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Entries in this blog

Strawberry Linden

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"Yes, I did indeed think I was being clever when it came to the title of today’s post. It didn’t start out that way to be honest. I just wanted to feature these very pretty lanterns by Cubic Cherry. They come in decor versions and hold versions and in addition, floating and non floating versions. There are other colours available too but I was drawn to the green one because I felt it would suit the scene." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"It was a little busy at the end of my week so I didn’t get to put my post up for Thursday and so I thought I would today. Except things happened differently and I had a few appointments to keep. This meant that my setup had been left to simple plain luck that the bears hadn’t made a mess of it and touched things they shouldn’t. I had expected to return to bears run amok amongst my painstakingly placed work." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"Thank you for joining me again today. I had intended another pop up post for Friday but I had run out of puff and decided to stick to the schedule. The decision was also based on the fact that there would no doubt be another pop up post soon enough as we approach the end of the month. How has your month been? was it good all round? or was it more terrible than good? I would say mine was good over all." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

Kurimu Kuma : Mirror me


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"Today is a credits only post since I’m dragging behind on work in real life. The picture for today is featuring three events and I had so much fun doubling myself up last time that I wanted to do it again. It is also a quick note to say some of your favourate events will be coming to an end soon." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"I don’t know about you but I’m running round trying to juggle the fragile state that is the ‘sneakily buying and getting presents into the house like a covert agent‘ and that of the ‘keeping the ones already purchased hidden till Christmas‘. So far, I haven’t been caught. I am however running out of areas to hide things as there weren’t that many to begin with. Is that something you are having to deal with yet?" Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

Kurimu Kuma : Dreamscape


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"Today’s image is meant to be dreamy. I’ve been sat for a while wondering if I achieved what I was going for. I haven’t come up with a definative answer yet. Half a bowl of popcorn later I believe I’m going to stare at it a bit more because I still can’t tell. First however, I’m going to get through the post and the credits because time doesn’t wait for important things like introspection." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"I’m finally done with the week! I’ve not done such a long, fully intense week at work for a long long time. I was absolutely exhausted! When Friday finally ended it felt like I should still be doing something. It didn’t have a single bit of time to devote to anything else the entire week so I was glad I had at least set up some posts in advance. We are talking 6.30 am starts and 8 sometimes 9pm finishes. I am done. Perfectly primed now for my weekend off and what better way to celebrate than to take a picture right??! Yes! Sugar too but let’s not talk about that right now." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"I’m back! like a strange person suddenly busting in through your door and throwing out those jazz hands I’m here. Did you miss me? I feel like I ask this a lot and I can feel you roll your eyes. It’s okay, take a seat, lets chat. I’m feeling incredibly accomplished today and some of that is just boosting my general mood. I have a plus 10 moodlet. I could even say I was feeling quite playful. It’s amazing how little it takes sometimes to make you feel accomplished. Or rather to make me feel accomplished." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

Kurimu Kuma : Citrus


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"Today’s image is a little bit late in the day but for some reason I came on wanting to do one thing, completely forgot what that thing was and then decided to do something. It was while trying to do this something else that I realised…I don’t even know what that something else was. It was a whole confusing evening. I think it was partly caused by my mind being somewhere else for most of the day. I had something else I was really stressed by. So much so that when it finally got resolved I think I was still too spaced out. So I had dinner and decided to come back to it. After dinner, this was made." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"Hello, we are back again. I had a lovely week’s holiday, it was so nice to just relax and not have to worry about anything. I am however back to a hectic week again and I’m just about keeping my head above water. When it came to picture taking for today I took over and threw a whole week’s worth of things into one image. I had to make up for my time away somehow. I guess that meant being really extra for today’s post. You’re thinking this is my whole inventory, you would be wrong but you’re pretending you don’t like pink and at this point, I know you’re lying. This is a safe space, bring it in." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"Today’s image is featuring my avatar, yes, we cloned her again because there were two ideas really. Initially I was meant to take a picture with Satomi, however I realised I would have to wait till today which would be too late for yesterday. I had decided to take a picture just with my avatar instead. However since I didn’t get to upload yesterday it turns out I waited till today anyway. This meant I did indeed get to take a picture with the two of us." Read more on the blog.

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