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wow ,june 1 approaching fast,is MP ready for direct delivery??????

torid Silverweb

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I havent filed anything as I can see so many with the same problems not being resolved,

I cant drag anything into my Merchant outbox ,no boxes ,no folders, no single items ,I even tried to put myself in it out of frustration ;)it shows me a no entry sign and says in the outbox that i dont have a store and need to create a new marketplace store,haha i have 8 items successfly loaded from outbo and since then i get the demon X

I even tried on an alt that is a week old,create store on MP and load,
no success,have tried all pcs in house,all viewers possible

I cant see any answers anywhere and everyone i speak too with the same issues are telling me everthing they have tried,

wow ,june 1 approaching fast,is MP ready for direct delivery??????

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I have had no problems with uploading through the merchant outbox.  You have to use either Firestorm or the V3.  Log out of marketplace completely.  Resign back in.  Log out of SL.  Log back in again.  Try to open your outbox.  Let it initialize.  Once it completes, see if you can put anything into it.  If not, log out of both SL and your merchant account on the website and try again.  I only had to do that once on the day that direct delivery rolled out, and haven't had any problems since. 

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The scrum (move fast & break things) management style dictates they must finish the 'sprint' on time.

It's all about a endless series of hyperaggressive deadlines. Strategy & planning ahead go out the window.

Think Ford's assembly line process applied to software development.

The machine cannot be stopped or slowed for the workers. The workers move according to the machine.

Quality is irrelevent, it will be 'completed' June 1st precisely and all magic boxes will be killed same day.

That's what I predict they'll do anyway. As you might guess i've lost faith in their system.

Also I have no time for a messy conversion of my +300 items in an environment of cascading data corruption.

I don't know when I will ever have time for that.

So personally, they've left me out in the cold, thanks a lot Linden managers.

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WADE1 Jya wrote:

The scrum (move fast & break things) management style dictates they must finish the 'sprint' on time.

Even "Aglie" project management methodology has goals and milestones per sprint.  While 1st June might be a date on a calendar, it wouldn't be difficult to call into question whether the milestones have been actually met.

Right now, it would be more appropriate for the next sprint and quite a few after it to be "fix bugs" which isn't exciting is it.  It's far more exciting to work on new things but since there's no known roadmap for this, one assumes that there is no roadmap, therefore the only possible work can be bug fixing.

Finally, since the feedback about progress is virtually nil, one would then assume that these aren't a priority or being worked on at all, who knows?    If there's one thing that the Commerce Team excel at, it's a fantastic resolve to completely ignore the major stakeholders in their project progress although i've looked through my project management manuals and I can't find any reference to that being a laudable attribute.

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Thanks for you tip Marcus,Im happy someone has it working ;)

I have tried all that many times,

it worked once early and i was able to load 8 items ,and since then it doesnt reconize my store

I have tried all viewers,different computers and different avis,cleaned cashe,deleted and reinstalled v3 and firestorm to no avail

WHAT NEXT,anyone have anything else to try,ill keep trying everything

I have been able to set an alt up with a new shop and can now sell on here,but unfortunatley have close to 800 items on my main that i cant load

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Sad thing is Linden Lab has successfully hypnotized most SL users into fiddling around with marketplace to attempt their shopping & thinking of marketplace as the one and only place to shop. So, for many small merchants, moving inworld might not offer enough to survive because inworld will continue to operate at a fraction of its previous vibrancy, until the day they shut this horrorshow of a website down & redirect everyone back inworld... hopefully soon.

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Sassy Romano wrote:

...If there's one thing that the Commerce Team excel at, it's a fantastic resolve to completely ignore the major stakeholders in their project progress....

One thing that will help you understand all this, is from Linden Lab management view we are not the major stakeholders. We are not part of the equation at all. The major stakeholders Linden Lab are serving & trying very hard to please are their venture capitalists: Globespan Capital Partners, Benchmark Capital, Catamount Ventures, Jeff Bezos and the like.

If you want Linden Lab to pay attention to you, better pull some large capital together. The small consumer has become irrelevant.

My personal strategy has been to vastly reduce my dependency, quietly pull back & set a trajectory past them.

Welcome to plutocracy - your world since 2007.


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Oh yes and that's where the disconnect lies


merchants are the stakeholder in the day to day mp faffing around, VC's are the stakeholders in the overall LL strategy.


There seems to be a confusion over this on LL's part. If there are zero merchants, the VC's stake will trend to zero, its not hard really to understand the big picture.

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VCs aren't invested in whatever it is these days that constitutes Linden Lab's broadbrushed definition of 'merchant' or any other specific type of user. As long as a set margin of profits come out of Linden Lab somehow they are satisfied. They are not even going to be very interested in what happens today, they are only invested in Linden Lab's future profitability.

So all Linden Lab must present to them is a credible future business plan, that is all. That future plan does not necessarily have to include 'merchants', marketplace, or even their Second Life product. Don't be under any illusion there would be some intrinsic loyalty.

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Well tomorrow is a "deploy", which means they'll probably tell us what it was only if it works.

Really, I'm sort of OK with that.

What I'm hoping it will be is the rest of the permissions support for DD.

What I fear it will be is just another box system bork, attached to maybe some way for people to search in-world shops by using the Marketplace website.

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Some techie-type questions for you. Researching and answering these might help solve the problem of not being able to drag things into your Merchant Outbox. (At least, let's hope they do.)

1. A lot of the login and user authentication stuff that the SL websites use depends on Cookies. However I find a lot of people have cookies turned off in their Browser. There was a time when enabling cookies was considered dangerous, but those days are long past. So double-check that your Browser has cookies enabled, and if not enables for all sites, at least make sure they are enabled for all websites in the *.secondlife.com domains.

2. Tabbed browser security issues: The SL Viewer (and the various TPVs that support Merchant Outbox functions) seem to require that you be logged into the Marketplace before they will properly enable the Merchant Outbox. So open a Browser on the Marketplace and log in as normal. Then leave that tab open and open a new TAB (not a new window, a new tab) and go to the Marketplace Merchant Homepage (aka Dashboard). You should use a shortcut or direct link there. If you are not allowed to go there directly but are forced to log in again then for some reason your Browser is not retaining log in information. You need to change something in your configuration that retains (and shares) your login information between tabs.

3. Cross-window security issues. Close all Browser windows then open a single window on the Marketplace ... log in as normal. Then leaving that Browser window open, open a new Browser window and go to the Merchant Homepage (dashboard) in the new window. You should again be able to go directly there and not be forced to log in again. If you are forced to log in again then ... yup, you guessed it, you've got a config setting wrong in your Browser.

(Note: This should NOT work across different Browsers though. For example if you log into the Marketplace using Chrome then open the Marketplace with Firefox, the FF Browser should force you to log in again because they do NOT and should not share cookies and site info across program/browser boundaries.)

4. Make sure your SL Viewer (or TPV viewer) is closed and all Browser windows are closed too. Open a new Browser window and log into the Marketplace as normal. Go to your Merchant Homepage and just make sure things look okay. Now open your SL Viewer and log into SL, but don't try anything with the Outbox yet. Switch back to your Browser and pull up one of the standard pages (for example Manage Listings or Orders > Transaction history. Make sure you can get to that new page without error. If you suddenly can't get to the new page in your Browser then something is seriously fubar. Double-check that you aren't trying to use an "incognito" window or one of those special "super secret no history recorded" windows, tabs or sessions that a lot of Browsers are offering these days.

Remember that the Marketplace, Second Life itself, the secondlife.com main website, the forums and a few other web services are all being served by different machines in different "subdomains" .. so the ability to share login information across them all is necessary. Running in super-stealth mode is guaranteed to cause problems somewhere because information that must be shared across sessions and domains is being hidden and protected instead.

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WADE1 Jya wrote:

The scrum (move fast & break things) management style dictates they must finish the 'sprint' on time.

It's all about a endless series of hyperaggressive deadlines. Strategy & planning ahead go out the window.

Think Ford's assembly line process applied to software development.

The machine cannot be stopped or slowed for the workers. The workers move according to the machine.

Quality is irrelevent, it will be 'completed' June 1st precisely and all magic boxes will be killed same day.

That's what I predict they'll do anyway. As you might guess i've lost faith in their system.

Also I have no time for a messy conversion of my +300 items in an environment of cascading data corruption.

I don't know when I will ever have time for that.

So personally, they've left me out in the cold, thanks a lot Linden managers.

You know what really "breaks my brain" about this "new and improved" project management philosophy? Your analogy of "the worker must keep pace with the machine" is exactly correct. About three decades ago, when the Japanese were kicking the American car companies up and down the turnpike, the efficiency gurus all realized that forcing each worker to assume the role of a meaningless cog was the one most damaging approach to productivity and quality. That allowing each worker to exert control, giving each worker the power and authority to shut down the whole line if needed not only resulted in higher productivity, but also resulted in higher quality and higher worker satisfaction. Thirty years ago the "old and outdated" manufacturing companies that the car makers had become learned this valuable lesson.

And here we are, in an industry that is supposed to be state of the art, all the latest and greatest, working smarter not harder ... repeating and entrenching all the same management techniques that have been absolutely proven detrimental .. and labeling them as "new and improved".

It doesn't matter if you smear the manure on white bread or "all-natural, whole wheat, organically grown" bread .... it's STILL MANURE! (And trust me on this ... 30 years of sitting on the shelf has NOT improved its flavor one bit. LOL)

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And here I thought the days of getting television reception by coat hangers on the antenna, sticking your left foot out, your arms bent in a C shape and alligator clips on your tongue were long gone.

It's great to see LL keeping retro technology alive.

Or, when is ecommerce like playing Twister?

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:catembarrassed: thanks darious,I have tried absolutly everything everyone has suggested,at least twice

what doesnt make any sence of all that is i added a shop to an alt .same isses,logged,relogged,logged in different viewer,logged in through internal viewer finally got the outbox working for ALT (drove my friends mad hoping on and offline 25 times a day until i get sick of it)

the alt now has an empty outbox ready to load but I dont,pitty my 700 boxes arent on my alt and Im sure I'd get banned if I transferred them to alt

I have friends that have the same issue of the merchant outbox not reconizing store,go make a new one.we feel left behind as we havent even had the chance to experience all the other issues popping up.;)lol we have so much to look forward too with not initilising or days of spinning boxes stuck.

I already have a store inworld,looks like that will be my only outlet if  MP and LL has forgotten about the masses that cant upload and moves forward with this system,bring back the failed deliveries,i think we'll miss them.





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Forgive my density this morning but .. are you saying that you ARE able to make the Merchant Outbox work with an Alt, but not with your Main? Or are you saying that Alt or Main, Merchant Outbox doesn't work for any Avatar you try?

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yes ,i set up a shop on my alt and has outbox working Darrius,

I have a freind with 2 shops,he merchant outbox works on one account but not the other,he has the same problems as me.

We have tried everything logical and even a few illogical things together,checked settings on different accounts

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