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login problems

Alexi Raynier

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For several hours now I have had a problem logging into sl.  To correct this problem I dumped my cache but now I find that before my inventory can load I suddenly crash.  This is accompanied by huge sim ping numbers though sim fps and basic fps and physics remain quite stable.  This problem began to be noticed by people on Monday after the restarts and has gotten progressively worse.  At this point SL is unplayable, since if you cant get online you can do very little here.  Moreover, it is a problem that has recently been addressed several times in these forums by various people and so far LL has either failed to acknowledge it even exists or has tried to make the excuse that it is either our connections, our computer of viewers that are at the root of it.

The fact is though, like it or not and deny it or not, Linden Labs has a tremendous problem here and it is reflected in its steadily declining online numbers as well as in the growing frustration of the most tenacious and loyal part of its player base, the long time players who own land, run business and are the backbone of SL society.  If LL wants to destroy SL all they have to do is continue as they are now and before very long they will have done so, because people will not continue to pay high prices for land they cannot use and services they are not getting and simply leave.

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You can add this information to what is going on.  The problem does not appear to be on of bandwidth, as bandwidth usage appears very low, Likewise basic FPS is fine as is server FPS and physics.   There is a tremendous oscillation in server ping and it can run up to 20k or more.  There is, however, no clear indication that this is causing these crashes as they occur at all ping levels.  What is noticable though is that loading of inventory is uncharacteristically slow and erratic and is often accompanied by long pauses.  This makes me think that core resources are being diverted and functions like inventory are suffering as a result.  If so this needs to be dealt with for from a players point of view logins and inventory are the foundations of all play and when those things are not working SL is next to useless.

All of these problems began early in the week and were first noted on monday after the unscheduled restart and got worse on Wednesday with the RC restarts.  Somewhere in this process something has gone terribly wrong and needs to be fixed and fixed soon, for players are fast loosing patience and if not corrected this is the surest way I know of driving them from SL in droves.  I hope this information gives someone a clue as to where to look and hope that somewhere in LL there is someone with the courage and integrity to address this issue and try to fix it.  LL needs to remember that it is the players who provide their income and if they cannot get online or get the services they expect to recieve and were promised they will look elsewhere.  Right now this problem is likely managable if LL moves to rectify the issue, but if it continues to deny it exists and in facts makes things worse with further misadventures they should not expect their player base to remain patient.


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Only time I have EVER EVER seen ping times into the 20k is when and I mean when I was running very out dated hardware


Thus far after my upgrade last year to a whole new system I have not seen pings above 80, so something is a miss here and I never expereince these problems you are claiming. 


So my advice check your hardware and see if it's bottlenecking, Sl aint really mean to run on hardware more then a few years old it is that demanding and wont get any better, so my advice,  buy a computer that can handle SL. 

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The standard fix is to log into a very empty SIM and hopefully you can at least get in world then (I think the SIM name usually recommended is "Lime"). You'll have to set your client to log you in at this selected location. If you can get in world there, remove all attachments to your avatar, hair, clothes, HUDs, ect (don't be shy, it's only pixels) then try to walk to the neighboring SIM (ok put on some really basic simple clothes maybe from the library first). If this works... put on a few things and try some more... trial and error... might find the problem is something you're wearing.

Of course yes... the problem could be SL also. I'm fighting my own problems right now too... unable to log into the web site, getting a 404 error. Amazing how much is going wrong lately and instead of at least letting people know what the problems are, and what is being done with ETAs on when we might see things fixed, LL once more seems clueless.

I predicted months ago trying to put the entire marketplace on the main server to directly feed from inventory wouldn't work... but of course this isn't the problem no no no. <sigh> I hope this fix works for you... since LL denies there's even a problem we're all just left with trying our best to help each other.

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Alexi and Lydia, all of the problems that the two of you (who by sheer coincidence are associated with the same sims, usually have the same problems and frequently post about them with posts that are all but indistinguishable in style) are having are symptoms of some sort of connection issue.

After reading one of Alexi's earlier posts I've walked from Osbourne Walk to Zerango (well, ran occasionally and got out my wearable scooter once, iti's a long trip) and had no problems on sim crossings. I'm usually on SL for several hours a day every day and teleport frequently from my home on a release-candidate sim (I'm on Magnum). I have teleports temporarily fail but I can only remember two times this YEAR that I've crashed after a teleport or region crossing and both times were to the same sim on the same day. None of the sims you two are associated with behave significantlydifferent from any other ones I've been to and I've been able to function on sims with over 70 avatars on them with a computer that's far from a supercomputer and an internet connection that's nothing special.

A connection that behaves well under most other circumstances can be bad for for SL because of the need for constant real-time two way connection. You might have a connection that's fast but erratic or have some sort of data throttling. There are many threads in the forums on connection diagnostics that might help. Or, of course, you could continue to blame everything on Blue Steel. But that's probably not going to do you much good.


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Hooray, able to post after 10 attempts today.

@ all on this thread:

The problems decsribed by Lydia and Alexi do indeed sound like connection/ISP issues but for one thing.

Way back at the end of last summer, we started experiencing similar issues with our sim.  There were occasions where the sim server seemed to almost stop, we had ping times of anything up to 20seconds, yet my connection to SL servers (tested) was sound.  One night three of us crashed as the sim failed three times in quick succession.

A call to SL support yielded a very helpful operator, who actually observed the sim crash for a fourth time.  In conjunction with Linden Lab our region was moved to a new server, and the issues disappeared, never to return.

We were subsequently told that our issue had not been the feared Timewarp bug, but some other problem which was never explained.

Now both Lydia and Alexi might cry Wolf a lot, but to all you naysayers I say this:  there is a problem which affects a small portion of the grid and it is a severe one, not a figment of someone's imagination.  As to a solution?  Well all Alexi can do, in my opinion, is go to Support and ask for the sim to be moved to a new server.

Beware though....we ended up on LeTigre, I suppose because I take the time to work out what issues are before yelling!:matte-motes-wink-tongue:

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all I get is half a blank nlack screen and half dark gray.   uninstalled and downloaded from a different site, same issue.   Turned off my firewall, same issue


I cant even begin to play this game


any ideas?



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Kamile and Candee, try this site to see if you can run SL. This is not perfect, but it should give you and idea. Can I Run Second Life? If there is a hardware deficiency, it should find it.

If your computer is ok, then check your connection. Troubleshoot Your #SL Connection.

If the problem is neither of those then post with more details. When you ask a tech question include information about your computer and viewer. If the viewer will at least show the login screen, get the info from the viewer's Help-About... and paste that into your post with your question. To add your info to an existing question use OPTIONS->EDIT. It’s in the upper right of your post.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Minicooper Rufus wrote:

I tried to teleport to Australia Rising. It seems that the sim doesn`t exist anylonger and i immediately got logged off and i cant log in again.  When i try to log in i immediately crash and it says that the sim doesn`t exist.

Can someone please help me?


Minicooper Rufus

Did you try logging into a different SIM or your home location?

You could try Smith or Aqua....type them into your start location.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

It is most DEFINITELY on their end not ours! I have 2 ISP providers both at T1 speeds, a $3500 machine, 3 different viewers, & have even uninstalled & reinstalled viewers I've combed through everything it could possibly be.And yet, many of these forum wanna-be-techs tell us it's on our end and try try this, that AND the other!  ZOMG!

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two posts.JPG


WhytRabbit wrote:

It is most DEFINITELY on their end not ours! I have 2 ISP providers both at T1 speeds, a $3500 machine, 3 different viewers, & have even uninstalled & reinstalled viewers I've combed through everything it could possibly be.And yet, many of these forum wanna-be-techs tell us it's on our end and try try this, that AND the other!  ZOMG!

I checked both your posts, and funny, I couldn't find where you posted about your troubles.

Troll much?

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