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Falsely reported for abuse?


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I was looking for a sandbox today. So I ended up tp'ing to one, I stayed for no longer then 30 seconds then left to another one. All I did was to cam around. A couple of minutes later I got this IM 

[10:42] XXX: you have been banned and reported for harrassing on sandbox and misuse of a public sanbox ressources
[10:42] You: ?
[10:43] You: who did I harass please?
[10:46] You: I'd like to hear from you whom I supposed to have harassed and where? Because I did not attack or harass anyone anywhere. If you don't talk to me I will report you for false accusations
[10:50] XXX: encaging people at the landing point is a violation of the SL TOS,
[10:50] XXX: nothing to add

So really, I only stayed a few seconds, I did not rez anything or use anything else against anyone. I just came looked around, did not like the place and tp'd out. So what can I do or what will happen now?


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Step #1:  Don't go back there.  There are plenty of other friendly spots.

Step#2:  The sandbox owner can ban or eject for for any reason whatsoever ... even a bogus one ... but that action only applies to his own sandbox, or at most the sim that it's on. So again... don't go back.

Step #3:  Relax.  Even if the sandbox owner does report you to LL (which I doubt that he will), LL will not do anything at all with the AR unless there is solid evidence that you have violated the TOS.  They certainly won't do anything without sending you a notice to let you know what they are doing.

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Probably nothing will happen.  Linden Lab will review their logs of the time period, see you did nothing wrong, and drop the matter.

Or, they may make an incorrect determination and send you a warning email.  Again, nothing to worry about other than the obvious frustration of being falsely accused.

You may, if you choose, file an AR of your own against the person who banned you.  You should state that this is merely because you wish to present your side of the story, and not an actual case of abuse by the (mistaken) sandbox monitor.

You may, if you wish, send a notecard to the person who banned you, pointing out that they got the wrong person.  If you do so, please keep it calm and non-accusatory in tone.  If the person who banned you did so because someone got caged with an object bearing your name, you might point out that some griefer objects pretend to be owned by an innocent nearby person.

One desire of griefers is to spread as much confusion and discord as possible.  Setting one person against another is a favorite tactic.

But, in my opinion, your BEST bet is to simply drop the issue and move on, especially since you did not find that particular sandbox appealing.  There are plenty of others.

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If you did not do the actions you are accused of, then Linden Lab will see this in their investigation of the issue and nothing will happen to you despite the abuse report.


If the sandbox you were visiting was a private sandbox owned by a group or individual and not LL, then there's nothing much you can do about the ban beside trying to appeal to another officer of the group about this being a case of mistaken identity.


In the future, a better approach to react may be to immediately inform the moderator that they have the wrong person. Asking moderators for the reason they believe you are guilty right at the start tends to make them assume you are challenging their authority, which makes them more hostile in most cases.

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