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Welcome to the Second Life Blogger Network! SLBN is a curated showcase of posts from Second Life Bloggers (and vloggers) in our community. 

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Entries in this blog

Blogger Network

hot toast

"Zaque Hexem’s surreal art might make you ask, “But is it Second Life?” 

He answers in the most Second Life way possible; he provides SL content credits. “Hot Toast” (above) is wildly inventive. Seriously, who thinks, “I have this beautifully engraved skeleton, I think I’ll  make some toast.”  Zaque, obviously, but who else?"

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Strawberry Linden

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"Wherever you are in SL and whomever you are – your experience is highly individual – it is yours alone. No one experiences this environment precisely as you do, and, of course, the same can be said of our presence in the physical world. Our perception is uniquely ours and ours alone. So how does one communicate that experience, share that experience? How does one reach out and share a vision of how we see this world?" Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"We, those of us involved in The SLEA Bridge Project, aspire to shorten that distance between YOU and an immersive arts experience in SL. As a bridge between the SLEA and the multitude of painters, sculptors, musicians, writers, performers, photographers, television and radio presenters, conceptual artists and so many more we envision a collective space brimming with creations from around the world, by people from all walks of life, who have a desire to create and to share their creations." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"This exhibit shows an overview of the places The BluShock Coalition have gone and the planets they have created. They currently live on a huge Asteroid that has a way to fold space and makes them able to visit anywhere in (any) universe. As a Part of the Blushock Coaition with Fazzy Constantine and his SL son Noah and a number of old and new crew members she’s spent time in space, creating worlds and having adventures between the stars and on away missions on planets." Read more on the blog.

Blogger Network

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"Zia Branner’s art is mostly colourful. She paints abstract and fills the canvas with what just in her mind. She’s inspired by nature and landscapes and consequently her art often looks like landscapes or like flowers. Hence the boarders between abstract and real life paintings are blurring. And what is dominating lies in the eyes of the beholder." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"Owl Dragonash is a genuine tour de force in Second Life: she curates art, organises events and artists across various venues; she organises music events (and arranges musicians for exhibitions and the like); she provides PR support to galleries and groups; she has her own blog with a focus on music, art and places to visit, and she brings an incredible amount of energy, shining enthusiasm and dedication to all that she does." Read more on the blog.

Blogger Network

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"Tuesday, April 4th - SLEA1: SPEAK EASY TUESDAYS @ SLEA at 1:00pm  SLT
Join us at  Willow Bay Literary Park every Tuesday at 1:00pm SLT  to listen to guest speakers read their favorite poems, short tales, stories some original, some classic, some only just realized. The goal here is to bring in those who love to write and read providing them with a platform on which to share. All ideas and/or suggestions will be considered. 

Thursday, April 6th - SLEA1: 8AM – 9AM SLT – Steve Who? @ The Street Artists Cafe"

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Strawberry Linden

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"Dido Haas presents Hilaire Beaumont, an artist who is once again almost unbeknownst to me. I saw one picture of Hilaire so far. it was exhibited at Valium SL – Hermosa in January 2021 (read here). And Dido wrote: “Until now only existing flickr works of Hilaire were shown at a few galleries”. At the August exhibtion new artwork from Hilaire Beaumont is shown, The title and the pictures speak for themselves – Tough Man." Read more on the blog.

Strawberry Linden

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"The virtual Hotel Chelsea can be looked at as a continuation of what had begun in a section of Manhattan many years ago. Painters, sculptors, writers, photographers and musicians began to gravitate to the area surrounding the hotel, and to the hotel itself. What the virtual Chelsea has done is a continuation of the traditions that formed there in the 50’s and 60’s. It is the intent of these writings to recognize and to celebrate these traditions and its artists." Read more on the blog.

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