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Welcome to the Second Life Blogger Network! SLBN is a curated showcase of posts from Second Life Bloggers (and vloggers) in our community. 

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Entries in this blog

Blogger Network

"Hi Secondlifers, we meet again for a new episode of "The Art of Bellydance" my Secondlife serie. This time it's a travel to the desert sands, playing the role of the desert rose, this unmatched mysterious beauty, that opens with the sunrise and the wind of sands, a flower as beautiful and as tough as its environment, as deadly as a mirage... This is a sensual, and mysterious belly dance, graceful as the wind, warm as the sand, strong like fire. Enjoy the various styles used here to complete the beautiful story of "The Desert Rose". " Watch the video on YouTube

Blogger Network

"Hi secondlifers we meet again for a new episode  of "The Art of Bellydance" my Second Life serie.

This time i'm dancing to the very hymn of bellydancers, the unfamous Nour El Ain from Egyptian singer Amr Diab, no bellydancer have not danced to this very special song, it is not a bellydance song technically but more of a lambada, latin, sensual music with arabic lyrics, and this unique status of bellydancer's hymn, Egypt is known to have contributed greatly to Bellydance and still today. Enjoy this tableau in the fabulous and exquisite Egyptian area of the Continent of Africa sim in Second Life where I filmed with the generosity of Pompommy and Niko Laminsk the owners and very close friends."

Watch the video on YouTube

Blogger Network

"Hey les Secondlifers on se retrouve pour ma toute première connexion à la Beta Grid Aditi de Second Life, ce "serveur" secondaire est très utilisé par les créateurs afin de tester leur mesh textures, toute chose qui s'upload de manière payante sur le serveur de Second Life, mais gratuite dans ce serveur  BETA (qui appartient tout autant à Linden Lab bien sûr). Pour y accéder il faut y demander l'accès au support Linden via un ticket, voici ma toute première conexion je vous montre comment j'y entre. La Beta Grid est idéale si tu fais des tatouages, des textures, des meshs et que tu as besoin de tester gratuitement avant de finalement payer pour uploader dans le serveur de Second Life officiel, en somme ça permet de tester et ajuster au lieu de payer à chaque fois que quelque chose ne va pas !" 

Watch the video on YouTube

Blogger Network

"Hey Secondlifers we are back for a new video about the Hands on Care realistic animesh pregnancy system, they are releasing finally after two ears the NEW pregnancy for TWINS, so finally you can get pregnant not only with one baby but with two and twins ! This my review and also a little bit my tutorial on how to use the system it's by fat the best pregnancy animesh system that doesn't require you to change body or buy new clothes and worth every penny and it has dozens of new tasks for the Active Roleplay with your twins !💜" Watch the video on YouTube.

Blogger Network

"Hey les secondlifers on se retrouve pour le programme en français des 20 ans de Second Life qui débutent ce 23 juin 2023, Second Life célèbre ses deux décennies et c'est pas rien, voici le programme complet en français du SL20B qui n'est autre que le plus gros évènement à ne pas rater ou Second Life célèbre avec ses résidents son anniversaire, au programme des cadeaux un gigantesque Shop & Hop, des expositions historiques, des concours pour la première fois dans la vraie vie, du merch SL, bref plein de choses à voir ! Enjoy et belle célébration de Second Life à vous 💜" Watch the video on YouTube.


Blogger Network

"Recently I read that Secondlife announced that premium plus members get benefits with the Speedlight Viewer mobile app such as no online limitations and priority support. The bonus for me was that it is available for iOS. I had to check it out! My schedule in RL can be crazy busy and sometimes it would be easier if I could just quickly connect inworld and speak to my friends or ladies within Sisters in SL. This app makes that experience so much easier. I can even go to stores and shop! 
In this video I explore the full features of the Speedlight viewer app and I share my views on how it fits into my RL/SL. I would love to hear your thoughts! Tell me your experience about this app" Watch the video on YouTube

Strawberry Linden

"It has been a longgggg time since I have vlogged like this and i am loving the thought of getting back into filming in Secondlife. It has been nearly a year since Bleu and i moved into our "forever home" in The Grove Community and to be honest, i dont think we will move for a long time. So i wanted to show you guys how it looks so far (still havent finished decorating) and i also wanted to use this time to let you in my world (just a lil) I have tons of ideas to come, so make sure you stay tuned and join my journey. ♥" Click to watch the video on YouTube.

Strawberry Linden

"During the 5 years of being in Secondlife I have learned the ways that will keep you out of causing any drama or issues. One thing you have to remember is there are real life people behind the avatars and you have to ensure that you act in a positive way during your time inworld. I was a teacher for the day with my friends Gara, Zada  and Hiko as we go through a few etiquette's in Secondlife." Click to watch the video on YouTube.

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