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Fresh Fashion Guest Blogger Harlow Heslop - Fresh Simplicity

Linden Lab


Hello spring! My most favorite season of the four. Everything is fresh, beautiful and reborn.  When I think of fresh fashion for the new spring season, I instantly think of the beauty that you find in the most simple things. A simple cotton dress brushing against your legs in the warm breeze, or maybe a delicate pearl necklace, catching the light of a new day. Spring blossoms a crisp new image across the earth, and I believe the most uncomplicated spring attire can make the most impact in your wardrobe. Wild colors and bold patterns are oftentimes wonderful choices, but sometimes we forget how perfect the most simple items we own can be.

During this delightful new season I will be on the hunt for lovely items that speak volumes in simple form. Take, for instance, this beautiful new release from Annette Voight, the designer behind the store Decoy. The dress is simplistic and classy, and features a color-changing belt as the perfect accessory without overpowering the entire ensemble. To stick to my simplistic theme I've paired the look with a delicate necklace from Caroline's Jewelry, a softly flowing mesh hairstyle from Magika and a fresh-faced skin from Belleza.


This spring I encourage you to dress up and have fun with your wardrobe, but don't undervalue the grace and beauty in fresh simplicity. Sometimes our simplest ensembles are the ones that take on the most notice and make the biggest impression.

Harlow Heslop has been an active member of Second Life for over four years. She is the owner of The Pixel Bean Coffeehouse, is an avid blogger in the Second Life community, and an inworld photographer available for hire. You can find more about her work on her blog at www.harlowheslop.com or check out her work via flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/harlowheslop



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