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What Do Customers Prefer in Item Permissions?

Czari Zenovka

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I generally prefer buying Copy/Mod, no trans items, and that's how I sell things, unless they are something I consider gift items, then I sell them Trans only. 

Most of my Marketplace listing are copy/mod though, since they are giftable. Really, I should start using vendors that can gift items IW also, but that's another project for later :)

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I used to shop at a garden store before I started building- their items were no copy and came in packs of like, 3-10 items. This really annoyed me because they were pretty expensive for what they were. I wouldn't mind paying 200-400L for a really nice copyable item like that, where you are obviously going to want to use more than one, or 10. 

Thanks for selling your stuff copy!

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Rosemaery Lorefield wrote:

I generally prefer buying Copy/Mod, no trans items, and that's how I sell things, unless they are something I consider gift items, then I sell them Trans only. 

Most of my Marketplace listing are copy/mod though, since they are giftable. Really, I should start using vendors that can gift items IW also, but that's another project for later

Thanks, Rosemaery :)  It's looking like the Copy/Mod perms are the way to go with some way to be able to provide a transfer perm upon request.  I hear ya about the project for later - I have a bunch of those. :matte-motes-bashful-cute:

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Since you're keeping score...I do almost exclusively mod/copy. I allow modification because I hate items I can't adjust, so I won't sell any of my own that aren't mod. Except for my software product, my in-world stuff is small furnishings or land ornaments, and the copyable aspect is a big selling point. Customers can make as many copies as they want, and if they want a polka-dot sunbeam, what do I care. If they wreck the thing they have a backup. The only thing they can't do is transfer it.

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When I first started my store, pretty much everything I made was transfer only. Then I got smart and went to mod/transfer. But as I started using the Marketplace more and as I was shopping more myself, I've started switching a lot of my stuff to copy/mod. Pretty much anything I make these days is copy/mod now. What I like about it is that for the shopper it's copyable for them in case they mess up but through the Marketplace or through purchasing via a vendor, they can gift those items to anyone they want, so transferable just really isn't necessary except for those who might want to have a yard sale later, and honestly not sure I'm really concerned about that.

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Paladin Pinion wrote:

Since you're keeping score...I do almost exclusively mod/copy. I allow modification because I hate items I can't adjust, so I won't sell any of my own that aren't mod. Except for my software product, my in-world stuff is small furnishings or land ornaments, and the copyable aspect is a big selling point. Customers can make as many copies as they want, and if they want a polka-dot sunbeam, what do I care. If they wreck the thing they have a backup. The only thing they can't do is transfer it.

Thank you, Paladin. :)  Definitely looks like the majority vote based on customers, merchants, and merchant experiences is to go with copy vs trans.  And offering mod is a given for me.

Since we offer similar products and you have experienced copy as a big selling point, I'm excited to see if my sales increase when I make the change, which is imminent.

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Deja Letov wrote:

When I first started my store, pretty much everything I made was transfer only. Then I got smart and went to mod/transfer. But as I started using the Marketplace more and as I was shopping more myself, I've started switching a lot of my stuff to copy/mod. Pretty much anything I make these days is copy/mod now. What I like about it is that for the shopper it's copyable for them in case they mess up but through the Marketplace or through purchasing via a vendor, they can gift those items to anyone they want, so transferable just really isn't necessary except for those who might want to have a yard sale later, and honestly not sure I'm really concerned about that.

Thank you, Deja. :)  Right, the trans feature was to allow people to give away/sell an item they didn't want as I did in the past.  When I look back on it, the number of items I gave away/sold at a yardsale were minimal compared to stuff I don't use anymore that is archived in boxes...just in case.

I really appreciate the feedback here that has allowed me to really give thought as to "why" an option is preferable in sales vs. "Here's what I liked back in 2007, thus I think my customers would like that as well" and then never changed it...lol.

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Deja Letov wrote:

When I first started my store, pretty much everything I made was transfer only. Then I got smart and went to mod/transfer. But as I started using the Marketplace more and as I was shopping more myself, I've started switching a lot of my stuff to copy/mod. Pretty much anything I make these days is copy/mod now. What I like about it is that for the shopper it's copyable for them in case they mess up but through the Marketplace or through purchasing via a vendor, they can gift those items to anyone they want, so transferable just really isn't necessary except for those who might want to have a yard sale later, and honestly not sure I'm really concerned about that.

There are other reasons that I can think of rather than yardsales and gifts.  I'm sure there are others that I haven't thought of too.


and as a final point:

I, like a lot of people, don't buy copy items unless we have to (and not for the reasons above) - just as there are those who buy only copy items.  There are people who chose to make their items copy and some who choose to make them transfer. Each is a valid choice made to accomodate whatever the buyer or seller feels is important to themselves and their market. 


Czari Zenovka wrote:

I really appreciate the feedback here that has allowed me to really give thought as to "why" an option is preferable in sales vs. "Here's what I liked back in 2007, thus I think my customers would like that as well" and then never changed it...lol.

interesting comment - I must have missed that post, who said that?




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Couldbe Yue wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

I really appreciate the feedback here that has allowed me to really give thought as to "why" an option is preferable in sales vs. "Here's what I liked back in 2007, thus I think my customers would like that as well" and then never changed it...lol.

interesting comment - I must have missed that post, who said that?



I was paraphrasing my OP as to one of the reasons I chose mod/trans for most of my items when I began my store - first reason in the quote below followed by appreciating the responses I've received here that are based on customer feedback and merchant experience vs. what I personally enjoyed when I purchased items in 2007 prior to beginning my own business.  :)

Original quote from OP:

Many of my items I have listed as no-copy/modify/transfer.  My thinking on this is two-fold:

1.  When I was new to SL I enjoyed having transfer permissions on items I purchased so that if I no longer wanted the item, I could either give it to someone or have a yardsale.  (That also was what eventually prompted me to begin my own little business.)

2.  My products are priced relatively low so that if someone wanted more than one of an item it wouldn't be expensive to do so.

Over time in my own experience as a SL consumer, I find that I prefer having copy permissions vs transfer.  I like knowing I can store a fresh copy as a backup.  If I mess something up by trying to modify it, I have a fresh copy.  Since starting my business I don't resale items anymore, at least not very often.


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I think that was a little harsh on yourself then.  Unless this is a full time business you're not going to keep reassessing your business operations all the time. There's too much to investigate and review.  Tastes change in here all the time and unless you have a defined niche market you can keep your eye on you'll never have more than an inkling of what people are doing or prefer.

Two years ago if you'd asked the same question probably the only person who would have put their hand up for transfer was me as people overwhelmingly wanted copy but with the ability to create outfits and ll managing to tame the platform eating rezzed items it seems some are moving away.  Who knows what will be next?

Whatever you choose to do is good and if you change your mind later, that's fine too.  Your customers will either like it or not  - and as LL knows, there is absolutely no way to please everyone.. ;)



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