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[VIDEO] Logging In to your Favorite Locations in Viewer 2.5 Beta

Torley Linden


Hey, wouldn't it be nice if you could directly login to a friend's pad or hangout spot? Guess what? We've got that in Viewer 2.5 Beta! There are a couple preferences boxes you need to check, and I've got you covered from start to finish, so download the 2.5 Beta and watch this video to see exactly how to make this work for you:


Here's da lowdown from Q Linden:

Logging In to your Favorite Locations
A  long-standing feature request has been the ability to access some of   your favorite Landmarks from the login screen, so you can quickly  teleport to places inworld. In the Viewer 2.5 Beta, we've added a  preference that gives you access to the Landmarks on your Favorites Bar  from the Login Screen. To use this feature, go to Preferences >  Privacy and select the check box labeled, "Show my Favorite Landmarks at  Login." If you log off and then restart your Viewer, then you'll see a  list of your Favorite Landmarks in the "Start At" drop-down box on the  login screen. Also, when this feature is enabled and you share a  computer account (login) with other people, they will see your list of  Favorites if they run the Viewer 2.5 Beta.

Subtle tips:

  • This works on an account-specific basis. Changing the Username at the login screen shows that account's favorite locations, if you have Show my Favorite Landmarks at Login enabled.
  • The Start at dropdown shows your fave landmarks in the same order they appear on the inworld Favorites Bar — drag 'em around to sort.
  • Alternatively, if you trigger a SLurl to launch the Viewer, it can also log you in to another place. The more you know, right?

Do you ever feel like you're collecting frequent teleporter miles?   Share your favorite SL travel tips in the comments!


Recommended Comments

Wow. Nice to see some REAL improvements for a change.

UPDATE: I spoke too soon.

I have both boxes checked and I am NOT seeing my favorites list as login options.

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Also, when this feature is enabled and you share a  computer account (login) with other people, they will see your list of  Favorites if they run the Viewer 2.5 Beta.

mmm? other people can see my list of favorites when not logged in? do we want this? better not turn this on then..

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I think Torley means other people using your computer will see the extra start location options, as they will appear there for you before you log in.

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Seems to be a nice viewer. I can't wait to test it whe... O WAI... i can wait because i'm not able to log in SL since 3 weeks and you guys (whatever you're able to do, you, lindens) don't even read my dozen of tickets ?

Good work there, but, what about working on a perfectly no-crashing viewer/service, instead of pooping new ones every month ?

Deal with it ! :3

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