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Is this land group-owned ?

Innula Zenovka

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I can find out the owner's uuid easily enough, with llGetLandOwnerAt(llGetPos()), but is there a way of finding out if the uuid is that of an avatar or a group other than something like setting a timer, calling llRequestAgentData(landowner,DATA_NAME) and waiting to see if I get a reply (which I won't, of course, if it's a group)?

I don't particularly want to know what group owns it.  But I would like something that will tell me "Yes" or "No", either to the question "is it an avatar?" or "is it a group?" rather just ignoring me if the answer's "No".

I'm not sure there is anything, but I wondered if anyone else had any ideas.



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I can't get in world to try this, but can you test this way?


list temp = llGetParcelDetails( llGetPos(),[PARCEL_DETAILS_GROUP, PARCEL_DETAILS_OWNER]);if (llList2Key(temp,0) == llList2Key(temp,1) ){    llSay(0,"The parcel is owned by a group.");}

 Edited to add missing parentheses.  Thanks, Talia


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:-( I'm sure there was a simple inline way to check "Is this an avatar which I see before me, The freenis toward my hand? Come, let me slap thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still." and my memory was sure it was this.

I shall rummage further in the attic when I'm not as distracted.

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If I want to know, "is this an avatar I see before me, on the same sim as me?", then llGetAgentSize does the trick.   But my question is "does this uuid belong to an avatar, who may or may not be on the same sim as me, or may even not be online, or does it belong to a group?"   

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