I wouldn't be shocked how many others have had one individual in any Group or Community cause issues like this before, but the most shocking thing is that one of the people helping this griefer *Is an admin there.*

Its an opinion but these are the Top issues I find plaguging our grid, and as a user of Second Life these 3 issues have always caused me major issues in SL. Sure  there is a mute button, sure get accused of something here get banned here go elsewhere until some jerk comes along and spreads rumors/grief yeah yeah mute again go somewhere else ^^ to me this is the way Second Life is, always that one Jerk in a community of over 500+ people who is willing to cause grief for another person or multiple people at any cost.

I have really ran out of things to say, but really I don't think that thousands of people want to sign up for Second Life in the state it is in, and the reason I beleive that LL still needs to make changes to fix this community and weed out all these dang griefers. Well recently its only been two people I know of causing constant grief towards my avatar, and then other people beleving their lies and breaking the TOS by spreading these rumors more, but the way i see it LL needs to bring out the RP Swords and start whackin heads.

LL should be doing.

1. Add age verification back but require ID verification.
2. Do something to lower the amount of griefer accounts that sign up for the sole purpose of griefing others.
3. Get rid of those griefers causing harm to others.
4. Deal with DMCA complaints faster, a Creator was recently ripped off by this griefer trying to pin it on me and sent out a couple of boxes of CopyBot goods in a group I am in with over 1000+ people who can send notices, and LL hasn't processed the DMCA, let alone like 5 days before that at least 5+ I think filed a DMCA on another incident and give the in world location, LL Hasn't done anything.
5. Viewer 3, I tried it again and I hated it had to go back to a V1 based viewer it both viewers have different performance issues, but overall I like V1 best.

I know LL is most likely filled with so many DMCA reports, Abuse Reports, and dealing with adding certain things to the grid like the pathfinding for NPC prim bots or something, but in reality to some it feels like LL doesn't care.

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JohnMiddlefield wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:


Although the reason given for dropping the reports was that 'some of the residents said they were useless.'  Which suggests the Lindens respond to the requests of their users
.   (just kidding)

LOL! Well, I am sure the Lab does respond to their users when convenient. (not kidding)

It is amazing how Linden Lab sometimes respond to our input.  A handful of residents don't like something and complain about it.  If Linden Lab does not like that same thing either, they kill it.

Then if thousands of people ask for something and if for some reason the Lab does not like it they will turn a deaf ear and do nothing.  They might comment "as we cannot please ALL we will not do it", for example.  :smileytongue:

(not kidding either)

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Coby Foden wrote:

JohnMiddlefield wrote:

Qwalyphi Korpov wrote:


Although the reason given for dropping the reports was that 'some of the residents said they were useless.'  Which suggests the Lindens respond to the requests of their users
.   (just kidding)

LOL! Well, I am sure the Lab does respond to their users when convenient. (not kidding)

It is amazing how Linden Lab sometimes respond to our input.  A handful of residents don't like something and complain about it.  If Linden Lab does not like that same thing either, they kill it.

Then if thousands of people ask for something and if for some reason the Lab does not like it they will turn a deaf ear and do nothing.  They might comment "
as we cannot please ALL we will not do it
", for example.  :smileytongue:

(not kidding either)

Or...LL geeks will come up with some "new shiny techno-whatever" that excites said geeks,  post a poll or hold office hours to see how many residents like this idea (or at least they did in the past), majority of residents vote/say they don't like it and TA-DA - LL releases it "because a majority of the residents asked for it." /facepalms

These days, I think LL just makes changes without bothering to ask the user base, but if they ever do again, my theory is to all vote/say, "Oh yes!!!  We really want this" and hopefully then LL will not release it.

Gah - having to use reverse psychology with a supposed professional business entity.

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