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Luana Juliesse

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I was just thinking the same thing - came here to see whether it had been brought up in the big tangled mess of threads raised since DD arrived. I guess it's only a minor thing for the commerce team to fix, but I've been making sales on my new items and I'd like to see them off the bottom of my list & displayed more prominently.

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Yup...looks like it's been this way for a while...watch these... https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3140 .... https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4506 .... https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3883 ... There's another thread about it here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/SL-Marketplace-is-not-resetting-to-show-popularity-based-on/td-p/1466211 ETA - sorry...just can't get text to format properly on my iPad...grrr....

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I just came on here to report this same issue... This is highly annoying and hurting my business... When I release new items in apparel/clothing textures they are usually at the top of relevance within the first or second day. But since DD my listings just stay the same no matter how many i'm really selling! 

Plus, I have a weird listing in my store... The name of it is one of my oooolllldddddd items which is not even in my store anymore nor is there a magic box anywhere with it in it. The picture on it is some car creation kit that isnt my picture AT ALL.... I'm filing a ticket about all this tonight. SL is my RL job as it is for many of us and we NEED our stores to work correctly and list in the categories where they are supposed to be. :((

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Ya this has been going on for awhile. I was releasing new items, but just this last week decided to hold off on releasing any new items til I see the search update. I will say on a few searches it's worked out in my favor, I've had incredible sales on a couple of products that must have had that unlikely chance of freezing on page 1 when it happened that I normally don't have. Should be interesting to see how these products rank after the search is unfrozen...since you know..the relevance search doesn't actually have ANYTHING to do with relevance and it appears mostly to appear by sales.

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I released a new product on March 21, just when the DD fiasco started but by March 31 or so the marketplace loading speed was restored and the product moved to the top of my first page by relevance.

The point here is that relevance was working just fine after the page loading speed was restored. Why it doesn't work now... your guess is as good as mine and no announcement was made whatsoever in respect to this matter, which does hurt business.

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Well, it’s year 2 after the SL Marketplace introduction and all what I hear from the Team is “ yes we fix it… we are working on a fix … soon , soon and soon…” That makes me wonder, what kind of people are working on that so called fixes ? Are they professionals ? I would say It’s pretty clear they are not. Otherwise this e-commerce platform would work flawlessly. After almost 2 years customers can expect a little bit more functionality and service stability.

So IF somebody is still hoping that the Marketplace will be fixed someday in the near future, do not believe it, cause it’s an illusion! Don’t plan long-term.

For the LL It’s high time to hire REAL professionals to do that e-commerce job instead of making half baked decisions all the time and rolling out one bug monster after another at the costs of the customers.

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Yeah and I have some more critical words for the LL because it has to be said. But before I forget to say something about the relevance.. Yes they froze it on purpose (and not only the relevance), so that they can work on their other major bugs, the crossover listings for example.. They might be easier to locate when it’s not changing all the time. But this is just another proof that there aren’t working any professionals in this commerce team.

The fact that they HAVE TO disable a major functionality in order to work on other self created major bugs says it all. Therefore LL: Hire real experts in this field or keep your fingers off the e-commerce! Sry to say, but it seems You have no idea how to handle it and you had 2 years of time (not to forget the over 1 year beta testing of DD) plus you have absolutely no idea how to treat your customers. You let them even pay for YOUR major faults and all what they hear from your side are excuses. Its time to grow up, start to communicate and consider new ways. Period!

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It's simple. Little competition = little investment. Little competition also = price fixing ;-)


Since updating sales rankings was only a once a day thing, it couldn't have been linked to performance issues in any way. Although I did notice that the early morning SL time updating of rankings was being experimented on a couple of weeks before direct delivery started up as it was no longer being updated around the usual 1 AM SL time.

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