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Welcome to the Second Life Blogger Network! SLBN is a curated showcase of posts from Second Life Bloggers (and vloggers) in our community. 

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Entries in this blog

Strawberry Linden

"FREE GIFTS cyberpunk - SPACE sims - DAMN GOOD outfit $12L...  Come with me as I take you to find some great FREE cyberpunk space gifts.  I'll also give you a small tour of some fantastic beautifully designed cyberpunk locations that are great for photos, role play or just hanging out.  And at the end of the video I'll go over the details of how I made my cyberpunk outfit under $20L!" Click to watch the video on YouTube.

Strawberry Linden

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"Before battle it was such a calm. I could always smell the tension as we marched on the field. Our armor clanging in a rhythm as we marched. I’ve been to battle plenty of times, but this one was the final one. This battle was to see who claims takes the claim of the board. We march with horses and our flag of our country. Weapons for the ready. Everyone stoic and ready to die for our country and Queen." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

Kurimu Kuma : Citrus


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"Today’s image is a little bit late in the day but for some reason I came on wanting to do one thing, completely forgot what that thing was and then decided to do something. It was while trying to do this something else that I realised…I don’t even know what that something else was. It was a whole confusing evening. I think it was partly caused by my mind being somewhere else for most of the day. I had something else I was really stressed by. So much so that when it finally got resolved I think I was still too spaced out. So I had dinner and decided to come back to it. After dinner, this was made." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"I haven’t been hugely active on my blog between the previous post for the NX-Nardcotix David mesh body and this post, so when I rezzed David to take him on a shopping trip, he was somewhat bemused as to why he was being woken from his slumber. I assured him that ample time had past and that it was going to be an easy ride this time anyway." Read more on the blog.

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